Graffiti tagger sentenced to 8 years in prison - no chance of parole - Corpus Christi

Originally Posted by jhobson5

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Hope that **%$+ gets breast cancer and dies. 8 years of dudes life for non-violent offenses? It almost seemed as if she enjoyed talking down to him

Another NT'er way way crosses the line. Dont wish Breast Cancer or any kind of Cancer on anybody(I just lost my mom in November from Cancer). The punishment is a little harsh yes, but in the end the lady was doing her job. And that isnt worth wishing Cancer and death on anyone...That is super wrong man.
She obviously don't give two !$@@% about the defendants life so why should someone care about hers? The punishment is a little harsh? Doing her job? Maybe negligently. I wish all kinds of horrible $%+! on that old white @###$ who most likely got to her position from a status of privilege anyway.

PS I lost a parent to cancer.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Hope that **%$+ gets breast cancer and dies. 8 years of dudes life for non-violent offenses? It almost seemed as if she enjoyed talking down to him

Another NT'er way way crosses the line. Dont wish Breast Cancer or any kind of Cancer on anybody(I just lost my mom in November from Cancer). The punishment is a little harsh yes, but in the end the lady was doing her job. And that isnt worth wishing Cancer and death on anyone...That is super wrong man.
She obviously don't give two !$@@% about the defendants life so why should someone care about hers? The punishment is a little harsh? Doing her job? Maybe negligently. I wish all kinds of horrible $%+! on that old white @###$ who most likely got to her position from a status of privilege anyway.

PS I lost a parent to cancer.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by CriminalMinded

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

i enjoyed watching that punk cry and whine.

everything the judge said was true, sebastian you @+$+#*+ idiot.

i don't see how someone can get joy out of watching someone lose 8 years of their life over a crime that doesn't justify a punishment like that. thats just wrong and cruel.  jail is a %*+% hole and i couldn't imagine spening 8 years of my life in there over something petty like grafitti.

at the end of the day the US injustice system is flawed.  money talks   ++!%!@@* walks the marathon.   have some money and you can do whatever you want.  hell even pedos and murderes have gotten off if their moneys right but dude got 8 years over some tagging,  hell even 2 years is far to much over tagging.

no one was hurt, no lifes were put in danger, no one was killed, and no one was swindled out of a huge amount of money. 

dude needs to be punished of course but a life being taken away for 2 years over something petty like this is most likely only going to make this person even more mad at society and the system and possibly commit even worse crimes when he gets out because after doing time like that it's just going to make him worse rather then improve him, whereas making him do a crazy amount of community service cleaning up graffiti and paying restitution for the damage he caused teaches responsibility for your actions in a situation like that.   if he doesn't pay the restitution or do the communnity service when given the chance to make right then lock him up, but to pretty much destroy an 18 year olds life over grafitti is just foul and shows you how the injustice sysyem is a joke if your a regular average joe.
He should've thought about that !$%@ before he went tagging.

I know people who actually HARM people and get less than 2 years. 
So? When you're stupid enough to put yourself in a situation, you deserve whatever comes to you.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by CriminalMinded

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

i enjoyed watching that punk cry and whine.

everything the judge said was true, sebastian you @+$+#*+ idiot.

i don't see how someone can get joy out of watching someone lose 8 years of their life over a crime that doesn't justify a punishment like that. thats just wrong and cruel.  jail is a %*+% hole and i couldn't imagine spening 8 years of my life in there over something petty like grafitti.

at the end of the day the US injustice system is flawed.  money talks   ++!%!@@* walks the marathon.   have some money and you can do whatever you want.  hell even pedos and murderes have gotten off if their moneys right but dude got 8 years over some tagging,  hell even 2 years is far to much over tagging.

no one was hurt, no lifes were put in danger, no one was killed, and no one was swindled out of a huge amount of money. 

dude needs to be punished of course but a life being taken away for 2 years over something petty like this is most likely only going to make this person even more mad at society and the system and possibly commit even worse crimes when he gets out because after doing time like that it's just going to make him worse rather then improve him, whereas making him do a crazy amount of community service cleaning up graffiti and paying restitution for the damage he caused teaches responsibility for your actions in a situation like that.   if he doesn't pay the restitution or do the communnity service when given the chance to make right then lock him up, but to pretty much destroy an 18 year olds life over grafitti is just foul and shows you how the injustice sysyem is a joke if your a regular average joe.
He should've thought about that !$%@ before he went tagging.

