Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Yes indeed... do what you gotta do t o land a top talent and an overall good kid.

and please tell me yall arent serious about people being upset over what Dooley said about the Vols being like the Germans on shore waiting for their leader?

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yes indeed... do what you gotta do t o land a top talent and an overall good kid.

and please tell me yall arent serious about people being upset over what Dooley said about the Vols being like the Germans on shore waiting for their leader?

That's what I hear about him.  High character and great family.  Hopefully we can get our offense intact b/c he is gonna be a star
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yes indeed... do what you gotta do t o land a top talent and an overall good kid.

and please tell me yall arent serious about people being upset over what Dooley said about the Vols being like the Germans on shore waiting for their leader?

That's what I hear about him.  High character and great family.  Hopefully we can get our offense intact b/c he is gonna be a star
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by FlaHustler1024

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Burton in, Pagan out? ...
As of now, nope
So y'all are gonna land Burton and Pagan?
With all the help we need at DE, I hope we can keep both and add Maggitt
. Burton (bro) and Pagan (pops) have family that attend(ed) UF, so it's a good chance they stay Gators

Young Pahokee
(no mo)
One year of JUCO and he back on campus?
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by FlaHustler1024

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Burton in, Pagan out? ...
As of now, nope
So y'all are gonna land Burton and Pagan?
With all the help we need at DE, I hope we can keep both and add Maggitt
. Burton (bro) and Pagan (pops) have family that attend(ed) UF, so it's a good chance they stay Gators

Young Pahokee
(no mo)
One year of JUCO and he back on campus?
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Damian Swann...commit that.

Dude just gave them all the reason in the world to mount a comeback. UGA dont let up..
What did Swann do? I missed it. He;s gonna be a problem in a few yrs .... did he commit to Bama or some +$@%?

   Nah _ our DB's gettin burned

Dont think UGA's gonna land Swann.

Bama mighta put the clamps on him.
Dudes from Graddy saying if he dont go to Bama everyone will be shocked andddd he was just on ATL radio sayin how much Bama is for him and how he loves urrrrrything about them

 Swann & HCD
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Damian Swann...commit that.

Dude just gave them all the reason in the world to mount a comeback. UGA dont let up..
What did Swann do? I missed it. He;s gonna be a problem in a few yrs .... did he commit to Bama or some +$@%?

   Nah _ our DB's gettin burned

Dont think UGA's gonna land Swann.

Bama mighta put the clamps on him.
Dudes from Graddy saying if he dont go to Bama everyone will be shocked andddd he was just on ATL radio sayin how much Bama is for him and how he loves urrrrrything about them

 Swann & HCD
[h2]It's Meltdown Time... [/h2]
Spoiler [+]
I wrote a couple of weeks backthat if it can be said that Ole Miss has never lost a party, it canalso be said that LSU has never lost a meltdown thread. Well, all goodstreaks must come to an end, and I'm afraid to say that streak is nowover. LSU gave it a good run with their reaction to their 24-17 loss atAuburn, but it simply could not hold a candle to what Texas had thisweekend after being thumped by Iowa State. Those two schools alonewould have made a great meltdown piece in their own right, but Idecided to throw in Tennessee as lagniappe because, well, to hell withTennessee. If we can't poke fun at the lowly Vols in their darkesthour, then what's the point?

The topic list this week is insane, including: tattoos, CurleyHallman, rainbows, Hurricane Katrina, the Birmingham Bowl, snake oilsalesmen, felony robbery, painkillers, diarrhea, Satan, the Titanic,Matt Millen, Zombie Nation, StubHub, self-mutilation, rape,decapitations, Buddy Ryan, pot, Ding Dongs, tornadoes, Soulja Boy,Charles Whitman and abortions. Lots of abortions.

Now, I know we have the usual content warning for fairly obviousreasons, but that warning needs to be reiterated a million times thisweek. Most weeks are bad, this week is like Armageddon. I would notsuggest reading this at work or anywhere that rough content will getyou in trouble. It's also not for the weak of stomach, and the verbalimagery gets very graphic. Consider yourself warned.

