Giving Tip for Delivery?

That's just not true. People go above and beyond because they want to not because they expecting tips in other industries. If the culture of the service industry changes people are still going to be knocking the service out the park cause they love the job their doing. People who do it just for the money won't (just like in other industries).
I think that in most other industries, people go above and beyond with the hopes of getting a raise, or a promotion. Very rarely do people go above and beyond in the workplace without some sort of self preservation in mind.
That's just not true. People go above and beyond because they want to not because they expecting tips in other industries. If the culture of the service industry changes people are still going to be knocking the service out the park cause they love the job their doing. People who do it just for the money won't (just like in other industries).
I think that in most other industries, people go above and beyond with the hopes of getting a raise, or a promotion. Very rarely do people go above and beyond in the workplace without some sort of self preservation in mind.
Servers wouldn't want raises or promotions? 

AKSuited- listen to the freakonomics one.

research found that level of service had an extremely low correlation with amount of tip
and also, found a strong positive correlation between amount of tip and if a server crouched when he gave them their bill (as opposed to just standing)
an average of a dollar more per table they said.

check out the podcast though, its really good , and clearly relevant to your interests
AKSuited- listen to the freakonomics one.

research found that level of service had an extremely low correlation with amount of tip
and also, found a strong positive correlation between amount of tip and if a server crouched when he gave them their bill (as opposed to just standing)
an average of a dollar more per table they said.

check out the podcast though, its really good , and clearly relevant to your interests
Yeah...I saw that. I don't agree with a lot of it though. You're gonna tell me my tips will go up by FOUR PERCENT AVERAGE just by squatting? That's ridiculous. That's what I was trying to say about surveys and studies. ****'s wack. You can make numbers up and just skew the survey and study to match. There is no way in hell I'm gonna make an extra 800 dollars a month just by squatting as opposed to standing.

And if "research found" was accurate in finding that service and an extremely low correlation with amount of tip, then why do I consistently make 5% more than the crappy waiters? That's a huge difference man. They're walking with 10 percent on the regular, while I'm walking with 15-16%....WHY IS THAT? 

And you're telling me you don't vary your tip much if you receive great service vs bad service? No way dude. I promise you it doesn't work like that.

Furthermore....if that was true...we would caught on decades ago, literally decades, and stopped tryihng so damn hard a LONG LONG time ago. I'd just give everyone "meh" service and only sacrifice maybe 1%, since the tip won't vary anyway. I'm trying for that extra 5% man, and I'm kind of successful at it.

When I know I blew a table, dropped the ball, and I get hit with 10%....I'm not wondering why. I know EXACTLY why. 

I will say that there is SOME merit to what you're saying though. Some people will tip 20% no matter if the service is good or bad. I know I don't though. If you suck REALLY REALLY BAD...then 10%. If you only kinda suck 15%. If you're decent 20%, and if you're awesome....25%. A lot of people have their own scales...but they have them.
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Plus squatting looks ridiculous to me anyway...I see a server doing that and I'm like "what the hell are you doin man?"
You don't seem to agree with anything that doesn't jive with your worldview, regardless of any evidence proving otherwise. And that is fine as well.

Hopefully I didn't come across as condescending to restaurant workers, but there is another side to this issue and simply calling people 'cheap'  is probably not the right way of addressing or convincing them to change.
You don't seem to agree with anything that doesn't jive with your worldview, regardless of any evidence proving otherwise. And that is fine as well.

Hopefully I didn't come across as condescending to restaurant workers, but there is another side to this issue and simply calling people 'cheap'  is probably not the right way of addressing or convincing them to change.
But isn't that what disagreeing is? A difference of opinion? And then you give reasons why you think that way? And I don't recall simply calling people cheap as a means of convincing anyone to do anything. And to me....proof is "in the pudding" as one of my least favorite NTers used to always say. I know that tips vary with service levels. I do this 5 nights a week...hundreds of tables a month. I have real life experience. I'm not trying to listen to surveys or studies when they say ridiculous things like my tips will go up by an average of 4% by squatting. Stop reading surveys and studies, and start opening your eyes...just watch.
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Disagreeing isn't the goal, finding and answer is the goal.
There is no goal...its just a discussion. I could have said the same about you...that you only wanna hear your own side. But that's what we're doing...stating our own opinions.
bilbo, that freakanomics podcast was the truth.
the more people that do research on tipping think it should be outlawed.

everyone else, just says "you're cheap", lol
View media item 949825
Guess I'm not so bad

Didn't tip because service was super amazing. Didn't give me any free things. I FELT like tipping that, so I did it because I WANTED to....
The way it should be
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Better then me. I went out to eat today and I didn't to anything . Felt good
Guess I'm not so bad

Didn't tip because service was super amazing. Didn't give me any free things. I FELT like tipping that, so I did it because I WANTED to....
The way it should be
I will say that that is super tacky that the restaurant has scripted on the receipt:

16% gratuity 

18% GREAT!

