Got Jumped Last Night

Originally Posted by DUB 253

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Ski mask+Glock

Go do work fam
Too bad you didn't have yours when you got your Pharrells stolen...

shots fired from Ninjahoods musket!
Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by dakid23

Originally Posted by eleet1

Everytime i got jumped i would pick the smallest dude or dude who i knew i could do some damaged to and just go for that guy while everyone else is jumping me. No use trying to get them all but atleast you can do something to one of them.
damn!! how many times have you got jumped?

My dude's been hit so many times he strategizing now. Probably got a NFL sized playbook in the whip.
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

Can imagine guy crawling, pulling him self up into his chair with all remaining energy, slumped over... just to make this thread.
Picturing that made me LOL.
Dudes calling ducktales cause he got jumped by 6 ppl and isn't in the intensive care ward?
This is an everyday thing in NY. Not saying that's agood thing. I'm saying there's no reason to yell fake.
So, did your roommates just let them walk out right after beating your #@#?

They had to know you was getting wrecked.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

They barge into your room, then kick your roommates out and lock the door they just barged through?

And they just kicked your rommate(s) out?

Someone isnt adding up.

How did they know to beat your *** and not your roommates -- they must have known what you looked like. Whats up with your room mates not having our back??Guess take it a lesson
Did dude die of internal injuries or something. Or were the ducktails that big that he feels ashamed to even come back and show his face around here anymore?Maybe dude really thought he was gonna get E-Props for getting jumped *KANYE SHRUG*
prolly ducktales cuz OP aint come back

And OP wat your roommates do?... They just stand outside the door listenin to u get your %$% beat then let the dudes just leave like they came to bring uchicken noodle soup?

C'mon Son
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

So, did your roommates just let them walk out right after beating your #@#?

They had to know you was getting wrecked.

i was wondering the same thing
Yeah he gave you a pass the first time but you tested his manhood the second time...he had to get his respect back and he got that in spades let me
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