With that heavily emphasized warning out of the way, enjoy this week in Meltdown Time after the jump:



You could tattoo it too every Rantard'sdick and they still wouldn't understand. We had 6 years of CurleyHallman. Now we've got this $*#%$% up %%+*$##!*+*#.
Alabama will take a giant *%%@ on us. I didn't believe that before today.
Our running back threw the best pass I've seen all year

Our best QB today was Spencer Ware. Neither of our 2 regular QB's played worth a *%%@.

I dont need a guy who represents the school and is a gentleman, I need a God Damn football coach.

I am just worried about somehow getting by Open Date right now

Bama 45 LSU 0. The wheels come completely off in 2 weeks. BOOK IT

This is who LSU is now....beat the bad teams and barely and lose to the good ones. thank you Les Miles

Our WR's should all transfer

Start Ware at QB!

Sheppard, Adams, Hatcher, and even Nevis all played like dog *%%@.

Seriously, how the $%!! was this team ever 7-0?

Come on positigers... *%%@ us some more rainbows!!

Another glorious non championship year. Our season is over. Peach Bowl here we come.

I miss Saban.

Nice to see our 4-3 team finally got exposed. You knew 7-0 was smoke and mirrors

Les Miles has a gift of gab. Allow him tosit at the table with a recruit and his parents and they fall for himBUT he can't coach a lick. LSU Athletic Dept fell for his +$!+%!#@hook, line and sinker.

If we are an elite SEC program then whydid Alabama man handle Tennessee AT Tennessee 41-10 last night and wehad to have a mulligan to beat them at home and our head coach is happywith just getting by with a win.

Eh, losing here is okay. It sucks, we won't make it to Atlanta, butAuburn is a top five team. If Bammer comes and $@### on us good thoughits going to be Katrina all over again

Didn't realize 5-star receivers stood for their 5 drops a game

Why is there no talk of Mike Leach? For the love of god, with theLSU "D", add a Leach Offense and we are smoking.....Crap, I'd talePhillip Fulmer....

How LSU has won a single game with this Miles/Crowton keystone cops offense is an absolute mystery.

Miles haters shut up. Each and every one of you will be naming your kids after him again if he can beat Saban in two weeks.

Once again Les did not disappoint the national media. Looked liked a total +$%%!$% after the timeout.  Way to go Les.

LES MILES CLUSTER $%!!! FIRE THE #@$+@#%@$+%%* PIECE OF *%%@!

LSU just plays and is coached stupid.. biggest play of the year after a timeout & we only had 10 men on the field.

%*+, after a timeout?? Our luck has run out. At least we were'nt blown out on the scoreboard.

Better get your Ham Bowl tix!! Might wannaget some Liberty Bowl tix too just in case. The best bowl this team canhope for is the Chicken ****e Bowl.

Might as well start praying folks. Miles is obviously not going toget us back to the BCS title game like we want, but he wins too much tofire him, so we're stuck. Just have to pray he turns it around somehow.

I honestly think Dinardo was better at coaching. He never had 1/50th of the talent Miles has to work with every year

Ruined my weekend. Think I’ll finish drinking myself into a coma.

Now I know how 'Bama fans felt in 2001 with Rohan to Reed

As I expected, we lost to Auburn. And that's why Miles should befired. He has turned LSU football into what was damn near an NFLprogram to an also ran that now expects to lose to AUBURN!


This is disgraceful. I don’t care, yet another home beatdown likethis is inexcusable after a bye week and flat-out embarassing. Noexcuses.

I guess player 12 and 13 forgot to cover that end of the field

The only greater snake oil salesman in the world than Lane Kiffin is]Mike Hamilton[/url]

Oh, "We're young." How many seniors did you count for 'Bama last night? Exactly. $%!! you.

Maybesticking with fulmer was the best move for the program. or maybe hiringkiffin did more damage than firing fulmer did. All I know is those 8-4seasons with an occasional run at the SEC Championship look nice now

In over forty years of watching Tennessee football this is the worst team I ever had the misfortune of seeing.

Make that 58years.

