Government Shutdown 2013-2014 My Civil Servant Brethern...what you think

To ask again, can anyone break down what's going on and the implications of this in layman's terms?

Not politically savvy in the least bit and what I learned in class went right out the window when I put my pencil down after I finished my test.
republicans want a deal if they delay obamacare.

democrats say no

delay begins.

bring it on!
meanwhile obamacare was delayed one year for companies and special interests groups of obama's choosing..
You're on furlough because the Democrats are unwilling to give the rest of us a year delay. Their precious unions got them, why can't the American public get it as well. If the Republicans told everyone that the mandate is essentially a tax, then more people would be up in arms.
kinda crazy how we got money for war, but no money for the bills. America is a 20 year old lol
I found this interesting....

"Everyone who was seated in or physically at the NAVSEA headquarters building 197 on Sept. 16 (day of the shooting) -- will be excepted from furloughs if/when the government shuts down," a Navy official said in a statement.

Yes, I know the people in the Navy Yard have been through a lot, but the picking/choosing of who is exempted from the furloughs should be enough to piss off people on both sides of the republican/democrat coin.
You guys are so dramatic. Talking about post apocalyptic dysotopian societies because people put there own needs above the needs of others. Miss me with that.

I became an adult in a world where income tax, property tax, sales tax, and mandatory auto insurance was the norm. It was too late for me to really fight it unless I wanted to shoot myself in the foot. But this ACA **** is new, there is still time to get rid of it or defund it. I will continue to support any actions that keeps it from affecting me.

There is nothing wrong with putting your needs above the needs of others. I do not when that became a negative trait but it is scary that you all are against it. I work hard for MY money. I went to the job interviews. I got.the training. I kept my criminal record clean. I budgeted my money. I chose not to do drugs in order to pass drug tests. I chose not to have kids before I was ready. So why the hell should MY hard work and good decisions go to benefit people that I don't believe I have a responsibility for?

Well if the people before you had your mindset, you wouldn't have anything.

No roads, schools, public transportation, none of that. Why you ask? Because other people in your city/county/state who didn't live in your community didn't want to pay taxes to fund schools and roads where you are. They said "screw it, I don't go that way, I don't know anybody who lives over there, why should I have to spend my money to fund them having roads and books for their schools, I want to keep MY money"

See how that selfish mentality works?

someone will always have a way to provide things for the community. the community doesnt automatically rot without government. for example. booker t washington started up his own school with the funds from others to teach blacks how to read, write, etc.
Didn't know there were so many temporary embarrassed millionaires on NT. Dudes who live with mom and have to nerve to say others are using "you didn't build that" excuse.

None of what you spout NH is "independent"
Didn't know there were so many temporary embarrassed millionaires on NT. Dudes who live with mom and have to nerve to say others are using "you didn't build that" excuse.

None of what you spout NH is "independent"
i live with my mom, i dont live off da government...try again nimrod.

democrats delayed da law for corporations and interests groups already.

stop playing stupid obama and extend it to everyone else.
Log back into the this thread to see myself insulted because I stated a fact with how this bill got pushed through. Didn't pick any sides. Stated facts. I forget this site harbors many with extreme left wing views. Under no circumstance should you be mandated to take care of something that is private matter. The only ones who really benefited from this are the insurance companies within our respective states and the politicians involved in this fiasco.

its all about the fascist ways brah. fascism keeps the money flowing to lucky people. to the bolded line, its because of the government taken care of em cradle to grave mentality. especially when you work for them you got to protect your maker. i bet people working under hitler did the same thing, protect him to keep getting fed.

The same people crying for a shutdown, are the same people that cry when a disaster happens and they need help. It's all good when it happens to "other" people but when it hits close to home that's when they change their tune.

im anti-state, anti-banks, anti-religion, etc etc. i gonna do fine.
someone will always have a way to provide things for the community. the community doesnt automatically rot without government. for example. booker t washington started up his own school with the funds from others to teach blacks how to read, write, etc.
That's more of the point most of us were making -- people helping people. (Not necessarily saying we need the current system of government the way it is, although I think we do need a central organization to avoid chaos)

I agree that government is too big and a complete mess. But for this guy Rico to pretend he's self made and self sufficient is absolute foolery.

We NEED each other if we want to live a certain way.
As a man it is my duty and obligation to take care of my family (when I eventually start one) and myself. I really do not see what is so hard to understand about that? I have no vested interest in my neighbor or anyone elses well being. Unless of course there actions start to affect me.

I understand you guys have bleeding hearts and want to save the world and all that is fine. But that should be your choice and no one elses. Donate to the Red Cross, volunteer at a clinic. But do not force me to give handouts to anyone.

This is not a hard concept to understand.

But you partake in a society that provides so much for you. Do you drive on paved roads? Do you enjoy buying clothes and shoes that you didn't make? Did you build your own home? Could you even build one on your own? Do you know how to?

My point is that while you think you owe nothing to the world, you've certainly been able to enjoy the same benefits that others have from a society that recognizes that it must contribute together in order to function as a unit. You did not make yourself the person you are today COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT FROM OTHER FACTORS IN YOUR LIFE. You are the summation of everything around you, you've benefited from essential, fundamental things that society has provided for you and to think that you're anything but that is a sad joke.

