God, Satan and This World

Idiot.. your acting like we didn't know evil exist... I'm not going to bash your idea and belief in god, but crazy stuff happens in a sea of 7 billion people. We have sick people in the world, and we have good people in the world, god has nothing to do with either... That's just how this planet works, your just looking at life through a perspective from the ground floor, think about living in the cosmos and think about how small and useless but very impactful we are as human beings... The term god and satan exist here on earth, its relativity... you don't understand happiness without sadness, smart without dumb... just how the world works man, we do all we can to screen and eliminate the ills of life out of this world, but we are just humans we are limited to our physical ability....
Wait so if God really exists why would God let a 15 yr old kill a infant. No sense in that
im sure worse stuff happens in the world then shooting a baby in the face. just not reported or its in other places around the planet
Yeah ppl only think it's worse cuz of us all being more connected as far as media goes. Info spreads much faster in the world today but even now it doesn't even clue you in to the truly horrific things that happen daily and as someone already said probably worse a century ago and the more you go back until around the time we weren't that aware of each all over the world.
2 Timothy 3:1-7

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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2 Timothy 3:1-7

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Right on. That last line, man. For as smart as we are and how advanced things are. How far have we really come.

We're not safer now. Look at what happened to that baby. Look at the level of violence in Chicago. People are getting bolder with their evil acts now. So no, we're Not safer.
We're not safer now. Look at what happened to that baby. Look at the level of violence in Chicago. People are getting bolder with their evil acts now. So no, we're Not safer.

I'm willing to bet that the percentage of people in the world living through extreme violence and suffering is substantially lower than it was 400 years ago....
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I'm willing to bet that the percentage of people in the world living through extreme violence and suffering is substantially lower than it was 400 years ago....

Bet away. We can destroy this world now. Easily with all the weapons and potential weapons that exist. Never before has that been possible. It's not just about violence. Look at some of the social media sites and tell me people are feeling themselves more than ever. I'm not knocking social media but it's given a new Avenue for exaggerating self importance.
We are getting worse as a world and soci
The world and society are better than they have been throughout human history.
How is this even a bone of contention? Average human life expectancy has virtually doubled in the past 100 years, diseases that used to decimate populations have been eradicated in most areas of the world due to modern medicine, infant mortality rates have decreased dramatically, violent crime has been on a consistent gradual decrease since colonial times, and we've taken many steps forward in terms of racial and gender equality.

Name me ONE period in time in which society was better off.
How is this even a bone of contention? Average human life expectancy has virtually doubled in the past 100 years, diseases that used to decimate populations have been eradicated in most areas of the world due to modern medicine, infant mortality rates have decreased dramatically, violent crime has been on a consistent gradual decrease since colonial times, and we've taken many steps forward in terms of racial and gender equality.

Name me ONE period in time in which society was better off.

tha 90's :pimp:. -ideas, music, economy, martin. We peaked early. Just a bright spot in a downward spiral that is us (its been become easily visible since then and we only in yr13)....We ca put a lot of functions in cellphones but cant figure out how to really connect with and bring out the best in each other. We are selfish, by nature and by choice.
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All ima say is this .. . There's plenty evil in the world but there is also alot of good things tht people do for each other and miracles tht happen every single day . I feel like alot of the good done in the world is over looked because of the bad like it always is in every aspect of life (ie relationships) . Yeah bad things happen , there are bad people , etc but good things happen too , there are good people as well . So is your glass half full with good things or half empty with the bad ? .. I believe tht whichever you choose gives you an either brighter or dimmer perception in everyday life .
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tha 90's :pimp:. -ideas, music, economy, martin. We peaked early. The bright spot in a downward spiral that is us....We ca put a lot of functions in cellphones but cant figure out how to connect with each other and make each other better. We are selfish, by nature and by choice.

The 90s were great :smokin

We're so connected these days but still very much divided. The ego is very strong.

