Government Shutdown 2013-2014 My Civil Servant Brethern...what you think

As a man it is my duty and obligation to take care of my family (when I eventually start one) and myself. I really do not see what is so hard to understand about that? I have no vested interest in my neighbor or anyone elses well being. Unless of course there actions start to affect me.

I understand you guys have bleeding hearts and want to save the world and all that is fine. But that should be your choice and no one elses. Donate to the Red Cross, volunteer at a clinic. But do not force me to give handouts to anyone.

This is not a hard concept to understand.

It actually is quite hard to understand where yiu have been living because it obviously isnt America.

First, you really dont get to choose whether minors that cant speak for themselves and others such as mentally disabled are alowed to die.

Second, there can be no ambulances if a credit check needs to be performed before an ambulance to come get you.
Pretty much. Its remarkable just where Randian individualism shows up. These people really believe that "each man's fate is essentially his own." Rico's sense of self-worth is made possible by defining himself in opposition to to others. Unlike those who have made mistakes or did time because of the criminalization of blackness, he kept his record clean. Unlike those who got hot one night and had a seed, he was wise enough to abstain. 

For him the old saying, 'it takes a village to raise a child,' means nothing. He was the one who steered his fate over turbulent waters. At no point did he benefit from the sacrifice of others. Through his efforts, and his efforts alone, he has become a member of the "middle middle class." 

He is entitled to drive on those roads paved by city workers. Why should he have to support someone he doesn't know? Why should the small tax from his paycheck go to fund the development of high-speed internet in the Appalachians? Why should he support that mother of 5 who 'made poor decisions,' and who has just been diagnosed with cancer?

Rico imagines that he is a lone atom in the world, disembodied from the very bodily processes that makes his atomic self possible. 

I simply navigated through a world I was born into and carved a little niche for myself. I am not a bad person. Perhaps one day I will be able to give back to the world. But at this point, the answer is no.

The conversation has been great gentleman but I must exit the thread now. Hopefully, things in this country work out and our governmment will be able to function. But until then it is every man for himself and I hope you all are able to find some success. Thank you.
Well my Mother now has one week of pay to go and I gotta pay tuition up till December some how. I give this crap 3 days cause this republican crap has to stop.
The American people only have themselves to blame. They keep voting for the SAME bloodsuckers (Democrats and Republicans) EVERY election. These politicians play the American people for suckers while they rob you blind. The only difference between the democrats and republicans is the republicans screw you with no vaseline and the democrats screw you with vaseline. Either way you get screwed!
Who else could we vote for? Not many options when both dem and reps are the same regardless.
Lololol I'm supposed to drive into work, during rush hour down here, to sign a damn form telling me I can't work....only to drive right back home. -____-
I find it funny that you Obamabots are so incensed over the R's not budging but your dude is the one stating he doesn't compromise or the fact the D's forced it through without even reading it or negotiating anything that was put in it. Funnier that anyone is still defending this bill when it is fact that it is going to cost more than they originally lied about, rates are projected to increase faster than before and it only covers 20 million of the 50 million uninsured. Throw in every organization that backed this thing wants nothing to do with it... So all the special interest groups get waivers while us working tax payers get the shaft. And even funnier that you social warriors thinks you have some moral authority to judge others who don't want to pay more of their hard earned money. Fact is this law was a total mistake and only passed because of the D super majority... It was that one chance they've been waiting decades for and damn this country if they weren't going to pass it any way they could.
thats because its not going to :lol:

dudes are dramatic on here and everywhere else

you really think the government is gonna actually be shut down?

they will probably come to a deal tomorrow :lol: if not 2 days tops. this aint lasting anywhere near a week let a lone a month or more. IMPOSSIBLE.
You didnt live through the furlough of 95-96...
Watching your mom sit home from work, stressed and not getting a check is something I hope nobody has to endure... They pulled this **** before so stop with that lameness "dramatic line"bruh....
History has a way of repeating itself...
im beyond pissed right now.

however i am working today, about 85% of my coworkers cane in to sign their papers and went home.

Congress being exempt from this is complete and utter bull ****
Who else could we vote for? Not many options when both dem and reps are the same regardless.

Independent, I guess. *shrugs*

It's just sad that both sides have dug their heels in the sand and are refusing to budge an inch. Someone remind me...who's best interest do they have in mind?
im beyond pissed right now.

however i am working today, about 85% of my coworkers cane in to sign their papers and went home.

Congress being exempt from this is complete and utter bull ****

On my way back now from signing that furlough form smh. In Australia when they fail to pass a budget it leads to an automatic full dissolution of their House of Representatives, no pay for them and they set up new elections. Wouldn't that be wonderful but nah instead parents and families with kids an mortgages here get f*****d meanwhile these clowns get to collect their full salaries for failing to do their jobs with a
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If I could find employment, or my financial situation changed.... I'd move out of America with the QUICKNESS.

Hearing stories from other countries, particularly Norway and Canada, gives me the sads.