Four straight losses to 'Bama. Hate to say it, but this one could beanother Bear run circa the 1970's. It could be years before we beatthose jackasses again.

Might as well admit it, last year was the best chance we'll have to beat Bama for years

We passed on the Heisman candidate (Cam Newton) for Simms because Cam "didn't fit our style".  Thanks a bunch Lane.

At the rate we're going, we'll be clamoring for Peyton to come in and save us as head coach in 2018

8+ losses for the first time ever----check
attendance record will fall to bama---check
winless in conference play-----check
beat by ky-----check
anything else???

Can we beat Memphis?

I don't believe any of our coaches will last in the SEC

Things couldn't have been any worse than this had we just given the job to Orgeron

70% of this roster would be a "preferred walkon" at Alabama if that.

Yea, seven games into the season and we have 10 men on the field. That isn't coaching.

Nu'keese is at a JUCO and looks to be one of the top JUCO recruitsnext year. Even he recovered faster from felony robbery charges thanTennessee did from Fulmer and Kiffin

How many times did our cornerbacks get]Julio Jones[/url] laid tonight?

When Bama's backup tight end came on the field and I saw he weigheda good 20-30 pounds more than our starting DT, I knew it was over.

At least Kiffin kept it close with Florida and Bama.

How Mike Hamilton has survived this economic depression I'll never know.

We'll be underdogs against Ole Miss, Vandy, and Kentucky. if we canjust take one of those three it'll be a surprise at this point.

My honest expectation to end the season? 3-9 with a close win overMemphis and losses to South Carolina, Ole Miss, UK, and Vanderbilt.

Hey guys, let's consistently put our worst corner man-to-man with Julio Jones. Oh no, no way coaching a problem for us.

Name me one player last night Saban would have traded to get. There is not one.

There isn't a single player on UT's starting twenty-two that could start for Alabama.

I'd kill to have even Bamas 3rd string defensive line

Dooley is in over his head in this league.

Luckily I had surgery last week and still have 1/2 a bottle of painkillers left.

People can now compare Oregon and 'Bama in the BCS talk based on howbadly they beat Tennessee. That is the only way Tennessee football isrelevant now.

Will we ever beat Saban at Alabama? He's going to have to stay inTuscaloosa a really long time for that to happen, or we're going tohave to pull off a monumental upset at some point. At this rate, wewon't be favored in this game for a decade.

Neyland Stadium... where Bammers come to hold Rammer Jammer auditions


The #1 sunshine pumper is dead. I am dead. Texas Football hasfinally killed my spirit.  I can't see myself going to another gamethis year. I don't even want to tailgate. If this makes me a bad fan,$%!! off. (jumps off ledge ...)

$%!! you, Mack Brown. $%!! you and your clapping. $%!! you and your$##@!% game preparation. $%!! you and your inability to motivate. $%!!you and your loyalty to $##@!% coaches. $%!! you and your loyalty toplayers that aren't the best we can field. $%!! you and your puckering$@$!*@$. $%!! you and your thin skin.

Mack is a great recruiter but $##@!% coach who fell !@+-backwards into a title.

$%!! you to the entire coaching staff. $##@!% effort all around.

Some of you ******* sound like the guy with the !!+*+ wife wishingit will get better after she #!+!+ another man one more time... We lostto ISU at +#@%$#! home. JESUS.

Just remember. Mack makes $13,698 A DAY. If you figure he worked 5days on this brillaint game plan for the Cyclones, that is $68,490 forthis abortion. We're Texas. We have most expensive abortions evar!!!!!

With all the resources we have, texas should reload and not get beatphysically, emotionally and spiritually on the field to +#@%$#! iowa+#@%$#! state ...$%!!, come on, their budget is 25% of ours and theirrecruiting is far worse. come on with the +$!+%!#@ excuses. $%!! youbunch of *******

21 points should be enough to beat Iowa +#@%$#! State

Entire team sucked diahreeah *%%@ from an $@$!*@$ fountain today.]Greg Davis[/url] might in fact be satan.

What is the use of pointing fingers at each other when you are all on the Titanic and there are no freaking lifeboats left?