Furthermore, unless you live in the woods, hunt and gather your meals each and every day and somehow make due without using US currency, refuse to support any BILLION dollar companies and businesses receiving these tax breaks and "handouts" that you are so vehemently against for everyday citizens, didn't go to public school, don't have family receiving or have received in the past Medicare or social security, veterans benefits, have NEVER been on any public transportation system, don't accept tax breaks and deductions, and maintain the ability to fly without using public roads and interstate highways among countless other things; Then you are literally the epitome of a hypocrisy. Comical really.
oh look, its da "you didn't build that" excuse...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you might be one of the most dense and purposefully obtuse people I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with on any level. Congratulations sir. Guess what genius, YOU DIDNT BUILD THAT! We all have needed help and assistance if you think otherwise you're just clueless. But I'm going to cease arguing and discussing this bc unlike you I'm actually being affected financially. So why don't you just sit this one out boss.

ANd the employer mandate was already delayed a year in July so unless y'all just ignore news then get outta here with well just delay it again. All that these companies have done is make more full time workers part time status and making them even less likely to be given they'll have to pay out of pocket with a slashed salary. Our healthcare system frankly is bad...many countries have lower infant mortality rates and higher life expectancies and have no issues with this, stop acting Iike this bill is even all that extreme bc it's most definitely not. Majority of Americans wanted this as the president was reaffirmed in an election by over 4million votes where he ran on the promise to reform the healthcare system. Point blank period. If a majority didn't agree then Romney would be in office.

And be real with yourselves. Let's say he agrees to delay one more year. Y'all reallllllllllllly think the house will be down to let this start up again? We'd be right back at square one like we are now come 2014. Foolish to think otherwise.
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Anyway for people who are remotely intelligent and remembered the 95-96 would any of you be up for an interview for a news site

How cute a NT gif aimed at someone that doesn't go along with NT group-think... ... ... Sit yourself back down in the corner son and finish your Cheerios.

Same names preaching the same garbage in every thread... you wouldn't have this if you weren't given that so you owe it to society to do yada-yada-yada and party X does this but I'll ignore that the party Y, I support does, the exact same crap.

Facts are facts. This bill was a farce from the get go, the American public was lied to, it is going to cost more on paper than what was said which means in reality it is going to cost a lot more than was lied to, rise in rates are going to go up faster than ever. And then you got all the unions, and what not, that pretend to be social warriors like the fools in this thread; yet they all got waivers from the law- hmmm wonder why. The damn politicians who wrote it and approved it don't even want anything to do with Obamacare. Yet you social warriors don't give one flying F that every big bad corporation and political entity was given waivers, everyone except the tax-paying Americans. Hell, Pelosi and Co. even admitted that the whole purpose is to get America on a single-payer system.

The only people who have any clue in this thread are the ones that realize that the R's and the D's don't give a F about U.
The only people who have any clue in this thread are the ones that realize that the R's and the D's don't give a F about U.
Find one post where anyone is sticking up for politicians.

The theme here has been:

a) who's at fault for the shutdown

b) opinions about the ACA

c) are we dependent on other people

Not a single sole is giving any representative a hand job. So based on your comment, we all have a clue.
Who else could we vote for? Not many options when both dem and reps are the same regardless.

Independent, I guess. *shrugs*

It's just sad that both sides have dug their heels in the sand and are refusing to budge an inch. Someone remind me...who's best interest do they have in mind?

They have the best interest of themselves and the people that fund their campaigns, not the regular joe. And it's common knowledge that when u vote, all you're doing is voting for the lesser of two evils.

I'm confident that the GOP will win the next election and big business will be consoled for the last 8 years though they are still eatin off of this government
i live with my mom, i dont live off da government...try again nimrod.

democrats delayed da law for corporations and interests groups already.

stop playing stupid obama and extend it to everyone else.
Does your mom get assistance?

I'm dead that someone STILL living at home with their mom over the age of 26 is using the "I did this on my own" logic :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: like what world is this?!
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It's expensive to live in NYC by yourself. As long as he's not knocking over people, more power to him. This notion that you can't live with your parents after a certain age is definitely a Western thing.
17 days until default. Only time will tell. We are in uncharted waters right now. David Gergen just said on CNN he has never seen a government as polarized as this one. Our credit has already been downgraded and now our government has shutdown in one of the most toxic political enviorment since the 19th century.
Bro, there were 8....EIGHT shutdowns under Regan, and 18 since 1976.  This is nothing new
"they hate government.... but if there's a disaster, a flood... they feel government has to help... they love social security and medicaid.... but they hate government"
im anti-state, anti-banks, anti-religion, etc etc. i gonna do fine.

Where do you live?

ny. i know the advantages or disadvantages in living here. i have 5 contingency plans set up in case something hits the fan. i also have stockpiled foods with the money i saved instead of spending it going on clubs and stuff. i was fine during hurricane sandy when everyone was moaning and crying
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i live with my mom, i dont live off da government...try again nimrod.

democrats delayed da law for corporations and interests groups already.

stop playing stupid obama and extend it to everyone else.
Does your mom get assistance?

I'm dead that someone STILL living at home with their mom over the age of 26 is using the "I did this on my own" logic :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: like what world is this?!
Someone should also tell him that rent stabilization qualifies as a type of Government assistance. End of the day yall waste a lot of time argunig with a kat whose age is greater than the square footage of his living quarters.
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They have the best interest of themselves and the people that fund their campaigns, not the regular joe. And it's common knowledge that when u vote, all you're doing is voting for the lesser of two evils.

I'm confident that the GOP will win the next election and big business will be consoled for the last 8 years though they are still eatin off of this government
Exactly politicians have no interest in the regualr joe then they make this R vs D thing to throw us off.. We need to wake up and quit fighting

And insurance rates are NOT going up thats all a lie. Why would they even go up if millions of more people are joining dont make sense

mines did not go up

And also with new insurance reform if you dont use you rinsurance you will get a refund check for part of your premiums
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