Yessir, let's get it .. last year of undergrad looking at Albany School of Pharmacy :smokin

Good luck.

As for me last semester of grad school at SUNY Albany.

hows grad school for UAlbany? do you commute? I heard the food is terrible

The education program is awful.. Has a great reputation in the area, but really does nothing to make you a better teacher.. I commute. Never ate the dorm food, if I eat it's like a bag of chips or at the Wendy's on campus.
So how many of our NT brethren are starting this year?!

I'm excited to start school. Getting my Masters in Counseling Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University.

If the weather is this bad in late August, I can't imagine the full bulk of an NYC summer. :x It's only my 2nd day in NYC too. Already miss Bay Area weather.

What do you plan on doing with that?

I thought I was going the counseling/clinical route but for what I want to do, a Professor said I can go the MFT/MSW route. So decisions, decisions.
Just finished summer quarter, **** was chill.

Kicking back at moms house before I head back down to GA.

Need that J. Cole 4.0 this Fall quarter.
NZer here, hoping to get accepted into a graduate program for computer science.

Just wondering if I could get your guys' opinion how much US colleges value the GRE, and how much they value my undergraduate GPA?

I slacked off hard in the first 2 years of my degree, and picked it back up to about a B average (maybe a bit lower after converting it).

I'm hoping US colleges really value the GRE so I it can make up for my average GPA. I know I'll give everything I have when I sit the GRE, just afraid my GPA is going to hold me back
Hey guys, just retook my GMAT, did better than last time, but I'm still worried about my work experience and undergrad GPA... :\

The plan is to apply first round (deadlines are coming up) since I hear I'll have higher odds of acceptance if I do. Anyone have any opinion of whether to apply first v. second round?

If it doesn't make much of a difference, I may take the GMAT one more time prior to applying.
Hey guys, just retook my GMAT, did better than last time, but I'm still worried about my work experience and undergrad GPA... :\

The plan is to apply first round (deadlines are coming up) since I hear I'll have higher odds of acceptance if I do. Anyone have any opinion of whether to apply first v. second round?

If it doesn't make much of a difference, I may take the GMAT one more time prior to applying.

Admin directors say it doesn't make a difference if you apply Rd. 1 vs. Rd. 2, but about 80% of applicants apply in Rd. 2 and applying Rd. 1 gives them the perception that they are among your top choices. Having said that, apply when your app is the best. I'll be applying Rd. 2, since I haven't taken the GMAT (been studying for it for 3 months) and want to only take it once.
So how many of our NT brethren are starting this year?!

I'm excited to start school. Getting my Masters in Counseling Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University.

If the weather is this bad in late August, I can't imagine the full bulk of an NYC summer. :x It's only my 2nd day in NYC too. Already miss Bay Area weather.

What do you plan on doing with that?

I thought I was going the counseling/clinical route but for what I want to do, a Professor said I can go the MFT/MSW route. So decisions, decisions.

Well there are different parts within my program. I am focused more on the school counseling aspect. Which in this day and age is more comprehensive than it has been in the past because of the focus on the mental health aspect. Also, I wont necessarily have to have to work in a school setting. I do want to be school counselor, but I eventually hope to get my PhD and eventually become a professor. I really want to go into the research route.

It's crazy tho, there are so many options out there. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm still relatively new to the field, and I haven't even started my first class yet, but I do have some limited research looking up programs.
[COLOR=#red]Got a SUPREME career like an underclassman in sports I'm leaving Grad School early. Sure I'm going to miss A&M but I came to Grad School for enhanced job opps...well I got just that so this will be my last semester. Since being here I've been recruited pretty hard from various companies and entities. I can always get my Masters from an online school or professional night program, but in this economy I'd be stupid not to take this offer. It will take a few months before I start, but I need to start working to save up money for relocation so I'm gonna get a "for right now" job until I start my dream job.

This job gets tens of thousands of applications per month (yes it's that competitive), so I feel humbled and honored to have gotten the call. [/COLOR]
JPEG and Milk we gotta talk.

I'm very interested in psychotherapy and counseling as it relates to speech-language disorders, especially stuttering.

Wondering if you guys could recommend some books for a novice....something that details each practice in lay terms.