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather live in America then PLENTY of other places, but the foolishness that goes on here bothers me so much because it could be avoided.
Log back into the this thread to see myself insulted because I stated a fact with how this bill got pushed through. Didn't pick any sides. Stated facts. I forget this site harbors many with extreme left wing views. Under no circumstance should you be mandated to take care of something that is private matter. The only ones who really benefited from this are the insurance companies within our respective states and the politicians involved in this fiasco.
Log back into the this thread to see myself insulted because I stated a fact with how this bill got pushed through. Didn't pick any sides. Stated facts. I forget this site harbors many with extreme left wing views. Under no circumstance should you be mandated to take care of something that is private matter. The only ones who really benefited from this are the insurance companies within our respective states and the politicians involved in this fiasco.

And yanno, people with pre-existing conditions who would otherwise be left uninsured and not able to afford care for things completely out of their control and circumstance because these insurance companies refuse to accept them. And kids that are recent grads, who, with the unemployment issue, are allowed to stay on their parents insurance until the age of 26 so they don't have to be even more left out to dry. Bottom line it's the law. These fools get paid 174k per year to do what?!? Act like 4th graders? Shoot you could pay me 80k and I'll be amicable and willing to compromise in order to not let my constituents suffer---oh wait nvm I'm not getting paid bc I'm on furlough along with 800,000 other hardworking people who are being used as a damn bargaining chip.
The same people crying for a shutdown, are the same people that cry when a disaster happens and they need help. It's all good when it happens to "other" people but when it hits close to home that's when they change their tune.
Wishing all those affected the best of luck. Hold tight man! And better yet, use idle time to organize. 

im on USAJobs right now trying to bounce to the VA with a position i found.

i was with Homeland Security for the last 8 years, just got to DoD in November 2012 and jumped right into this madness.

im trying to either get back to Homeland Security or get into the VA.
I want to give a big shout out to the whole NT staff. In just the last few days I've learned a great deal about race, alliances, and ignorance. I wish I could say that the ninjahood's, the Rell's, and the Rico hood's of the world were part of a small minority. But I see them as a growing contingent to be reckoned with. We might reflect on the danger of these self-interested ideologues, who, rather than castigate treasonous Republicans, place blame on Democrats (or Rell's favorite, "liberals") for this latest incident of grandstanding.  Don't remind them that most of the ACA was upheld by the Supreme Court. Don't mention that in many ways President Obama's reelection was an endorsement of the ACA. You can't reason with a sociopath. 

To the members of NT: these famous faces are not simply "idiots" or hypocrites. They are dangerous. They are the ones who do the 'hood' work of the elite in this country. They are the ones who turn to their intellectual ghettos for so-called facts  and then circulate them to the elderly and your homies around the way. Because they are naturally self-absorbed, they are able to broadcast nonsense on the train. Because they believe the capacity to consume is the key to life, they are very fashionable, a trait which gives them further credibility when dealing with impressionistic youth. This allows them to spew further poisonous lies. 

It is time we recognize these characters for who they truly are. No, they are not pawns. They are instead  the knights of the elite who want to do away with any semblance of human rights. Forget about the irony of it all. They are a destructive force to be enumerated alongside the tea party, global terrorists, and anyone else hell-bent on ensuring that for the majority, the meaning of freedom means your right to starve
what the hell did i just read? this whole post screams insanity.
sounds like a left wing **** mentality to me.

according to this dweeb da democrats who ALREADY DELAYED obamacare for corporations and special interest groups

dont think it should be delayed for individuals....
hypocrisy at its finest.

i expect nothing less from left wing crack pots.
As a man it is my duty and obligation to take care of my family (when I eventually start one) and myself. I really do not see what is so hard to understand about that? I have no vested interest in my neighbor or anyone elses well being. Unless of course there actions start to affect me.

I understand you guys have bleeding hearts and want to save the world and all that is fine. But that should be your choice and no one elses. Donate to the Red Cross, volunteer at a clinic. But do not force me to give handouts to anyone.

This is not a hard concept to understand.
But you partake in a society that provides so much for you. Do you drive on paved roads? Do you enjoy buying clothes and shoes that you didn't make? Did you build your own home? Could you even build one on your own? Do you know how to?

My point is that while you think you owe nothing to the world, you've certainly been able to enjoy the same benefits that others have from a society that recognizes that it must contribute together in order to function as a unit. You did not make yourself the person you are today COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT FROM OTHER FACTORS IN YOUR LIFE. You are the summation of everything around you, you've benefited from essential, fundamental things that society has provided for you and to think that you're anything but that is a sad joke.
Furthermore, unless you live in the woods, hunt and gather your meals each and every day and somehow make due without using US currency, refuse to support any BILLION dollar companies and businesses receiving these tax breaks and "handouts" that you are so vehemently against for everyday citizens, didn't go to public school, don't have family receiving or have received in the past Medicare or social security, veterans benefits, have NEVER been on any public transportation system, don't accept tax breaks and deductions, and maintain the ability to fly without using public roads and interstate highways among countless other things; Then you are literally the epitome of a hypocrisy. Comical really.
oh look, its da "you didn't build that" excuse...
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