I got suspended from hornfans and I was actually trying to getbanned. $%!! them and that cult that protects the egos of +#@%$#! GregDavis at every +#@%$#! turn! +#@%$#! ban me you cowardice idiots!

Is this the thread where all the Davis jock sniffers start posting meaningless stats again?

$%!! Greg Davis

But, but, it was a brilliant game plan. Matt Millen said so!

Greg Davis deep throats #%%%

This is more on your ability to take a gigantic #%%% up your +#@%$#! !@+.

This *%%@ is so stupid. I don't give a damn who is fired. Everyone can +#@%$#! go

Can we trade Muschamp for Chizik?

God damnit, can we stop playing zombie nation and other gay !@+ +$!+%!#@ songs. This is Texas, not +#@%$#! USF

Looks like we got complacent after winning the Conference Expansion Championship Game

You are a +#@%$#! moron. Nick Saban is the best coach in all of college football. I'd trade Mack for Nick in a heartbeat.

Serious question, is this worse than 66-3?

Did you hear that? it's the sound of Malcolm Brown picking up his phone and making a call to Tuscaloosa.

I want to stop watching.... but I just can't. Watching this game is like sticking your finger up your !@+ while you jerk off.

Why the $%!! do you let that ball go over your head? Goddammit does anyone on staff know that "coach" is also a +#@%$#! verb.

I'm gonna go cut myself now.

Ooh, does this thread make the meltdown list this week?

I just checked StubHub. Tickets for all of the remaining home games are free.

I dont have enough pot for this *%%@.

We're not just losing... we're getting !@+ raped with no lube.

Well, at least we'll be well represented on the Bama "meltdown" thread this week.

* cable came back...fml...

Tornado sirens in my neighborhood. This might improve my day

Muschamp needs to decapitate a player and make an example out of someone and sacrafice their head at the alter of buddy ryan.

Awesome. Had a $##@!% night last night followed by this turd chaser.

They need to take scissors to everyone's jerseys and cut out theTexas, tape over the helmet logo, and draw on a picture of asecond-trimester aborted fetus.

I am going to masturbate. Someone from UT needs to beat something today.

$%!! us. $%!! us right in our dirty anal *****.

Face rape. This is terrible

Boo these *%!+#!%%#%!++. Boo.

Thank god for severe weather...knocked my directv out in fort worth...dont have to watch this *%%@ anymore.

hey Mack - don't point your +#@%$#! finger at me and tell me that ineed to get out there early and to be loud. point your finger at yourcoaching staff and tell them to do their #@$+@#%@$+%%* jobs. IowaState's coaches have done their jobs. they've watched film and knoweverything we're gonna do. your key personnel are eating Ding Dongs,using the same game plan from 2006, and harassing white girls. don'tblame the fans for this cluster****. it's on you and your $##@!% staff.

I +#@%$#! hate this team. The 2007 Soulja Boy unit was more likablethan this crew. $%!! Gilbert and $%!! Gideon. There I said it.

Goddamnit Mack. $%!! you for not being able to get your players upto play. $%!! this I'm done watching. $%!! anyone for judging meeither. I have better things to do today than watch this botchedabortion of a football team

Where's Charles Whitman when you need him?
[h2]It's Meltdown Time... [/h2]
Spoiler [+]
I wrote a couple of weeks backthat if it can be said that Ole Miss has never lost a party, it canalso be said that LSU has never lost a meltdown thread. Well, all goodstreaks must come to an end, and I'm afraid to say that streak is nowover. LSU gave it a good run with their reaction to their 24-17 loss atAuburn, but it simply could not hold a candle to what Texas had thisweekend after being thumped by Iowa State. Those two schools alonewould have made a great meltdown piece in their own right, but Idecided to throw in Tennessee as lagniappe because, well, to hell withTennessee. If we can't poke fun at the lowly Vols in their darkesthour, then what's the point?