One of my idols in and out of speech-language pathology is Charles Van Riper who, when the field was in it's infancy, came from a psychology background and used a lot of psychotherapy with his clients.

Really interesting stuff.

Yalom - The gift of therapy.

You'll find a free PDF through Google.
[COLOR=#red]Got a SUPREME career like an underclassman in sports I'm leaving Grad School early. Sure I'm going to miss A&M but I came to Grad School for enhanced job opps...well I got just that so this will be my last semester. Since being here I've been recruited pretty hard from various companies and entities. I can always get my Masters from an online school or professional night program, but in this economy I'd be stupid not to take this offer. It will take a few months before I start, but I need to start working to save up money for relocation so I'm gonna get a "for right now" job until I start my dream job.

This job gets tens of thousands of applications per month (yes it's that competitive), so I feel humbled and honored to have gotten the call. [/COLOR]
more info on the position and where you will be moving too? Congrats, bro :pimp:
2nd semester of grad school. Having to do a lot of peer reviewed journal articles. Anybody have suggestions on knocking these out? :smh:
more info on the position and where you will be moving too? Congrats, bro :pimp:

[COLOR=#red]Another Fed job in DC. I worked for the Feds before grad school, and I was trying to go another route, but truth of the matter is it's what I'm good at so I might as well go back and get busy. One thing for sure I'll never get rich from the career alone, but the importance/prestige aspect of it is second to none. I like to be a part of influencing the world from behind the scenes...makes you feel like :smokin...But dang it cost so much to live in DC that I have to get a full-time for now just to save up for the relocation.

So now my M5 and Pontoon boat dreams are over :lol:...I'll live through you business grad majors eyes. Be sure to post plenty of pics when y'all get rich :lol:[/COLOR]
2nd semester of grad school. Having to do a lot of peer reviewed journal articles. Anybody have suggestions on knocking these out? :smh:

[COLOR=#red]Read the Abstract first....then read the conclusion...those two will give you the meat of the article. If you have the article in soft (electronic) form then you can always do a Ctrl-F to find the topics listed in the abstract and conclusion for more reinforcement.

One of the best tips I ever learned from successful grad students is to learn how to skim/glean information without reading articles and books word for word. It's a skill that takes a little practice and honing but once you get it down it makes Grad school more bearable.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Read the Abstract first....then read the conclusion...those two will give you the meat of the article. If you have the article in soft (electronic) form then you can always do a Ctrl-F to find the topics listed in the abstract and conclusion for more reinforcement.

One of the best tips I ever learned from successful grad students is to learn how to skim/glean information without reading articles and books word for word. It's a skill that takes a little practice and honing but once you get it down it makes Grad school more bearable.[/COLOR]

THIS. I just started my PhD program this semester and that's what the upperclassmen told me after the first week. Made life sooooooo much easier.
[COLOR=#red]Got a SUPREME career like an underclassman in sports I'm leaving Grad School early. Sure I'm going to miss A&M but I came to Grad School for enhanced job opps...well I got just that so this will be my last semester. Since being here I've been recruited pretty hard from various companies and entities. I can always get my Masters from an online school or professional night program, but in this economy I'd be stupid not to take this offer. It will take a few months before I start, but I need to start working to save up money for relocation so I'm gonna get a "for right now" job until I start my dream job.

This job gets tens of thousands of applications per month (yes it's that competitive), so I feel humbled and honored to have gotten the call. [/COLOR]
good to hear, famb...

i am SERIOUSLY considering going to TAMU in fall '15, or '16 if i can snatch a two year IB analyst stint...

been looking at the numbers and its RIDICULOUS how much cheaper it is compared to other programs...

28k for tamu in state...

63k for UT in state...

but they're only 10 slots apart on many MBA lists... plus, TAMU has an MBA-IB program...

UT has concentrations in IB, PE, and Energy.. but i hear once you're in, then the school doesnt matter too much...

also, TAMU and UT have great clout here in the south... i have a friend at NYU that says if i wanted to stay in Texas, then UT and TAMU >> top ten programs... i was like :wow:

hope you're happy w/ your decision famb... i dont know aobut leaving early though... why wouldnt they just wait on you to get out?
good to hear, famb...

i am SERIOUSLY considering going to TAMU in fall '15, or '16 if i can snatch a two year IB analyst stint...

been looking at the numbers and its RIDICULOUS how much cheaper it is compared to other programs...

