GoT. A spoiler discussion thread

I got a theory about Jon and Dany, but I'm going to put it in a spoiler because it includes part of the leaks for this season's finale:

With Bran and Samwell finding out about Jon's parents and the annulment in the finale, I predict they'll ultimately keep it to themselves to protect Westeros through Dany and Jon's union. They will get married and bring "peace" to Westeros with the unity of the queen and the North. The show is already giving huge hints to Dany being impregnated by Jon. :nerd:
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What about Howland Reed? He's presumably still alive and he was there at the Tower of Joy. Melisandre could also find out if she doesn't already know.
I don't know how to feel about Jon and Dany's love affair. Their paths are similar so the chemistry is natural, but man it feels wrong.
Just seems rushed. They've fallen for each other in a 4 episode span ..I don't get why they feel like couldn't have gotten 2 more seasons out of this story
I feel like Tormund has finally become the character that he is in the books. It really started last season but this latest episode really highlights it. When he was introduced in S3, I felt that he they did a poor job with him considering how funny Tormund is in the books. Now he's all about the lulz and the memes. Great work.

Maaaan Tormund had me rollin when he was choppin it up with the Hound about Brienne :lol:
Just seems rushed. They've fallen for each other in a 4 episode span ..I don't get why they feel like couldn't have gotten 2 more seasons out of this story

I hear you but according to Sansa, Jon has been gone for weeks. Enough time to gain a crush. Not sure if I'm willing to bend the knee and all doe, but I ain't ever had a female come through and save me with a dragon.
What about Howland Reed? He's presumably still alive and he was there at the Tower of Joy. Melisandre could also find out if she doesn't already know.

We don't know for certain if Reed was in the know. :nerd: Dude wasn't in the room in the flashback scene, so maybe he doesn't know the entire truth.

Melisandre seems like the type of weirdo chick to dig Dany and Jon's pairing. :lol:
Part of the group now fellas. This episode had me on a wide range of emotions.

Arya taking LF face guaranteed now right? If they make us go through this subplot without giving us that payoff :smh:

The feels were there when Tormund was being ambushed and then went to the heart when Viserion went down.

Once Jon got out of the water I knew Benjen was coming based off the clip showing someone hanging on a horse in the trailer.

Tormund about to kill Sansa when he finds out that she sent Brienne to KL :lol:

Now we got Blue Eyes White Dragon vs Red Eyes Black Dragon :wow:
The winterfell plot is so anti climactic, I wanted them do the full ep with the suicide squad.
NK was looking like Al Bundy in his Polk High Prime with that throw:nthat:

I don't wanna get ahead of myself but if we get a 2 on 1 Dragon Battle?!? :wow:
Gona watch it in HD this time in a little, but while I didn't notice Aryas cadence changing to LFs, I was ready for a face change or something when the camera was behind and to the right of Sansas head and then it slowly started moving left and for a second you couldnt see Aryas face anymore. I def thought something was about to happen
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