Summer school starts Monday...

I am not ready. 
you buggin... summer school is the dopeness...

every year i've been in sumer school, i've made the best grades b/c

1. classes, although longer timed, never went all the way to the end. my class now is scheduled for 4 hours two nights a week. we've stayed all class ONCE
2. vibe is cooler. too many people on campus during the year. yeah, the yambs are plentiful, but that stuff gets played when you go to school w/ thousands of people
3. teachers are more chill. see point 1.
4. you rarely have to do all the work that they do during the regular semester.

i love summer school famb.... get ahead in school while everybody chillin

Gonna start studying for GMATs soon. Planning to start grad school for my MAcc come spring '14
best advice is to hit it tough 10 hours a week.. 15 if you trying to cop a 675+
Started yesterday...the 5 week session. 


Good and bad. 
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Was planning to start attending in the fall of '14. Got some brochures from a few schools. Looks like if I want to be in the pool for funding I'd need to apply by this November. Only been at my post undergrad job for a few months. Gonna be kind of awkward to ask them for some recs. Don't really **** with my undergrad teachers anymore either. May end up holding off to fall '15 to save up more money and practice gre/gmat.
I have a Comm 111- Public Speaking class to complete for my undergrad.. Tried to get that sucker waived considering I have a 149 credits over my super long undergrad career.

The way the job market is looking, that 2-3 years of professional or relevant work experience is BS.. i see so many kids going straight from undergrad into graduate programs it's not even funny. So I may as well go the same route..

I know for a fact that I want to do the Peace Corps, but I'm on the fence on whether to do it before or after Grad School..

As far as Graduate programs go though. I'm set on going abroad for it; Norway, Finland, U.K. Switzerland, France, Hungary and a few select countries in Africa.. Some of the countries are free or close to it, but none of them are as expensive as programs in the U.S.
Glad I found this thread. I have been battling whether or not to go back to school or just get certifications. Hopefully I can get some advice from some one here.

I currently have a bachelors & one certification (sat for the certification while still in school, 10 most painful days of my life). Graduated May 2011 with B.B.A Information Systems with concentration in Enterprise Resource Planning and I am a Certified SAP Business Associate with SAP ERP 6.0. June 6, made 2 years at my current company (well known pc company). Now I know the IT world is rather different from others because you don't really need another degree to advance because you can find a area you like and take certifications and advance that way. 

Well my issue is I kind of want to go towards the Logistics/Supply Chain side of things so I was looking at the Supply Chain & Logistics Technology program at the University of Houston. I'm not from Houston originally so i don't know anyone currently in the program to ask their opinion on it. But something keeps nudging me to go for the MBA instead. In the back of my mind there is why pay all that money for another degree when you can drop a smaller amount to get a certification and potentially end up with the same result in your career. 

Any one here ever have this dilemma? Or in grad school after getting an IT focused undergrad degree?, if so why did you choose to go that route as opposed to just getting certs? 
Gotta go talk to some professors for letters of rec, I have one down but need another, haven't seen these professors in 3+ years but all I need is one more
Secured my internship today. It's been hectic; took me 8 weeks of daily emails and phonecalls but now I don't have to stress over it for the remainder of my summer. I'm happy.
after being out of undergrad for 2 years now i think i wanna start prepping for the GRE anybody taken it yet and have any pointers for me im thinking about going going Ga state to get my masters in sports administration any info would help as far as the entire process goes.....
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Secured my internship today. It's been hectic; took me 8 weeks of daily emails and phonecalls but now I don't have to stress over it for the remainder of my summer. I'm happy.
:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

doing what famb? that feel of locking down an internship... :pimp:
Just finishing up to get my Master's in Rehab Counsing. Actually I take my comp exam on Monday. Thinking about going to get my doctorate, but have no idea in what area. Thinking about clinical psychology, but I would have to quit my job to focus on that and I really don't want to.
Man I remember posting in this thread when Ricky made it last year.

I was dreading going to grad school, but after a year in...I'm honestly gonna miss it.

- Facutly/staff was great...always encouraged me
- The people I treated at the clinic; all of them were great clients and taught me a lot.
- The 24:1(me) ratio of females to men was though. Made me realize how you have to treat some women and a stark contrast as how a man could be friends with other dudes....but ladies....not so much.
- Was nice to get a couple peoples perspective on different issues

Def gonna miss having someone guide me into becoming a novice clinician.

Just got my first externship placement for next year....going to Chicago for 3 months....really looking forward to it.

Only 6 months left until I leave the program....Def was a good ride and I'm glad I took the chance.
Yessir, let's get it .. last year of undergrad looking at Albany School of Pharmacy :smokin
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JPEG and Milk we gotta talk.

I'm very interested in psychotherapy and counseling as it relates to speech-language disorders, especially stuttering.

Wondering if you guys could recommend some books for a novice....something that details each practice in lay terms.

One of my idols in and out of speech-language pathology is Charles Van Riper who, when the field was in it's infancy, came from a psychology background and used a lot of psychotherapy with his clients.

Really interesting stuff.
GRE in Oct and finishing up these last 2 requirements through extended education then hopefully I get accepted for the MA Psych program in the spring. Been studying for the past month just brushing up on the math and learning all this damn vocab words I'll never use
Anyone notice how threads like these fall into disarray but Chingy's girlfriend will hit 4 pages the day it was posted?

Minds all in the gutter
GRE in Oct and finishing up these last 2 requirements through extended education then hopefully I get accepted for the MA Psych program in the spring. Been studying for the past month just brushing up on the math and learning all this damn vocab words I'll never use

I cant find any Psych MA program that lets you begin quarterly. Only fall semester
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GRE in Oct and finishing up these last 2 requirements through extended education then hopefully I get accepted for the MA Psych program in the spring. Been studying for the past month just brushing up on the math and learning all this damn vocab words I'll never use

I cant find any Psych MA program that lets you begin quarterly. Only fall semester

School I'm applying to is on semester schedule
So how many of our NT brethren are starting this year?!

I'm excited to start school. Getting my Masters in Counseling Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University.

If the weather is this bad in late August, I can't imagine the full bulk of an NYC summer. :x It's only my 2nd day in NYC too. Already miss Bay Area weather.
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