Giving Tip for Delivery?

Shot is disgusting busy profiling people who just want to sit down and have a meal.
LOL...I wasn't profiling anyone...just accounting. Profiling would mean I was assuming something about them based on their race, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. I wasn't assuming anything,  just accounting the info. I only did it for that one time to give a more descriptive account of how my customers tipped me that evening, so that I could post it on NT. Were you not here for this? Any inferences made were solely of those of the reader, I just presented the info. Keep reaching. I'm probably the least racist person/server you'd ever meet. Making assumptions about my character much? Now that's what's disgusting.
So if a place charges a five dollar delivery fee do u still tip?
That seems like a lot for a delivery charge. Most places are 2 or 3 bucks for delivery. And yes I still tip, under the assumption that the delivery fee does not get seen by the driver at all...which is generally the case. If they really charged 5 dollars for delivery, I'd ask why it's so high, and if the driver incurs any of the charge as income. If they said yes, I'd still tip, but much less since a couple bucks is already going his way anyway. If they said no, I'd still tip about 10-15%, but probably wouldn't order delivery from them gain, as that's just a ridiculous service charge. They're straight raping, making money on deliveries. 

The delivery fee was originally introduced to counter the quickly increasing gas costs. When gas was like 2.00 a gallon out here in L.A., delivery fees were very few and far between. Now that they're well over see a lot more delivery fees, also higher ones of 3 or 3.50. But 5? Jesus....take advantage much? That's definitely a profit generating fee and NOT a cost of business fee.
Explain how.
And for what it's worth, the dudes in the podcasts you mentioned were doing it WAAAAAAY worse than me....straight SAYING that black people tip the worst. I never made inferences about how the accounts I made of the age, gender, and races of the paying guests related to the tip. Some of my best tips that night were from black people. So please, tell me how I was profiling, and not accounting.
Got em.... Lol
Someone in the last tipping thread admitted that's how they figure out bad tippers....
He claims he doesn't so he can have the benefit of doubt.... But he won't say how he determines
LOL...I'll say it again. The signs bad tippers have are not determining factors, more like strong hints...that they are bad tippers. The signs have nothing to do with race, gender, religion, or any of that. There are just certain signs that good tippers have, just as their are signs that bad tippers have. I won't reveal them because it seems like every bad tipper in the world lives on NT and I'm not about to arm them with ways to make it seem like they tip well just to end up stiffing the server.
How is keeping track of information profiling?

Being a cheap **** doesn't have a color my man
How is keeping track of information profiling?

Being a cheap **** doesn't have a color my man
Exactly my point. I took an accurate account of all my guests including age, gender, and race. Any study does this. I did it just to have as much detail in my account as possible. These podcasts and studies some of you mention to illustrate your points ALWAYS mention the sample's age, gender, race....all that. Sometimes they went further and mention profession, religion, and other details that I had no access to during that night. It just give a more detailed account. I just gave the basics as that's all I could get. I wasn't about to ask what my guests did for a living, or what their religion was. If people want to make assumptions about my account, that's on them. Inferences can only be made by the reader, I just presented the info. Nothing more, nothing less. NT always on that racial injustice tip though, so this is nothing new.
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Someone in the last tipping thread admitted that's how they figure out bad tippers....
Then that server is an idiot and leaving a LOT OF MONEY on the table...pun intended.

Cedric the entertainer comes in all the time lookin kinda bummy. Dude tips 50% every time. I bet he wouldn't if he got crappy service by dude who was profiling him. Yeah, he looks frumpy a lot of the time, but ALL HIS SIGNS say he's a good tipper. 

First time I served him, I tried my *** off because I felt he was gonna tip well. I didn't know who he was because he was so frumped out. I think he does it on purpose to keep the attention to a minimum. 3/4 of the way through the meal another server tells me "I hope you're taking care of that's heavy". 
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Oh, so you won't use that information for future decisions?

Because the IRS wants to know that a couple of white ladies left you a healthy tip.
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Nope no struggle dinner, Dallas BBQ big franchise in NYC.
While it's not a struggle diner, their prices are really low....much like Chili's. BBQ half chicken for 9 bucks? Ribs AND chicken for 13 bucks? That's like super cheap. Yeah....not a struggle diner, but still very cheap and they're straight ignorant with their tacky bills. LOL that ish is ridiculous.
Oh, so you won't use that information for future decisions?
First things first....I think you're overlooking that I only did it for that one night because I said I was going to account my entire evening that night to post on NT. That's why I used that receipt...I only have receipts from that evening. I actually had to dig it out of the trash next to my laptop.

Secondly, I ALWAYS use what I remember about my customers for future decisions. This is nothing new. It's been said a million times. The difference is I use my memory, not written accounts. You really think I have a stack of thousands of receipts I refer back to for future use?

EDIT:  I do retain notes for guests that tip 50% and above. I account what they like to drink, their orders, their preferences...EVERYTHING. I even sometimes save their checks to refer to later. One of the regulars I do this for is Derek Fisher. He happens to be black. Another person I do this for is Joe Rogan. He happens to be white. I also do it for Cedric the Entertainer. He is also black. I DONT do it for Viviva A Fox because her kids are annoying as hell and she tips basura. She happens to be black.

