Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Jumpers

How tragic. I've been sad at times but I can't even contemplate what must've been going on in their heads.

This was deep.

As I get older, I begin to understand why people do this.  Sometimes problems just suffocate what life is worth living for.  It becomes cloudy and some don't see this as a place that is worth living. 

Is it selfish? Yes, especially when people leave behind families.  However, we probably live in the best country on earth and that is not saying much.  Just on a financial standpoint, capitalism doesn't work for everyone and in fact it hurts more people.  The banks are crooks, government is full of crooks, etc.

I don't have suicidal thoughts and probably never will.  I've always had a "Don't Quit" mentality.  I will try to make the most of myself in this world, however, there is one quote that always hit close to home, that I always agreed with and believed in....

[Tupac] My biggest fear of death is coming back to this %#+%@ reincarnated [Tupac]
i saw "the bridge" a while back and thought it was crazy. some parts dragged on, yeah, but the story on the guy "gene" (long haired guy in that vid) was downright sad. his blog is still online, the entries obviously stopped years ago.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Suicide is seriously the most selfish thing that one can ever do. #**% is stupid, for real. You only get one life to live and you think your problems are bigger than family, friends, the world, the universe and all the amazing things one can see, do, hear, feel, etc in life.
Here's the thing you're failing to realize: not everyone has family that cares about them. I work with juvenile delinquents, and there's one kid at work right now whose biological parents are both dead (from different circumstances), and he was accused of molesting a little girl in one of the foster homes he was in when he was 8. He's now 16, been in 27 different foster homes, and he's about to graduate the program we have at work. For kids with traditional families, graduating the program I work at means they have completed their court sentence by graduating, and they can go back home, with their charges dropped (ranging from weapons possession, drug possession, assault, GTA, etc.). This kid is one of the few on campus that has NO charges, so graduating the program for him doesn't mean he's fulfilling a court sentence. It simply means that he can go back to foster care.

Foster care. He has been rejected by 27 different foster homes already, and his reward for graduating our program is that he gets to go back to this system that continuously bounces him around. And why has he been in so many foster homes? Because of two things: #1- because of the accusation from 8 years ago, and #2- he has issues with depression and hyperactivity. The last foster home he was in suggested that he be placed in a juvenile treatment program for delinquent behaviors, and his social worker agreed, so he was sent to us.

Now when he goes back to foster care, he will still have that accusation hanging on his head, and he definitely still has depressive episodes and hyperactive behaviors.

Picture THIS kid as a 25-year-old on the side of the bridge. He's having trouble coping with having NO caregivers to reach out to every Mother's Day and Father's Day and Christmas and everything. He can't stomach one more story of people getting all kinds of well-wishes on their birthdays when his birthday goes by every year without so much as a call. Maybe a friend from wherever he works that year buys him a round, maybe he just stays at home with his dog.

You tell me that your line about him being selfish applies.

"Dude, you're being selfish! Think about your family, and how hurt they'll be when they hear you're dead!" Yeah, about that...

"You have all kinds of friends that will be heartbroken by you being gone!" If you're expecting him to look back on this address book of people who he knows value him, you're basically giving him more reason to jump by not knowing anything about him, not knowing that he has struggled to form meaningful friendships his whole life, including adulthood. His address book is VVVNDS.

"Think of your kids and your wife/girlfriend." Right, because women are CLAMORING to fall in love with a guy who grew up in foster care and consequentially developed hyperactive, depressive behaviors and was accused of molestation as a young boy. You're sure this 25-year-old young man you're trying to talk down has a loving relationship to look back on?

You can't tell this kid to think about hurting the people that matter to him, because the entire reason he's standing there is because he's sick of not mattering to anyone, as evidenced by countless holidays alone or with people who tossed him a charity invite to their house because they know his situation.

Sure, there are people who are undermining how much their parents and wives and husbands and children love them, and your line about them being selfish works for them, but there are people who are fully aware that their funeral would have absolutely no one in attendance that was sincerely heartbroken and in serious mourning over their death. You might be aware that YOUR funeral would have plenty of people in mourning over your death as well as people pissed off that you put them through that pain, but your experience is by NO means universal.

I skimmed this...and i COULD agree with you. But everyone, everywhere has someone that cares. Have I ever been depressed? Hell yea. I went thru some real down times and my one thing was not wanting to disappoint anybody at all. I dont want to have that as my legacy....
anyways, still in this country especially too many people fail to realize how blessed they really and truly are and I suppose THAT is what bothers me about it. Youre not starving, something is being provided, suicide is suicide and i dont see how one doesnt just look foolish or weak after doing it.

I cried about considering it before and I honestly just felt stupid. I looked around me when all else failed and realized how lucky I am to be as healthy as I am. For real. Now I'm too strong to really commit suicide (not sayign that as a jab, just my opinion) and I knew i'd never REALLY do it because of my fam/mom. But for real, so many people even in THIS country, turn that negativity into a positive and have gone on to become very successful. In america, theres WAY too many stories like this and even more that we dont hear about.