20% WOW!!

Like mega....SUPER tacky. It should just list the percentages with nothing after it. It should be low key, subtle. Not all in your face with GREAT! and WOW!! in caps and ****. And with nothing after 16% it makes it seem like it's not appreciated. There just shouldn't be anything after any of the percentages. Now that's kind of a guilt driven tactic, and I don't like it. I'd feel uncomfortable presenting a check that looks like that EVERY SINGLE TIME. What restaurant is this may I ask?
Why is it tacky?
It's tacky because it's bringing too much attention to the assumed tip scale. Customers should not need to be solicited like that by putting words like GREAT! and WOW! And then also put nothing next to the 16%. It's just tacky. And it shouldn't have the tip scale ABOVE where you enter the tip and sign the bill. It should be at the bottom, out of the way. This tactic FORCES them to read through the tip scale before they even get to the part where they enter the tip and total. FURTHERMORE, it says "Please circle your gratuity choice or write in a different amount below." It's heavily implying that they almost have to pick one of the numbers before they even sign the bill. It's dirty. I don't like it.

Having all that on the check is just lame, and putting it ABOVE the tip/total section is super tacky and pushy. Let the customers decide what they want to tip. Put the tip scale at the bottom of the check for those that wanna use it, but don't just interject it right in the middle of the god damn check with words like GREAT! and WOW!! next to the higher numbers. I've never worked in a restaurant that would do that, and I bet this has got to be some sort of struggle diner or something else like that where they are too ignorant to realize how tacky that is.
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Why is it tacky?
It's tacky because it's bringing too much attention to the assumed tip scale. Customers should not need to be solicited like that by putting words like GREAT! and WOW! And then also put nothing next to the 16%. It's just tacky. And it shouldn't have the tip scale ABOVE where you enter the tip and sign the bill. It should be at the bottom, out of the way. This tactic FORCES them to read through the tip scale before they even get to the part where they enter the tip and total. FURTHERMORE, it says "Please circle your gratuity choice or write in a different amount below." It's heavily implying that they almost have to pick one of the numbers before they even sign the bill. It's dirty. I don't like it.

Having all that on the check is just lame, and putting it ABOVE the tip/total section is super tacky and pushy. Let the customers decide what they want to tip. Put the tip scale at the bottom of the check for those that wanna use it, but don't just interject it right in the middle of the god damn check with words like GREAT! and WOW!! next to the higher numbers. I've never worked in a restaurant that would do that, and I bet this has got to be some sort of struggle diner or something else like that where they are too ignorant to realize how tacky that is.

But if they don't tip they're scumbags, so this way you ensure that no scumbags leave the restaurant.

Furthermore, you want a tip so why not ask for it; or heavily imply that you want a tip.
Here...this is a check from my restaurant. I don't have any credit card slip versions, but just the original check. This is from when I was tracking my tips to show earlier in this thread how a typical Saturday night goes down for me, when I even put how old, what gender, and what race the guests were. But the credit card slip looks very similar, it's just not itemized and it obviously has the empty spaces for tip, total, and signature....but still this should give you an idea.
I will say that that is super tacky that the restaurant has scripted on the receipt:
16% gratuity 
18% GREAT!
20% WOW!!

Like mega....SUPER tacky. It should just list the percentages with nothing after it. It should be low key, subtle. Not all in your face with GREAT! and WOW!! in caps and ****. And with nothing after 16% it makes it seem like it's not appreciated. There just shouldn't be anything after any of the percentages. Now that's kind of a guilt driven tactic, and I don't like it. I'd feel uncomfortable presenting a check that looks like that EVERY SINGLE TIME. What restaurant is this may I ask?

Nope no struggle dinner, Dallas BBQ big franchise in NYC.
But if they don't tip they're scumbags, so this way you ensure that no scumbags leave the restaurant.

Furthermore, you want a tip so why not ask for it; or heavily imply that you want a tip.
If they wanna scum it up let's their prerogative. It's a dirty tactic. I shouldn't need to ask for a tip....I'd rather let it just happen. I bet this tactic is counter productive in a lot of instances to. It's just tacky man....there's a reason why I've never seen such an atrocious placement of tip scale. Literally never. It's always at the bottom, much more discrete. You can refer to it if needed...but it's not all up in your face like that. 
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