Giving Tip for Delivery?

Today is the day guys and the main reason i made this thread... im ordering from the place before where i only tipped a dollar and this time i will tip 3... i am kinda out of my element but after reading in here what to do and what not to do i had to reconsider how much to tip... cant wait until 1:00 the food will be here
I would say that 10-15% is good for delivery. If it's a 20 dollar order I'll leave like 3 everytime though. If it's 50 bucks...I'll usually leave 5, maybe 7. Depends on the situation. Did he get here super fast? Were there a lot of stairs involved? Is it crazy hot or raining outside? A lot of different factors come into play when I consider my tip for delivery.
I ordered take out...

Went and picked it up.

It came to 19.49...

I slipped him a $20 and dipped out...

What should I have some?

I think you should have left atleast 21 total. 22 would have been chill, 23 would be an AWESOME tip for take out. They would never expect that much though. 10 percent is chill for the most part. Depends on their attitude and effort though. Sometimes you can tell they give no dambs about your order, and it shows in how they packed it and missing little items that you specifically ordered but are out of the ordinary. Then I wouldn't tip at all. 

But sometimes you can tell they really tried to make sure your order was made correctly, and they show that they care and took the time to make sure your order was packed correctly, and all of your requests were fulfilled. Then I tip like 10%. It really all depends. If it's crazy busy and I can tell he's overworked, and he forgot my extra napkins I requested or something else that isn't that crucial to my overall satisfaction, I'll still leave 10%. But if it's slow as hell, and he's just lazy and overlooked every single request I had, then no tip for the take out dude. 
ppl actually tip for takeout? Would you tip if you go to a place, order, and then just leave to eat at the office/home/elsewhere? Takeout is pretty much the same except they leave it on the side waiting for you to pick it up which i doubt is a big deal.
ppl actually tip for takeout? Would you tip if you go to a place, order, and then just leave to eat at the office/home/elsewhere? Takeout is pretty much the same except they leave it on the side waiting for you to pick it up which i doubt is a big deal.
Yes, most people tip for take out. I'd say 10-25% of people don't tip take out. And yeah, you can tell they did as little as possible to make sure your order was straight. A lot of times they just put the boxes in the bag without checking anything, they already forgot your other requests because they don't care, and it shows.

Other times they hit everything perfectly. Just a couple bucks is plenty enough usually. Depends on how big your order is.
Yes, most people tip for take out. I'd say 10-25% of people don't tip take out. And yeah, you can tell they did as little as possible to make sure your order was straight. A lot of times they just put the boxes in the bag without checking anything, they already forgot your other requests because they don't care, and it shows.

Other times they hit everything perfectly. Just a couple bucks is plenty enough usually. Depends on how big your order is.
Man, you're awesome just tipping everyone.  10-25% of people don't tip for take out????  It looks like you're making up numbers to support your argument. 
Yes, most people tip for take out. I'd say 10-25% of people don't tip take out. And yeah, you can tell they did as little as possible to make sure your order was straight. A lot of times they just put the boxes in the bag without checking anything, they already forgot your other requests because they don't care, and it shows.

Other times they hit everything perfectly. Just a couple bucks is plenty enough usually. Depends on how big your order is.
Man, you're awesome just tipping everyone.  10-25% of people don't tip for take out????  It looks like you're making up numbers to support your argument. 
He lives off tips, anything to make sure that you tip!

It's a scam.

And yes people tip because of guilt, unlike AKsuited I'm not pulling stats out of my ***:
He lives off tips, anything to make sure that you tip!

It's a scam.

And yes people tip because of guilt, unlike AKsuited I'm not pulling stats out of my ***:
Bilbosh, i respect your view/argument.  You have real sources.  AKsuited, ehhhh not so much.  

Who the hell tips everyone?  LMAO AKsuited be tipping people who make more than him.  It's hilarious.  
Bilbosh, i respect your view/argument.  You have real sources.  AKsuited, ehhhh not so much.  

Who the hell tips everyone?  LMAO AKsuited be tipping people who make more than him.  It's hilarious.  
Unlike both of you I actually WORK in a restaurant. I hang out with these dudes, I see the money they make. Believe what you wan't, but 10-25% of all guests don't tip take out. But this includes EVERYONE....even the people that only tip a dollar. And a lot of people only leave a dollar. But most people leave about a 10% tip. Next time you're picking up take out, watch the people in front of you....they're tipping. They aren't tipping much, but they're tipping. 
Bilbosh, i respect your view/argument.  You have real sources.  AKsuited, ehhhh not so much.  

