Graffiti tagger sentenced to 8 years in prison - no chance of parole - Corpus Christi

Originally Posted by likethematrix

i got homies that tag, and unless its art, on something no one wants anymore....

throw the damn book at these punks.

you aint never woke up in the morning to about 15 color test dots on your white luxury vehicle you parked on the street for 4 hours.
and then see the garbage the put up on the wall.

i'd beat a tagger to an inch of his life if i could.

lil *#!+*. it cost me 75bucks to get that taken off.

he needed to get 10 years.

yeah it starts off as tagging, but when does it stop.

if i take a marker and draw all over your house what u gonna do?

"hey bro, stop it. but i respect your right to do it so carry on even tho its my stuff"

you guys are clowns sometimes.

everything is cool till it happens to you.

Originally Posted by likethematrix

i got homies that tag, and unless its art, on something no one wants anymore....

throw the damn book at these punks.

you aint never woke up in the morning to about 15 color test dots on your white luxury vehicle you parked on the street for 4 hours.
and then see the garbage the put up on the wall.

i'd beat a tagger to an inch of his life if i could.

lil *#!+*. it cost me 75bucks to get that taken off.

he needed to get 10 years.

yeah it starts off as tagging, but when does it stop.

if i take a marker and draw all over your house what u gonna do?

"hey bro, stop it. but i respect your right to do it so carry on even tho its my stuff"

you guys are clowns sometimes.

everything is cool till it happens to you.

Originally Posted by IamMD

Just a way to keep people of color down.
Do you have down syndrome! This has nothing to do with race, the judge is Hispanic.
Originally Posted by IamMD

Just a way to keep people of color down.
Do you have down syndrome! This has nothing to do with race, the judge is Hispanic.
Originally Posted by IamMD

Just a way to keep people of color down.

Shut up, no one made him do that stuff.  But of course, it's always someone else's fault right?
He is 18 years old, he is NOT a kid
Originally Posted by IamMD

Just a way to keep people of color down.

Shut up, no one made him do that stuff.  But of course, it's always someone else's fault right?
He is 18 years old, he is NOT a kid
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

*waits for the "he broke the law" posts*

he did break the law, the punishment is OD tho. I hope the judge is bluffing and just doing this to teach him a lesson. Punishment doesn't fit the crime.

everyone on NT loves to say "but he broke the law" to justify some BS happening in the courts...

like the mother who got 2  felonies on her record and jail time....

all you heard was "but she broke the law, i dont see anything wrong here"

 when state representatives in the state house (i know like 8 chicks who work there) first found out about it, they ALL ignored it

same mindset "she broke the law, oh well"

it wasnt until people spoke in outrage in the media, that the state reps got off their !+%%@, and put pressure on the courts...

and she got out early.


NT loves to be opposite.

i point my finger and say "THATS WRONG"

they say "no, she broke the law" and justify some outrageous situation

then it comes out that the entire planet agrees it was wrong.

i know this kid broke the law, but ANY jailtime for SPRAYPAINTING A WALL is ridiculous.....

garnish his wages, make him do community service for 8 years, fine...

jailtime, tho?

like i said, im waiting for the "but he broke the law" posts....

I can honestly say I wouldn't want anyone spray painting my business. Like the judge said, go spray paint your mother or gfs house. If they want to make an example out of him, which is what I think their intentions are 8 years is a bit much. I'm not surprised she reduced the sentence, no one would have let that fly.
What anton said.
eNPHAN your post are so dumb. All you do is try to act like you are smarter than everybody, but in reality you're not.
sound the alarm because shot have been fired
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

*waits for the "he broke the law" posts*

he did break the law, the punishment is OD tho. I hope the judge is bluffing and just doing this to teach him a lesson. Punishment doesn't fit the crime.

everyone on NT loves to say "but he broke the law" to justify some BS happening in the courts...

like the mother who got 2  felonies on her record and jail time....

all you heard was "but she broke the law, i dont see anything wrong here"

 when state representatives in the state house (i know like 8 chicks who work there) first found out about it, they ALL ignored it

same mindset "she broke the law, oh well"

it wasnt until people spoke in outrage in the media, that the state reps got off their !+%%@, and put pressure on the courts...

and she got out early.


NT loves to be opposite.

i point my finger and say "THATS WRONG"

they say "no, she broke the law" and justify some outrageous situation

then it comes out that the entire planet agrees it was wrong.

i know this kid broke the law, but ANY jailtime for SPRAYPAINTING A WALL is ridiculous.....

garnish his wages, make him do community service for 8 years, fine...

jailtime, tho?

like i said, im waiting for the "but he broke the law" posts....

I can honestly say I wouldn't want anyone spray painting my business. Like the judge said, go spray paint your mother or gfs house. If they want to make an example out of him, which is what I think their intentions are 8 years is a bit much. I'm not surprised she reduced the sentence, no one would have let that fly.
What anton said.
eNPHAN your post are so dumb. All you do is try to act like you are smarter than everybody, but in reality you're not.
sound the alarm because shot have been fired
He broke the rules! You are suppose to be getting up by attacking the man! You don't tag homes.
He broke the rules! You are suppose to be getting up by attacking the man! You don't tag homes.
Clearly a generation gap... its spray paint ya'll.

They just hate skaters and all that counter-culture mess. 8 YEARS for spray-paint? I'd have made him on super strict probation and no more than 6 months max/HEFTY fine. 
So rather than making hims say, do 1000 hours of cleaning up graffiti , Texans are gonna pay for his meals and housing in prison?
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