GoT. A spoiler discussion thread

The scenes with Arya and Sansa bogged the episode down. That **** sucked

Thy dumbed Arya all the way down to create some dumb conflict.
arya not dumb she just tryna see where sansa loyalty really is

that conflict always existed we just now seeing it develop
The scenes with Arya and Sansa bogged the episode down. That **** sucked

Thy dumbed Arya all the way down to create some dumb conflict.

Dumb conflict? Like her father being killed and wondering why Sansa didn't defend Jon?

While she was right that the BoB was lost without the Vale, she still went behind Jons back about it and now wants credit for the win just because she brought in an army late as **** after a lot of Northmen and Wildlings had died. Not to mention Jon nearly died as well. Sansa is wack as hell, would love to see Arya off her but I'm sure it will be LF/Sansa literally stabbing Arya in the back or something weak like that
There is no reason for her to let a 7 year old letter really hold weight.

That implys that neither her or Sansa character had any type of growth throughout the seasons. A simple conversation between the two would have nipped all this dumb **** in the bud

LF is better than this ..writers are reaching with this one
Episode was intense for sure...

The thing that had me scratching my head was why the Night King didn't Just kill everybody when they were trapped on that rock island...They were literally over there for hours on end...If this fool can off a dragon with a single spear why couldn't he just take out the Magnificent Seven while they were stuck...
I think he only had two ice spears. The dragon wasn't aware of the spear being thrown so it was easier for it to be killed. The Avengers were on watch and probably would've seen it coming
Episode was intense for sure...

The thing that had me scratching my head was why the Night King didn't Just kill everybody when they were trapped on that rock island...They were literally over there for hours on end...If this fool can off a dragon with a single spear why couldn't he just take out the Magnificent Seven while they were stuck...

Yeah I was wondering the same, but there has to be some reason that will eventually be explained. I'm assuming the NK needed a dragon for whatever him and the WW's plans are. The Wall would be my guess
How does LF benefit from this anyway :lol:

If this **** is all wrapped up next episode and he still dies :lol:

Seems like he's thinking if he can get into Sansa head enough with the belief that everybody is against her, he can ultimately assume control of the north through her...Arya, Jon, and Brianne are all moving between the two of them so he's looking to Off them by proxy...
Yeah I was wondering the same, but there has to be some reason that will eventually be explained. I'm assuming the NK needed a dragon for whatever him and the WW's plans are. The Wall would be my guess

True...Seems like he has second sight like Bran so it's possible he played the waiting game assuming Danny would roll through with the dragons to make the save...
Also the legit biggest surprise of the episode for me was when Jon offed the Walker and the majority of the Wights just fell out...

Walkers just wagging into the dead? Seems like that cuts the overall threat down immensely if they can just focus on the Walkers...
Just put LF out of his misery at this point. Showrunners have no idea what to do with complex characters like LF and Varys. Varys literally been standing around with his hands in his pockets all season.

That's true, they're wasted characters at this point
I don't think it's 7tears time? Not in the story at least.

Can't believe some are disappointed in the ice dragon.

I also believe the Lannisters will bring it down.
No way they mention Qyburns scorpion a lot only to not use it again.

Unless they kill drogon or Rhaegar. Need to see my son Dnow flourish on a dragon.
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