Who the hell tips everyone?  LMAO AKsuited be tipping people who make more than him.  It's hilarious.  
What's wrong with tipping people that make more than me? And I don't specifically recall tipping anyone that makes more than I do. Sources? since you are so into those. Plus I'm not sweating a couple bucks here and there. It's just a tip man. Some of us don't think about it that much.
Why would you tip take out? You're not sitting and being served. You're paying for the meal. Nothing more than a societal pressure than courtesy.
Bilbosh, i respect your view/argument.  You have real sources.  AKsuited, ehhhh not so much.  

Who the hell tips everyone?  LMAO AKsuited be tipping people who make more than him.  It's hilarious.  
Unlike both of you I actually WORK in a restaurant. I hang out with these dudes, I see the money they make. Believe what you wan't, but 10-25% of all guests don't tip take out. But this includes EVERYONE....even the people that only tip a dollar. And a lot of people only leave a dollar. But most people leave about a 10% tip. Next time you're picking up take out, watch the people in front of you....they're tipping. They aren't tipping much, but they're tipping. 
Your argument is self serving, obviously you want people to tip every which way they can because you're making out like a bandit. But yet servers try to make people feel guilty about how hard their job is, and how little they make an hour etc. 
im not tipping for take out


i tip anytime i eat to sit down with a server though
Why would you tip take out? You're not sitting and being served. You're paying for the meal. Nothing more than a societal pressure than courtesy.
This is why we had a housing crisis, keeping up with the Jones'. People going broke to appeal to people who don't give two f's about them.
He lives off tips, anything to make sure that you tip!

It's a scam.

And yes people tip because of guilt, unlike AKsuited I'm not pulling stats out of my ***:'re just pulling lame articles out of your ***. So because someone wrote an article stating their opinion, this makes it fact? Surveys, stats, articles can be manipulated to say whatever you want. For every article you have saying that people tip out of guilt, I can find another that stated differently. 
What's wrong with tipping people that make more than me? And I don't specifically recall tipping anyone that makes more than I do. Sources? since you are so into those. Plus I'm not sweating a couple bucks here and there. It's just a tip man. Some of us don't think about it that much.
How did i come up with that? Well, you work in a restaurant.  And you're tipping garbagemen, doctors, dentists (per your posts).  I think they're making more than you.  Keep on with your weak argument.'re just pulling lame articles out of your ***. So because someone wrote an article stating their opinion, this makes it fact? Surveys, stats, articles can be manipulated to say whatever you want. For every article you have saying that people tip out of guilt, I can find another that stated differently. 
Articles are better than making up a number, like 10-25% of people don't tip take out.  99% of the time, you're 100% wrong.  
He lives off tips, anything to make sure that you tip!

It's a scam.

And yes people tip because of guilt, unlike AKsuited I'm not pulling stats out of my ***:'re just pulling lame articles out of your ***. So because someone wrote an article stating their opinion, this makes it fact? Surveys, stats, articles can be manipulated to say whatever you want. For every article you have saying that people tip out of guilt, I can find another that stated differently. 
find one then, the internet is free my dude!
How did i come up with that? Well, you work in a restaurant.  And you're tipping garbagemen, doctors, dentists (per your posts).  I think they're making more than you.  Keep on with your weak argument.  
Another person who has ZERO reading comprehension. Reread my says that those are people i DONT tip. Keep on with your week reading skills.

It's not that hard. Someone said..." there anyone you don't tip?" 

I then quoted what he asked (that's what the little grey box that follows "Quote:" means) ....then said Yeah.....then listed off those people. Seriously reading isn't that difficult man. 
This is why we had a housing crisis, keeping up with the Jones'. People going broke to appeal to people who don't give two f's about them.

i agree

ppl are stupid, a lot of ppl are when it comes to money

you guys worryin about tipping for damn take out an you got a guy like frank lucas with the gas saving Tesla not tipping for his take out
(unless im mixing up frank lucas with frank mucus)
no need to tip for take out, i coulda ate at home or packed a lunch if everyone had that mindset places would go broke

im not about wasting money
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most of the people in here talking about not tipping dont even go out to eat or deal with anyone who they have to tip.. 

thats frank mucus bilbo.
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most of the people in here talking about not tipping dont even go out to eat or deal with anyone who they have to tip.. 

thats frank mucus bilbo.
That's generally because people who don't tip are tight with their money, and eating out at a nice restaurant is way more expensive than other avenues.
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