Nice. I'm gonna be using Manhattan for my GMAT prep. Everyone seems to be recommending it.

[COLOR=#red]^^^I paid close to $1500 for either Veritas or MAnhattan GMAT prep course back in 2008 when I planned to go to USC's MBA program. I still have the books somewhere. We had to log into this virtual classroom as well as do self study. My job at the time was sending me to San Diego and VA like twice a month and I never got in the groove so I basically wasted $1500.

All that to say no matter how great the program you only get out of it what you put into it.[/COLOR]
I think I want this now, eyeing dual ms/MBA program once I finish this bs. I can't see full time though, no need to give up IT money.
Nice. I'm gonna be using Manhattan for my GMAT prep. Everyone seems to be recommending it.

[COLOR=#red]^^^I paid close to $1500 for either Veritas or MAnhattan GMAT prep course back in 2008 when I planned to go to USC's MBA program. I still have the books somewhere. We had to log into this virtual classroom as well as do self study. My job at the time was sending me to San Diego and VA like twice a month and I never got in the groove so I basically wasted $1500.

All that to say no matter how great the program you only get out of it what you put into it.[/COLOR]

Did you end up not going to USC for grad school? I assume you're going to A&M for your MBA now?

Also thanks for that info so far in the thread, nice reading what your thoughts are on all the various topics!
Did you end up not going to USC for grad school? I assume you're going to A&M for your MBA now?

Also thanks for that info so far in the thread, nice reading what your thoughts are on all the various topics!

[COLOR=#red]I took a visit and met with one of the admissions counselors but I never applied ultimately. USC was actually one of my dream schools and their Business school was nice facility-wise. I was attracted to the Trojan Network...heard great things about it.

I'm at A&M in the Geoscience program, bro I'm all over the place and sometimes that's not the best thing need to stay settled at least for a little while. I'm impressed with you guys in here because y'all have it together and are pretty focused. When I was around y'all age I definitely wasn't as squared away. Just keeping it real.[/COLOR]
What's up NT FAM I need some advice on school.I want to go to The Darden school of buisness @ UVa, but I'm not entirely sure on how to get in other then a high GPA and GMAT scores. CAN YOU GUYS OFFER ANY ADVICE ON how I can help myself get in, is there anything I need to do to stand out from other applicants. Any advice would be appreciate.
^I'm in the same position myself (want to attend a top 15 business school).

This is what I'm going to do...I think if you want your best chance of getting in, be sure you know the school inside and out and be able to convey "fit" in your essays. I'd recommend visiting the school if you have the chance. This alone will set you apart from some applicants, without a high GPA/GMAT. You'll also need to have a strong personal brand conveyed in your essays.

Speaking of MBA programs, on another note, you guys know Dominique Foxsworth (Former Bronco DB) is attending Harvard Business School? :smokin
Good thread...YO to all the NUPES in here #Achieving MP-Fa12-7Klub , but lets get to business

I just moved to College Park, MD on Monday and am about to begin my final internship as a grant-writing and sponsorship intern for a Gov't agency out here.
I go to school at the U of TN-Knoxville and I graduate in the fall with a 3.25 maybe a 3.3 when its all said and done. I am planning to take the GRE in August so I have begun studying now, as I want to pursue my MPA/MPP along with and MUP (only certain schools have the dual degree). I have gotten around to two schools so far in this free week I have and I learned about a public policy graduate program fair here in DC in mid-july. Up to this point I am gonna apply to six schools and so far the lineup by preference goes:

1.The University of Michigan dual MPP/MUP- Great school, great alumni network, in-state tuition, great athletics so I can stay sane, one professor who I REALLY want to do policy research within a sports scope with,etc.
2. The University of Washington-Seattle dual MPA/MUP- Great school, great alum network out west, Seattle is dope, athletics for my free time, VERY nice faculty,etc
3. The University of Maryland-College Park- MPP- Great school, camps location, up and coming program with GREAT DMV connections
4.The University of Wisconsin-Madison-MPA/MUP- Same reasons as #2, except Madison is dope and Wisc has a great chicago connection
5. University of Southern Cal- MPP/MUP Great School, Great Cali network, LA lifestyle for free time
6.4-way tie between Texas A&M, Duke, Rutgers, U of MN- I'll let the Grad fair decide my sixth spot (REALLY hoping for one of my top-5)