The topic list this week is insane, including: tattoos, CurleyHallman, rainbows, Hurricane Katrina, the Birmingham Bowl, snake oilsalesmen, felony robbery, painkillers, diarrhea, Satan, the Titanic,Matt Millen, Zombie Nation, StubHub, self-mutilation, rape,decapitations, Buddy Ryan, pot, Ding Dongs, tornadoes, Soulja Boy,Charles Whitman and abortions. Lots of abortions.

Now, I know we have the usual content warning for fairly obviousreasons, but that warning needs to be reiterated a million times thisweek. Most weeks are bad, this week is like Armageddon. I would notsuggest reading this at work or anywhere that rough content will getyou in trouble. It's also not for the weak of stomach, and the verbalimagery gets very graphic. Consider yourself warned.

With that heavily emphasized warning out of the way, enjoy this week in Meltdown Time after the jump:



You could tattoo it too every Rantard'sdick and they still wouldn't understand. We had 6 years of CurleyHallman. Now we've got this $*#%$% up %%+*$##!*+*#.
Alabama will take a giant *%%@ on us. I didn't believe that before today.
Our running back threw the best pass I've seen all year

Our best QB today was Spencer Ware. Neither of our 2 regular QB's played worth a *%%@.

I dont need a guy who represents the school and is a gentleman, I need a God Damn football coach.

I am just worried about somehow getting by Open Date right now

Bama 45 LSU 0. The wheels come completely off in 2 weeks. BOOK IT

This is who LSU is now....beat the bad teams and barely and lose to the good ones. thank you Les Miles

Our WR's should all transfer

Start Ware at QB!

Sheppard, Adams, Hatcher, and even Nevis all played like dog *%%@.

Seriously, how the $%!! was this team ever 7-0?

Come on positigers... *%%@ us some more rainbows!!

Another glorious non championship year. Our season is over. Peach Bowl here we come.

I miss Saban.

Nice to see our 4-3 team finally got exposed. You knew 7-0 was smoke and mirrors

Les Miles has a gift of gab. Allow him tosit at the table with a recruit and his parents and they fall for himBUT he can't coach a lick. LSU Athletic Dept fell for his +$!+%!#@hook, line and sinker.

If we are an elite SEC program then whydid Alabama man handle Tennessee AT Tennessee 41-10 last night and wehad to have a mulligan to beat them at home and our head coach is happywith just getting by with a win.

Eh, losing here is okay. It sucks, we won't make it to Atlanta, butAuburn is a top five team. If Bammer comes and $@### on us good thoughits going to be Katrina all over again

Didn't realize 5-star receivers stood for their 5 drops a game

Why is there no talk of Mike Leach? For the love of god, with theLSU "D", add a Leach Offense and we are smoking.....Crap, I'd talePhillip Fulmer....

How LSU has won a single game with this Miles/Crowton keystone cops offense is an absolute mystery.

Miles haters shut up. Each and every one of you will be naming your kids after him again if he can beat Saban in two weeks.

Once again Les did not disappoint the national media. Looked liked a total +$%%!$% after the timeout.  Way to go Les.

LES MILES CLUSTER $%!!! FIRE THE #@$+@#%@$+%%* PIECE OF *%%@!

LSU just plays and is coached stupid.. biggest play of the year after a timeout & we only had 10 men on the field.

%*+, after a timeout?? Our luck has run out. At least we were'nt blown out on the scoreboard.

Better get your Ham Bowl tix!! Might wannaget some Liberty Bowl tix too just in case. The best bowl this team canhope for is the Chicken ****e Bowl.

Might as well start praying folks. Miles is obviously not going toget us back to the BCS title game like we want, but he wins too much tofire him, so we're stuck. Just have to pray he turns it around somehow.

I honestly think Dinardo was better at coaching. He never had 1/50th of the talent Miles has to work with every year

Ruined my weekend. Think I’ll finish drinking myself into a coma.

Now I know how 'Bama fans felt in 2001 with Rohan to Reed

As I expected, we lost to Auburn. And that's why Miles should befired. He has turned LSU football into what was damn near an NFLprogram to an also ran that now expects to lose to AUBURN!


This is disgraceful. I don’t care, yet another home beatdown likethis is inexcusable after a bye week and flat-out embarassing. Noexcuses.