I try not to even get offended by anyone anymore, although its hard. They can't help it.
How is this even a bone of contention? Average human life expectancy has virtually doubled in the past 100 years, diseases that used to decimate populations have been eradicated in most areas of the world due to modern medicine, infant mortality rates have decreased dramatically, violent crime has been on a consistent gradual decrease since colonial times, and we've taken many steps forward in terms of racial and gender equality.

Name me ONE period in time in which society was better off.
tha 90's
. -ideas, music, economy, martin. We peaked early. The bright spot in a downward spiral that is us (its been become easily visible since then and we only in yr13)....We ca put a lot of functions in cellphones but cant figure out how to connect with other better. We are selfish, by nature and by choice.
Everything that was possible in the 90s is currently possible today.  Every bit of TV and music from the 90s can be accessed pretty much instantly due to technology that has come about within the past 10 years.  People have always been selfish.  People have always been socially awkward.  You're romanticizing the past, papi.
All ima say is this .. . There's plenty evil in the world but there is also alot of good things tht people do for each other and miracles tht happen every single day . I feel like alot of the good done in the world is over looked because of the bad like it always is in every aspect of life (ie relationships) . Yeah bad things happen , there are bad people , etc but good things happen too , there are good people as well . So is your glass half full with good things or half empty with the bad ? .. I believe tht whichever you choose gives you an either brighter or dimmer perception in everyday life .

I dislike avy, but true words tho
Everything that was possible in the 90s is currently possible today.  Every bit of TV and music from the 90s can be accessed pretty much instantly due to technology that has come about within the past 10 years.  People have always been selfish.  People have always been socially awkward.  You're romanticizing the past, papi.

yea, but tv sucks, music is worse, economy ________. I'm not attactched to no time period, I live for today. I just feel like as humans we underachieving. We don't focus on the right things. I still love the life I have and know Im blessed. Not stuck on the past, just looking at the present and thinking the future ( further along down the line) don't look too bright.
It's sad grown men need a book of plagarized tales and hypocrisy to rationalize and essentially condone suffering because gods son died for our sins .Its grotesque to a degree folks will sit back and try to dehumanize the idea of evil just to fit what they wre told as kids.You quote scriptures say their is a devil etc because you don't wanna imagine and realize evil has no face nor true motive there is no overarching scheme of a proxy war on earth .People aren't born good nor bad innocent yes .Humans can be either or some dabble in both .If god is omniscient and all knowing wouldn't he murk killers or stop them from existing .
Everything that was possible in the 90s is currently possible today.  Every bit of TV and music from the 90s can be accessed pretty much instantly due to technology that has come about within the past 10 years.  People have always been selfish.  People have always been socially awkward.  You're romanticizing the past, papi.
yea, but tv sucks, music is worse, economy ________. I'm not attactched to no time period, I live for today. I just feel like as humans we underachieving. We don't focus on the right things. I still love the life I have and know Im blessed. Not stuck on the past, just looking at the present and thinking the future ( further along down the line) don't look too bright.
News Flash: TV sucked pretty much equally back then.  So did music.  The reason we look back on the 90s and think of all these great things that came about from the time period is because we've cherry-picked the stuff that was actually really good and completely forgotten about the stuff that was crap.  Hence romanticizing the past.

I'm sorry...but I just don't buy into the conventional wisdom that "the world is going to hell in a handbasket." It's been said throughout time, yet things continue to get better and better. The economy will fluctuate.  That's unavoidable, but by no means is it permanent.  
It's sad grown men need a book of plagarized tales and hypocrisy to rationalize and essentially condone suffering because gods son died for our sins .Its grotesque to a degree folks will sit back and try to dehumanize the idea of evil just to fit what they wre told as kids.You quote scriptures say their is a devil etc because you don't wanna imagine and realize evil has no face nor true motive there is no overarching scheme of a proxy war on earth .People aren't born good nor bad innocent yes .Humans can be either or some dabble in both .If god is omniscient and all knowing wouldn't he murk killers or stop them from existing .
free will
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