I am a MI native and while my undergrad experience was great, I just do not think the south is a place for me. Not that I cant live there, but I just feel my quality of life is better up north/out west. I am also African-American male so I am oping that can play a key role in my recruitment as my demographic is very underrepresented in graduate school period, let alone these policy programs. I believe that if I can do well (75 percentile or higher) on GRE and have a great final semester (basically ALL policy classes) that I can get in almost anywhere. As far as funding goes, we shall see, but Michigan is a better school than most and having in-state tuition would make it a no-brainer if I got in.

Pray for me guys as this next six months will determine a lot for the direction of my life the next 2-3 years!!

Good luck man. I got a few friends that graduated from UT that are Kappa's. Corbin and Justin :nerd:
I have a separate but related issue and need help from my NT grad famb. Are any of you willing to pm me a resume that got you into your current job, either public or private sector? You can strike the name and other personal info obviously.

My previous employers were all through connects made both during school and networking. I am preparing to make a career change once I get this masters and my resume is lacking. I have never had to focus on 'getting noticed' through one or two pages.

I'm having difficulty getting the best of the best companies to notice me even though I have the work experience and schooling. Any help would be appreciated. Glad to see NTers getting their school on.
I have a separate but related issue and need help from my NT grad famb. Are any of you willing to pm me a resume that got you into your current job, either public or private sector? You can strike the name and other personal info obviously.

My previous employers were all through connects made both during school and networking. I am preparing to make a career change once I get this masters and my resume is lacking. I have never had to focus on 'getting noticed' through one or two pages.

I'm having difficulty getting the best of the best companies to notice me even though I have the work experience and schooling. Any help would be appreciated. Glad to see NTers getting their school on.
Are you in graduate school?
Already have my masters... been seriously thinking about going for my doctorate in physical therapy.
Build an online portfolio in addition to LinkedIn. Curate some articles you like and give some feedback to demonstrate how you comprehend things.

Have yet to flesh out my LinkedIn profile. Have people generally had success landing a career position through LinkedIn? Thanks for the reply.
3.4gpa first year. I wanted to be perfect, but I'll take it. fall i pulled a 3.6 winter a 3.0 :smh: :smh: and spring another 3.6.... going for perfection this last year and a half.

If anyone is looking to get into a grad Film program. Holla at me. I go to SCAD, can definitely tell you the +'s and -'s of going to school in Savannah, GA.

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Yes. I will be finishing up in November.
I've heard a few people landing some dope jobs through linkedin.

as far as the connections, i'm sorry but that's the greatest way to get on. so many filters in the application process and you aineem knowit....

shoot me a PM and i'll sling you a couple of mine.
3.4gpa first year. I wanted to be perfect, but I'll take it. fall i pulled a 3.6 winter a 3.0 :smh: :smh: and spring another 3.6.... going for perfection this last year and a half.

If anyone is looking to get into a grad Film program. Holla at me. I go to SCAD, can definitely tell you the +'s and -'s of going to school in Savannah, GA.

How do like SCAD? I ended up declining my acceptance for my MFA in Service Design earlier this year. Really liked the program, but decided to go to another school.
How do like SCAD? I ended up declining my acceptance for my MFA in Service Design earlier this year. Really liked the program, but decided to go to another school.

I love it. The film program is pretty awesome, I like the way that the campus is basically the whole city since it's just random buildings throughout downtown and no traditional closed in area. The teacher/staff are really good and enjoyable as well.

The town of Sav is not a real city, so it's not too many distractions. But the night life is decent and there's actually always something/somewhere to go.
Gonna start studying for GMATs soon. Planning to start grad school for my MAcc come spring '14
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