Soooo, yeah, I'm still gonna think, suck it up, remember theres ALWAYS someone who is much worse off, get out of your own head for once and keep living. Being alive is great...period. so many chances to do $#%* if you think/know you can do something. thats it period.

(both points cant be argued against/for, but I can attest for living. One cant tell me how much better it is that he/she is dead - you never know how much people have gone through but still smile)

at life.
Originally Posted by holler mcdollar

i saw "the bridge" a while back and thought it was crazy. some parts dragged on, yeah, but the story on the guy "gene" (long haired guy in that vid) was downright sad. his blog is still online, the entries obviously stopped years ago.

Do you have the link to his blog?

And for people that want to watch is on HULU.
I could type out a long response in an attempt to "inform" and/or offer some kind of perspective to a few of y'all...but why even bother...

Suffice to say, y'all just won't get it; why...because, ironically, a few of you are way to inconsiderate to entertain the remote possibility that there are indeed other alternatives besides that, rationale, which you've come to terms with.

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

For everyone who wants to know what happens when you hit water, google cliff diving accident.
that dude hit the rock not water .
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

For everyone who wants to know what happens when you hit water, google cliff diving accident.
that dude hit the rock not water .
@ confusing hitting rocks and water....
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

For everyone who wants to know what happens when you hit water, google cliff diving accident.
that dude hit the rock not water .
@ confusing hitting rocks and water....

I think y'all are the confused ones.

I'm pretty sure DJprestige is trying to show that cliff diving into rock @ however many mph from some ridiculous height, is no different from hitting water @ however many mph from some ridiculous height. Why; because the end result will often be an ugly death stemming from your body's inability to respond to, and/or counteract, the physics of the immediate moment.

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by holler mcdollar

i saw "the bridge" a while back and thought it was crazy. some parts dragged on, yeah, but the story on the guy "gene" (long haired guy in that vid) was downright sad. his blog is still online, the entries obviously stopped years ago.

Do you have the link to his blog?

And for people that want to watch is on HULU.
Dude, thanks! Ive been looking since this post came about.

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

For everyone who wants to know what happens when you hit water, google cliff diving accident.
that dude hit the rock not water .
@ confusing hitting rocks and water....

I think y'all are the confused ones.

I'm pretty sure DJprestige is trying to show that cliff diving into rock @ however many mph from some ridiculous height, is no different from hitting water @ however many mph from some ridiculous height. Why; because the end result will often be an ugly death stemming from your body's inability to respond to, and/or counteract, the physics of the immediate moment.
ahhh i see, thanks man
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

For everyone who wants to know what happens when you hit water, google cliff diving accident.
that dude hit the rock not water .
@ confusing hitting rocks and water....

I think y'all are the confused ones.

I'm pretty sure DJprestige is trying to show that cliff diving into rock @ however many mph from some ridiculous height, is no different from hitting water @ however many mph from some ridiculous height. Why; because the end result will often be an ugly death stemming from your body's inability to respond to, and/or counteract, the physics of the immediate moment.

pretty much.

You hit the water, bones shatter, internal bleeding. If you survive the initial impact and are not knocked unconscious, you can't swim with shattered bones.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

For everyone who wants to know what happens when you hit water, google cliff diving accident.
that dude hit the rock not water .
@ confusing hitting rocks and water....

I think y'all are the confused ones.

I'm pretty sure DJprestige is trying to show that cliff diving into rock @ however many mph from some ridiculous height, is no different from hitting water @ however many mph from some ridiculous height. Why; because the end result will often be an ugly death stemming from your body's inability to respond to, and/or counteract, the physics of the immediate moment.

pretty much.

You hit the water, bones shatter, internal bleeding. If you survive the initial impact and are not knocked unconscious, you can't swim with shattered bones.
True, one of the guys in "The Bridge" documentary shared his story when trying to end his life. I believe he shattered both ankles and floated to the base of the bridge. Whenever I do drive on the GG Bridge, I honestly feel scared that I may see someone jump. That honestly would be devastating.
these kinda things happen in a blink of an eye.. i am not quite sure if it actually happened or not because i didn't actually see the person jump. was driving to sausalito one time with friends a couple of years back when i saw a dude sitting on the handrail of the goldengate, i thought it was strange because i normally dont see people sit on the railing so i looked back. he was gone, i panicked and started to freak out in the car, and immediately dialed 911. they told me they would send out a boat right away and i never heard from them again. until this day i still dont know if he jumped or not. newspapers dont really give you the front page when this type of stuff happens and im not the type to go through a newspaper with a comb.. kinda haven't thought about it until i read this thread.. damnn this got me thinking..
man...sad to see. I know things get rough, but man...never have i thought about something like this...
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Watched it last night.......deep, very deep

i did too and it was worth the watch.....the most interesting part for me was the interview with dude who lived.
The movie was pretty good but not as amazing as others made it seem. The interview/existence of the guy that survived really wowed me though.
Originally Posted by airkeung88

just sad to die this way.There must be a solution for their reasons.

to them there isnt which is sad

in the documentary....a couple of the people seemed to be crying out for help the whole time but either no one took them seriously.
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