I guess player 12 and 13 forgot to cover that end of the field

The only greater snake oil salesman in the world than Lane Kiffin is]Mike Hamilton[/url]

Oh, "We're young." How many seniors did you count for 'Bama last night? Exactly. $%!! you.

Maybesticking with fulmer was the best move for the program. or maybe hiringkiffin did more damage than firing fulmer did. All I know is those 8-4seasons with an occasional run at the SEC Championship look nice now

In over forty years of watching Tennessee football this is the worst team I ever had the misfortune of seeing.

Make that 58years.

Four straight losses to 'Bama. Hate to say it, but this one could beanother Bear run circa the 1970's. It could be years before we beatthose jackasses again.

Might as well admit it, last year was the best chance we'll have to beat Bama for years

We passed on the Heisman candidate (Cam Newton) for Simms because Cam "didn't fit our style".  Thanks a bunch Lane.

At the rate we're going, we'll be clamoring for Peyton to come in and save us as head coach in 2018

8+ losses for the first time ever----check
attendance record will fall to bama---check
winless in conference play-----check
beat by ky-----check
anything else???

Can we beat Memphis?

I don't believe any of our coaches will last in the SEC

Things couldn't have been any worse than this had we just given the job to Orgeron

70% of this roster would be a "preferred walkon" at Alabama if that.

Yea, seven games into the season and we have 10 men on the field. That isn't coaching.

Nu'keese is at a JUCO and looks to be one of the top JUCO recruitsnext year. Even he recovered faster from felony robbery charges thanTennessee did from Fulmer and Kiffin

How many times did our cornerbacks get]Julio Jones[/url] laid tonight?

When Bama's backup tight end came on the field and I saw he weigheda good 20-30 pounds more than our starting DT, I knew it was over.

At least Kiffin kept it close with Florida and Bama.

How Mike Hamilton has survived this economic depression I'll never know.

We'll be underdogs against Ole Miss, Vandy, and Kentucky. if we canjust take one of those three it'll be a surprise at this point.

My honest expectation to end the season? 3-9 with a close win overMemphis and losses to South Carolina, Ole Miss, UK, and Vanderbilt.

Hey guys, let's consistently put our worst corner man-to-man with Julio Jones. Oh no, no way coaching a problem for us.

Name me one player last night Saban would have traded to get. There is not one.

There isn't a single player on UT's starting twenty-two that could start for Alabama.

I'd kill to have even Bamas 3rd string defensive line

Dooley is in over his head in this league.

Luckily I had surgery last week and still have 1/2 a bottle of painkillers left.

People can now compare Oregon and 'Bama in the BCS talk based on howbadly they beat Tennessee. That is the only way Tennessee football isrelevant now.

Will we ever beat Saban at Alabama? He's going to have to stay inTuscaloosa a really long time for that to happen, or we're going tohave to pull off a monumental upset at some point. At this rate, wewon't be favored in this game for a decade.

Neyland Stadium... where Bammers come to hold Rammer Jammer auditions


The #1 sunshine pumper is dead. I am dead. Texas Football hasfinally killed my spirit.  I can't see myself going to another gamethis year. I don't even want to tailgate. If this makes me a bad fan,$%!! off. (jumps off ledge ...)

$%!! you, Mack Brown. $%!! you and your clapping. $%!! you and your$##@!% game preparation. $%!! you and your inability to motivate. $%!!you and your loyalty to $##@!% coaches. $%!! you and your loyalty toplayers that aren't the best we can field. $%!! you and your puckering$@$!*@$. $%!! you and your thin skin.

Mack is a great recruiter but $##@!% coach who fell !@+-backwards into a title.

$%!! you to the entire coaching staff. $##@!% effort all around.

Some of you ******* sound like the guy with the !!+*+ wife wishingit will get better after she #!+!+ another man one more time... We lostto ISU at +#@%$#! home. JESUS.

Just remember. Mack makes $13,698 A DAY. If you figure he worked 5days on this brillaint game plan for the Cyclones, that is $68,490 forthis abortion. We're Texas. We have most expensive abortions evar!!!!!