I know people who actually HARM people and get less than 2 years. 
So? When you're stupid enough to put yourself in a situation, you deserve whatever comes to you.
7 g's damage total?

fine him 10k or something and maybe a year of parole. 2 years still doesnt fit the crime.
7 g's damage total?

fine him 10k or something and maybe a year of parole. 2 years still doesnt fit the crime.
Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by CriminalMinded

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

i enjoyed watching that punk cry and whine.

everything the judge said was true, sebastian you @+$+#*+ idiot.

i don't see how someone can get joy out of watching someone lose 8 years of their life over a crime that doesn't justify a punishment like that. thats just wrong and cruel.  jail is a %*+% hole and i couldn't imagine spening 8 years of my life in there over something petty like grafitti.

at the end of the day the US injustice system is flawed.  money talks   ++!%!@@* walks the marathon.   have some money and you can do whatever you want.  hell even pedos and murderes have gotten off if their moneys right but dude got 8 years over some tagging,  hell even 2 years is far to much over tagging.

no one was hurt, no lifes were put in danger, no one was killed, and no one was swindled out of a huge amount of money. 

dude needs to be punished of course but a life being taken away for 2 years over something petty like this is most likely only going to make this person even more mad at society and the system and possibly commit even worse crimes when he gets out because after doing time like that it's just going to make him worse rather then improve him, whereas making him do a crazy amount of community service cleaning up graffiti and paying restitution for the damage he caused teaches responsibility for your actions in a situation like that.   if he doesn't pay the restitution or do the communnity service when given the chance to make right then lock him up, but to pretty much destroy an 18 year olds life over grafitti is just foul and shows you how the injustice sysyem is a joke if your a regular average joe.
He should've thought about that !$%@ before he went tagging.

I know people who actually HARM people and get less than 2 years. 
So? When you're stupid enough to put yourself in a situation, you deserve whatever comes to you.

QFT, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by CriminalMinded

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

i enjoyed watching that punk cry and whine.

everything the judge said was true, sebastian you @+$+#*+ idiot.

i don't see how someone can get joy out of watching someone lose 8 years of their life over a crime that doesn't justify a punishment like that. thats just wrong and cruel.  jail is a %*+% hole and i couldn't imagine spening 8 years of my life in there over something petty like grafitti.

at the end of the day the US injustice system is flawed.  money talks   ++!%!@@* walks the marathon.   have some money and you can do whatever you want.  hell even pedos and murderes have gotten off if their moneys right but dude got 8 years over some tagging,  hell even 2 years is far to much over tagging.

no one was hurt, no lifes were put in danger, no one was killed, and no one was swindled out of a huge amount of money. 

dude needs to be punished of course but a life being taken away for 2 years over something petty like this is most likely only going to make this person even more mad at society and the system and possibly commit even worse crimes when he gets out because after doing time like that it's just going to make him worse rather then improve him, whereas making him do a crazy amount of community service cleaning up graffiti and paying restitution for the damage he caused teaches responsibility for your actions in a situation like that.   if he doesn't pay the restitution or do the communnity service when given the chance to make right then lock him up, but to pretty much destroy an 18 year olds life over grafitti is just foul and shows you how the injustice sysyem is a joke if your a regular average joe.
He should've thought about that !$%@ before he went tagging.

I know people who actually HARM people and get less than 2 years. 
So? When you're stupid enough to put yourself in a situation, you deserve whatever comes to you.

QFT, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Originally Posted by sam206

Originally Posted by IamMD

Just a way to keep people of color down.
Do you have down syndrome! This has nothing to do with race, the judge is Hispanic.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL, usually when you ask questions, you use a question mark.
Originally Posted by sam206

Originally Posted by IamMD

Just a way to keep people of color down.
Do you have down syndrome! This has nothing to do with race, the judge is Hispanic.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL, usually when you ask questions, you use a question mark.
i think graffiti is worse than drug dealing.

drug dealing you're not forcing anyone to do anything. they make a choice to purchase drugs. willingly

but graffiti is going and vandalizing/destroying someone else property against their will.

crimes wit victims > victimless crimes
i think graffiti is worse than drug dealing.

drug dealing you're not forcing anyone to do anything. they make a choice to purchase drugs. willingly

but graffiti is going and vandalizing/destroying someone else property against their will.

crimes wit victims > victimless crimes
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

i think graffiti is worse than drug dealing.

drug dealing you're not forcing anyone to do anything. they make a choice to purchase drugs. willingly

but graffiti is going and vandalizing/destroying someone else property against their will.

crimes wit victims > victimless crimes

LOL what?!?!??! yeah because graffiti destroys lives and communities...god, that was an idiotic statement.  (not calling you an idiot) but yeah, that was stupid.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

i think graffiti is worse than drug dealing.

drug dealing you're not forcing anyone to do anything. they make a choice to purchase drugs. willingly

but graffiti is going and vandalizing/destroying someone else property against their will.

crimes wit victims > victimless crimes

LOL what?!?!??! yeah because graffiti destroys lives and communities...god, that was an idiotic statement.  (not calling you an idiot) but yeah, that was stupid.
Originally Posted by CriminalMinded

StreetPharmacist wrote:

i enjoyed watching that punk cry and whine.

everything the judge said was true, sebastian you @+$+#*+ idiot.

Wow, RicanChulo, you got back on NT rather quick. Had this screen name stashed away?
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