28k for tamu in state...

63k for UT in state...

but they're only 10 slots apart on many MBA lists... plus, TAMU has an MBA-IB program...

UT has concentrations in IB, PE, and Energy.. but i hear once you're in, then the school doesnt matter too much...

also, TAMU and UT have great clout here in the south... i have a friend at NYU that says if i wanted to stay in Texas, then UT and TAMU >> top ten programs... i was like :wow:

hope you're happy w/ your decision famb... i dont know aobut leaving early though... why wouldnt they just wait on you to get out?

[COLOR=#red]Yeah fam, like you couldn't go wrong with either UT or TAMU. I honestly feel that you'll have a better all-around experience at UT though, but it's hard to ignore the almost $40k difference at the same time. I think you'll be fine bro...just remember to invite me to the soirees and shindigs when you make that big money.

They want me because I already have experience in the field and a very sought after skill set so technically for me a Masters is just icing on the cake. Had I not had experience then all I could rest on is my education. Also sometimes you gotta go when the going is this economy ain't no telling how things can change in a year and a half.

It's sorta like if you was in a IB program and Goldman Sachs was like "you don't eem gotta finish the grad program...just come start with'd be crazy to not even consider it. Well my opportunity is like the Goldman Sachs or even better for my field bro. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Read the Abstract first....then read the conclusion...those two will give you the meat of the article. If you have the article in soft (electronic) form then you can always do a Ctrl-F to find the topics listed in the abstract and conclusion for more reinforcement.

One of the best tips I ever learned from successful grad students is to learn how to skim/glean information without reading articles and books word for word. It's a skill that takes a little practice and honing but once you get it down it makes Grad school more bearable.[/COLOR]
Thanks man. Good luck with everything man. :smokin
[COLOR=#red]Another Fed job in DC. I worked for the Feds before grad school, and I was trying to go another route, but truth of the matter is it's what I'm good at so I might as well go back and get busy. One thing for sure I'll never get rich from the career alone, but the importance/prestige aspect of it is second to none. I like to be a part of influencing the world from behind the scenes...makes you feel like :smokin...But dang it cost so much to live in DC that I have to get a full-time for now just to save up for the relocation.

So now my M5 and Pontoon boat dreams are over :lol:...I'll live through you business grad majors eyes. Be sure to post plenty of pics when y'all get rich :lol:[/COLOR]

Any tips on how to get into the Federal government? I've worked for local and state government in Maryland, but I have yet to get any gigs with the Feds.

As for the cost of living in DC, have you considered the surrounding suburbs?
got a computer, an air mattress, and a TV in my apt...

Yambs better respect the hustle when they the door though...


Funny story .. I'm talking to my ex... she's 25, I'm 23 today (hbd to MYSELF
) and I'm telling her about the orientation and how career driven it is, and how there are so many major companies that come thru the university ..

An hour later "I hope we can have a baby one day"
I am looking for a job in LA and my own pad and go part time MBA any advise?
I am looking for a job in LA and my own pad and go part time MBA any advise?
1. crash the gmat... study for a few months if you're not on the savant steeze

2. go to a highly ranked MBA... try to find one that's ranked high.

3. even though you're part time, try to attend the career events that they're having.

4. take summer classes.

5. start out with two classes... try to get them at night.

6. let your job know you're in a graduate program. employers tend to be a little more lenient about letting you leave early for work, taking off for tests, etc.
Hey fam I am also studying for my GMAT in the LA area. what program are you using if you dont mind me asking?
Anybody have success applying for a masters program unrelated to their BA/BS? Also, with a not-so-great GPA?

I have a degree in Psych with no interest to do anything related to it for my job or masters prospects. Right now I work at a computer company, trying to build on the years of tech experience I already have. I plan on pursuing something along the lines of computer engineering in the future, maybe some years down the road.

Also, good to see a lot of my fellow NT brethren going down the right path and setting up for their futures, this is motivation.
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