Got Jumped Last Night

So you lie about getting jumped just so you can tell people you smashed?

The extremities that kids go to just to get e-props....get a life.
I would smash again. Go to my room, wait in a chair with a bat in a very very dark corner. Turn the Ustream on, and invite everyone from NT to see you do/getwork(ed).
Can imagine guy crawling, pulling him self up into his chair with all remaining energy, slumped over... just to make this thread.
You disrespected dude and you got handled. And dont act like it was 6 people either.

dude was probably 140lbs and you got a jaw like gabby jay.

lmfa0 .... but
@ ur boys being pushed out ... i always had my dorm room locked @ night ... either way major L
For a man to get 5 other dudes to beat
up 1 dude over a chick he's not smashing
anymore, the poon must've been epic.

I hope u thought of that sweet poon every
second while u were getting rocked on that
Originally Posted by Twig1026

wow...better holler at her and get that sorted out
Its far passed being sorted out.. OP better off gettin on his Warriors Steez and finding them dudes.

Oh and I'll be Got Damned if some dudes wake me up out my sleep at 4 am to kick me out MY room to beat up my roomate..
Quack Quack Quack.....

And if true which i know it prolly aint your friends are puddy cats....

1: She told them where you stay?
2: You sleep with no bat or knives are anything to protect your neck?
3: Did you at least ejaculate it in her mouth?...was the poon worth the !@# kickin?
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