With all the resources we have, texas should reload and not get beatphysically, emotionally and spiritually on the field to +#@%$#! iowa+#@%$#! state ...$%!!, come on, their budget is 25% of ours and theirrecruiting is far worse. come on with the +$!+%!#@ excuses. $%!! youbunch of *******

21 points should be enough to beat Iowa +#@%$#! State

Entire team sucked diahreeah *%%@ from an $@$!*@$ fountain today.]Greg Davis[/url] might in fact be satan.

What is the use of pointing fingers at each other when you are all on the Titanic and there are no freaking lifeboats left?

I got suspended from hornfans and I was actually trying to getbanned. $%!! them and that cult that protects the egos of +#@%$#! GregDavis at every +#@%$#! turn! +#@%$#! ban me you cowardice idiots!

Is this the thread where all the Davis jock sniffers start posting meaningless stats again?

$%!! Greg Davis

But, but, it was a brilliant game plan. Matt Millen said so!

Greg Davis deep throats #%%%

This is more on your ability to take a gigantic #%%% up your +#@%$#! !@+.

This *%%@ is so stupid. I don't give a damn who is fired. Everyone can +#@%$#! go

Can we trade Muschamp for Chizik?

God damnit, can we stop playing zombie nation and other gay !@+ +$!+%!#@ songs. This is Texas, not +#@%$#! USF

Looks like we got complacent after winning the Conference Expansion Championship Game

You are a +#@%$#! moron. Nick Saban is the best coach in all of college football. I'd trade Mack for Nick in a heartbeat.

Serious question, is this worse than 66-3?

Did you hear that? it's the sound of Malcolm Brown picking up his phone and making a call to Tuscaloosa.

I want to stop watching.... but I just can't. Watching this game is like sticking your finger up your !@+ while you jerk off.

Why the $%!! do you let that ball go over your head? Goddammit does anyone on staff know that "coach" is also a +#@%$#! verb.

I'm gonna go cut myself now.

Ooh, does this thread make the meltdown list this week?

I just checked StubHub. Tickets for all of the remaining home games are free.

I dont have enough pot for this *%%@.

We're not just losing... we're getting !@+ raped with no lube.

Well, at least we'll be well represented on the Bama "meltdown" thread this week.

* cable came back...fml...

Tornado sirens in my neighborhood. This might improve my day

Muschamp needs to decapitate a player and make an example out of someone and sacrafice their head at the alter of buddy ryan.

Awesome. Had a $##@!% night last night followed by this turd chaser.

They need to take scissors to everyone's jerseys and cut out theTexas, tape over the helmet logo, and draw on a picture of asecond-trimester aborted fetus.

I am going to masturbate. Someone from UT needs to beat something today.

$%!! us. $%!! us right in our dirty anal *****.

Face rape. This is terrible

Boo these *%!+#!%%#%!++. Boo.

Thank god for severe weather...knocked my directv out in fort worth...dont have to watch this *%%@ anymore.

hey Mack - don't point your +#@%$#! finger at me and tell me that ineed to get out there early and to be loud. point your finger at yourcoaching staff and tell them to do their #@$+@#%@$+%%* jobs. IowaState's coaches have done their jobs. they've watched film and knoweverything we're gonna do. your key personnel are eating Ding Dongs,using the same game plan from 2006, and harassing white girls. don'tblame the fans for this cluster****. it's on you and your $##@!% staff.

I +#@%$#! hate this team. The 2007 Soulja Boy unit was more likablethan this crew. $%!! Gilbert and $%!! Gideon. There I said it.

Goddamnit Mack. $%!! you for not being able to get your players upto play. $%!! this I'm done watching. $%!! anyone for judging meeither. I have better things to do today than watch this botchedabortion of a football team

Where's Charles Whitman when you need him?
He's lucky it was just a DUI. Doubt he misses any games...Gundy will probably give him one or two quarters.
He's lucky it was just a DUI. Doubt he misses any games...Gundy will probably give him one or two quarters.
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