Thirdly. What I'm remembering about my guests is how they tipped. Their race, gender, and religion is irrelevant. The tip is all that matters. So by your logic, since I'm clearly racist, I'll give bad service to the black dude that tipped me 25%, because he's black? Or will I remember him as a good tipper, and take it from there? 

Seriously....I think it's about time I finally get to use the laughable NT phrase, "Tell me how you really feel?" LOL
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In short you profile Customers, dont worry the food and beverage industry is well known for this.
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In short you profile Customers, dont worry the food and beverage industry is well known for this.
In short, you're reaching, and don't know the definition of profiling. Don't worry, NT is well known for this.

Seriously, you went from somewhat intelligently articulating your points, to uneducated spewing and taking jabs. Try again.
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In short you profile Customers, dont worry the food and beverage industry is well known for this.
In short, you're reaching, and don't know the definition of profiling. Don't worry, NT is well known for this.

Seriously, you went from somewhat intelligently articulating your points, to uneducated spewing and taking jabs. Try again.
No jabs. The food and beverage industry is well known for this. It's and unfortunate consequence of the tipping model.

You can justify it however you want to, but your documenting your customers affects your future decisions (if not yours, then the average restaurant worker).
No jabs. The food and beverage industry is well known for this. It's and unfortunate consequence of the tipping model.

You can justify it however you want to, but your documenting your customers affects your future decisions (if not yours, then the average restaurant worker).
Yes, are implying that I'm profiling when you are greatly misusing the term. I honestly think you don't know the definition.

Again...are you seriously overlooking that I only documented them that one night? Fo reals....are you really trying to ignore that? And even if I documented them daily, what does their race have to do with it when all I care about is how much they tip? Plus what's the difference if I rwrite down their physical description on paper, vs remembering it in my head? Again, if the tip is all that matters....who cares what the physical appearance is? Do you really think everyone is that shallow? You just seem like a jilted customer my dude, maybe you should just stop eating out all together.
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No jabs. The food and beverage industry is well known for this. It's and unfortunate consequence of the tipping model.

You can justify it however you want to, but your documenting your customers affects your future decisions (if not yours, then the average restaurant worker).
Yes, are implying that I'm profiling when you are greatly misusing the term. I honestly think you don't know the definition.

Again...are you seriously overlooking that I only documented them that one night? Fo reals....are you really trying to ignore that? And even if I documented them daily, what does their race have to do with it when all I care about is how much they tip? Plus what's the difference if I rwrite down their physical description on paper, vs remembering it in my head? Again, if the tip is all that matters....who cares what the physical appearance is? Do you really think everyone is that shallow? You just seem like a jilted customer my dude, maybe you should just stop eating out all together.
A great profile. Making assumptions (you seem to be good at it).
And btw that article didn't say anything we didn't already was pointless.
"Some servers do try to sniff out stingy tippers, engaging in customer profiling based on national origin, age, race, gender and other traits. (The profiling appears to run both ways: another study showed that customers tended to leave smaller tips for black servers.)"
A great profile. Making assumptions (you seem to be good at it).

"Some servers do try to sniff out stingy tippers, engaging in customer profiling based on national origin, age, race, gender and other traits. (The profiling appears to run both ways: another study showed that customers tended to leave smaller tips for black servers.)"
Some sounds like a small amount to me. And those servers are bad at their job and are leaving a lot of money on the table. No matter how bad you want me to be racist, or profile my customers racially, it's not gonna change the fact that I don't do it. That's literally throwing money away. I'm not trying to do that to my shift. And I'm not about that life in or outside of work anyway. That does seem to be true though, black servers gets stiffed a lot more than the rest of us.
A great profile. Making assumptions (you seem to be good at it).

"Some servers do try to sniff out stingy tippers, engaging in customer profiling based on national origin, age, race, gender and other traits. (The profiling appears to run both ways: another study showed that customers tended to leave smaller tips for black servers.)"
Some sounds like a small amount to me. And those servers are bad at their job and are leaving a lot of money on the table. No matter how bad you want me to be racist, or profile my customers racially, it's not gonna change the fact that I don't do it. That's literally throwing money away. I'm not trying to do that to my shift. And I'm not about that life in or outside of work anyway. That does seem to be true though, black servers gets stiffed a lot more than the rest of us.

you're a funny dude.
It just seems like you're frustrated with me on some level...that I don't lose my cool with you no matter what negative things about me you try to infer, unsuccessfully. Is it really that hard to believe that there are a lot of GOOD servers out there that do their job well, exceed expecations, don't racially profile, and get compensated for it?
It just seems like you're frustrated with me on some level...that I don't lose my cool with you no matter what negative things about me you try to infer, unsuccessfully. Is it really that hard to believe that there are a lot of GOOD servers out there that do their job well, exceed expecations, don't racially profile, and get compensated for it?
None of my inferences have been unsuccessful, I've actually been quite enlightened and my previous assumptions have been strengthened.
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