Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Originally Posted by RunsHouse23


I'm not even mad anymore. I've stopped emotionally investing myself in the Hurricanes cause of this stuff
This has to seal Randy's fate. Hopefully he can take Jacory with him. These two losers deserve each other.
Originally Posted by CP1708

@#$% you Randy.  You @#$%^& suck.  You and your God damn staff can't call plays correctly to save your worthless @#$%^& lives. 

That @#$%^ shayla better fire everybody.  Then off herself. 


 And this is the reason why I don't get mad anymore. It would ruin my whole day
Originally Posted by YoungBuck32

Originally Posted by RunsHouse23


I'm not even mad anymore. I've stopped emotionally investing myself in the Hurricanes cause of this stuff
This has to seal Randy's fate. Hopefully he can take Jacory with him. These two losers deserve each other.

Any truth to those Gruden "rumors" 
Bring in Mike Leach and run his offense. Imagine our offense with our athletes
First drive, Berry
Second drive Miller
Third drive Cooper
Later Storm
@#$% if James was healthy, he woulda got touches too. 

You can alternate a back or two to keep em fresh, but you CAN NOT RUN A TEAM by promising each and every player time, and then not having a single one of them get into any sort of rhythm with the offense. 

And throwing the ball sideways every other play in OT doesn't work out well either.  What the @#$% do these people think they are doing?  They think that they are gonna fool their way thru teams?  Go out there and punch people in the mouth like we used too.  Do the right thing Randy and resign.  Leave now, don't even pack your desk, we'll send your stuff too you. 
Originally Posted by YoungBuck32

The talent they've stockpiled at the RB position is jaw dropping. Going into next year the trio of Miller, James, and Johnson may be the best in the country.

It's going to be a contest between Miami and Oregon.
LaMike, Kenjon, Lache, Dontae.
Losing to USF was the best thing that could have happened. No way they can keep him now. 15k in the stands and losing at home on senior day to a true freshman walk-on QB. No way he stays.

Thank you Jacory. That INT was more important than any TD you've thrown in your career.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Losing to USF was the best thing that could have happened. No way they can keep him now. 15k in the stands and losing at home on senior day to a true freshman walk-on QB. No way he stays.

Thank you Jacory. That INT was more important than any TD you've thrown in your career.
I thought since Shannon came in and cleaned up the program (e.g. no shootings, rapes, drug busts, or other scandals) his job would be safe in the eyes of the AD, so long as the team went to a bowl game?
I hope Donna Shalala was in attendance to see how far this program has fallen, no one showed up to watch the mockery that is the 2010 Miami Hurricanes. She has done nothing but harm to the program since she assumed the role of president, this program used to be the most feared in all of college football, now we're the laughingstock of the rest of the state and the nation. Other teams would shake in their boots when they had to play in the roaring Orange Bowl, now we have Florida State scoring over 40 points on us in a half empty Sun Life Stadium. We used to have guys like Vinny Testaverde, Gino Torretta, Steve Walsh, Jim Kelly, and Ken Dorsey under center now we have Jacory Harris, a guy who can't run or throw to save his life. We used to have coaches with bravado like Howard Schnellenberger and Jimmie Johnson and guys with wit like Dennis Erickson and Butch Davis, now we have push overs Randy Shannon who probably couldn't even run a grocery store let alone a football team. We have to stop living in the past though, these are the circumstances we are now faced with, Shannon has to be fired and there has to be a major overhaul. No one can say what the future has in store for us, it honestly blows to know that I'm a freshman and my next four years at this place will probably be rebuilding years for this team, but something has to be done and hopefully it is for the betterment of this program that was once so prominent and proud.
I don't know what type of Mickey Mouse operation Urban is running out there but it looks damn ridiculous
Originally Posted by BMWStew

I thought since Shannon came in and cleaned up the program (e.g. no shootings, rapes, drug busts, or other scandals) his job would be safe in the eyes of the AD, so long as the team went to a bowl game?

15k in the stands and Donors holding back money...the longer Shannon stays the more money the school loses. At a certain point, the school can't withstand the loss in revenue that will happen as long as Shannon stays.

At the end of the day...forget the wins, arrests, graduation rate, ect.... $$$ are what matters. Empty stadium...bad donations from boosters....huge revenue loss.
And of all days to lose on, Senior Day.

If I'm one of those seniors, I'm pissed at Jacory. Dude had no business throwing that pass.

You know its bad that you get scared everytime he throws the ball
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