Giving Tip for Delivery?

Plus where does he state any credible foundation for his assumptions that servers racially profile? HE DOESN'T. He just says it. That's all. Plus in college, haven't you learned that you can create, skew, manipulate ANY study and/or survey to reinforce whatever point your trying to make? Or conclusion your trying to arrive at? Studies and surveys don't reveal how they were constructed, and who they purposely left out. 

Seriously....if you read someone publish "I interviewed 1000 servers and 390 of them said they intentionally give bad service to black people"....

YOU JUST ASSIGN CREDIBILITY BECAUSE IT WAS A PROFESSIONAL/SCIENTIFIC STUDY? What about the part where they intentionally conducted the survey in Alabama, or Texas...where racism runs wild and white people still use the N word on a regular basis? Or intentionally conduct it in a very racist region in any state? I live in L.A.....i bet if you conducted that survey in Palmdale, or'd find a TON of white trash servers who hate black people. Open your eyes man, studies and surveys don't mean anything unless you are the one that conducted it, otherwise you have no understanding of the sample. You can skew that too.
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None of my inferences have been unsuccessful, I've actually been quite enlightened and my previous assumptions have been strengthened.
Tell me what inferences you've made of me that have strengthened your assumptions about my character as a server (mainly referring to the ridiculous idea that I racially profile).

EDIT: I DO profile my customers, but it's not racially. It's bad tippers vs good tippers. Again, the race or gender is irrelevant. I won't reveal how I profile...because the low tippers will use that against their servers.
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Plus where does he state any credible foundation for his assumptions that servers racially profile? HE DOESN'T. He just says it. That's all. Plus in college, haven't you learned that you can create, skew, manipulate ANY study and/or survey to reinforce whatever point your trying to make? Or conclusion your trying to arrive at? Studies and surveys don't reveal how they were constructed, and who they purposely left out. 

Seriously....if you read someone publish "I interviewed 1000 servers and 390 of them said they intentionally give bad service to black people"....

YOU JUST ASSIGN CREDIBILITY BECAUSE IT WAS A PROFESSIONAL/SCIENTIFIC STUDY? What about the part where they intentionally conducted the survey in Alabama, or Texas...where racism runs wild and white people still use the N word on a regular basis? Or intentionally conduct it in a very racist region in any state? I live in L.A.....i bet if you conducted that survey in Palmdale, or'd find a TON of white trash servers who hate black people. Open your eyes man, studies and surveys don't mean anything unless you are the one that conducted it, otherwise you have no understanding of the sample. You can skew that too.
yes, I do infact assign credibility because it is a scientific 'peer reviewed' paper.


I see that you are still profiling people by where they are from. 
None of my inferences have been unsuccessful, I've actually been quite enlightened and my previous assumptions have been strengthened.
Tell me what inferences you've made of me that have strengthened your assumptions about my character as a server (mainly referring to the ridiculous idea that I racially profile).

EDIT: I DO profile my customers, but it's not racially. It's bad tippers vs good tippers. Again, the race or gender is irrelevant. I won't reveal how I profile...because the low tippers will use that against their servers.
so how can you tell what a bad tipper looks like?
yes, I do infact assign credibility because it is a scientific 'peer reviewed' paper.


I see that you are still profiling people by where they are from. 
I don't see how "peer review" exposes anything about how the surveying and studying was done, considering they weren't there for it.
Don't worry as you can probably tell this has become the 'look at me, look at how much I made in tips from famous people thread'.
Ha ha....I definitely said Vivica Fox is a poor tipper. LOL at the "look at me part", it's actually become the "look at me I read articles and studies and believe everything they say because it's on the internet thread. I have no idea about the credibility of the sources but hey, it's on the's gotta be accurate."
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Don't worry as you can probably tell this has become the 'look at me, look at how much I made in tips from famous people thread'.
Ha ha....I definitely said Vivica Fox is a poor tipper. LOL at the "look at me part", it's actually become the "look at me I read articles and studies and believe everything they say because it's on the internet thread. I have no idea about the credibility of the sources but hey, it's on the's gotta be accurate."
Thanks for the compliment. 
Just as oblations to the poor will puff up one’s sense of self, “tipping well” — 20 percent or more — is a measure of one’s personal decency. People often boast of their tipping. The least attractive thing one could do in the US is tip stingily. That is for old, religious people or clueless foreigners. Conversely, if one leaves a tip at a coffee bar in parts of Europe, the barista looks insulted and confused, as if you were treating him or her as a beggar; are you some kind of playboy show-off who throws his money around? Obviously, these people have never seen the Scorsese film Goodfellas, which portrays mafiosi in the sixties tipping wildly in a display of rampant virility.

People fall over themselves to brag of their tipping prowess and, despite the inherent and obvious injustice of a massive, scarcely-paid workforce scraping and begging for a wage, there has yet to be a true revolt of tipped employees. In a lottery-minded, American Idol  culture, workers are loath to give up the chance for a Saudi Sheik to tip them a million dollars as reward for preparing a great smoothie. And there are palpable dividends; tattooed bartenders are bad-boy sex symbols that determine who gets served and when. Their management gives them an allotment of courtesy drinks which they can hand out to high-tipping customers or prospective lovemaking partners. Their favor is therefore highly sought by bar-goers due to their high-handed, undemocratic authority.
another pointless article with your quote stating the obvious. Your quote mentions that people tip to avoid being stingy....and? We work hard in hopes of great tips...and? LOL...keep posting pointless articles. You know....I could flood the thread with ENDLESS "why you shoud tip your server" articles....right? Seriously....whats the point of that?
you're obviously not very bright. And that is fine as well, hopefully someone else finds utility in what was posted. I just found it to be an interesting read.
tip w.e youre heart desires just remember if you was the person delivering or serving food how much of a tip would you like for good service
you're obviously not very bright. And that is fine as well, hopefully someone else finds utility in what was posted. I just found it to be an interesting read.
You found it to be interesting because a LOT of it reinforces your opinions. And keep taking shots breh, I'm not insecure and it just shows your continued level of frustration with me. I'm actually very intelligent. I'd even be willing to wager that my IQ is higher than yours. We are neither here nor there, but it's laughable that you are now taking shots at my intelligence level. Keep up with the insults, it's pretty  much all you've got.
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Obviously you are missing the point here (which is ironic since you insist on taking shots at my intelligence level). Obviously, posting the article was meant to infer what I've been saying all along. Articles are pointless. There are a million for every side of every debate. This one was obviously meant to show the other extreme. It's obviously written by someone who tips very heavy. Sources matter. Stop with the pointless articles because there are a million more that side with me as well.

Of course 25% is too much, as an average. I never average 25% over an entire month. But for an evening? Sure. I would also agree that if everyone tipped 25% it would be too much. LOL...I'd be making ridiculous cash for the level of work I do if it went down like that every single night.

what do you think would happen if there were polls on the articles that enforce not tipping the server. If the poll read....Stiffing the server is the proper thing to do. yes or no? You don't think the overwhelming majority, would vote against that? Okaaaaaay. Keep reading articles breh.
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