Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

2nd time Maehl's been interfered with and no flag

Cal's scared to play with Oregon's tempo
Good job by Cal so far
, besides that punt return and the offense.

Mansion needs to get something going for us to be in it in the 4th.
I love watching Mike Stoops get upset out there. every time dude looks like he is about to blow a gasket

Nice call by CLK on the FG fake, i was really hoping we werent really gonna kick that...
Shareece Wright out there gettin burned again... he's been one of the biggest disappointment's for me personally. I really expected him to do great things and it just hasnt happened for him.
Arizona St. might be really good next year...

I'm still surprised we dont have any ASU fans on the board.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by LB510


SDSU was 7-2 with two known screwjob endings. They should be 9-0. They are a GOOD football team.. Gotta love the biases people possess knowingly or unknowingly
Yeah, SDSU is a solid team and should have been in top 25, the problem is TCU needed a strong showing in the game. Terrible time for TCU to %$%# the bed. Utah didnt do us any favors either.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

TCU's OLine coach had a heart attack in the 1st quarter WOWWWWWWWWWWWW

Hope everything is ok

From everything I have heard, he is going to be ok.
Cyrus Gray is baaaaallin.

Defense finally out there hitting now too.. Close to really taking control of this game.

Lionel Smith OWWWWW
Originally Posted by Noskey

These refs are single-handedly beating Oregon 

eh that was a bad PI call the receiver wasn't even trying to make a play. But have there really been that many bad calls?
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