greatest pack of all time

None, i wish they sold each shoe seperately rather than sticking you with a shoe you didn't like then have to sell for less than retail. $336 is crazy!
I have to say a tie between the DMP and 11/12 CDP. The DMP have the concords with a few changes but the CDP 11/12 are both pretty close to the OG's.
whats the bigger gimmick. re-retroing shoes that have been retroed or selling them in packs?
marqueemark wrote:
DMP.. unfortunately i didnt get 1 of those..

Neither did I but, I'm doing my homework.

DMP mostdef.
DMP, and it was carried by the XI, they could have put any shoe with it, and it still would be the best.
the pack where JB says "this is the last pack we will ever do because we need to stop the gimmicks and get back to what made JB strong"
dmp's are overrated. PACK would imply that both shoes were hot. the xi was hot but the vi was average.

imo, more than 1 cdp that were better such as 13/10, 12/11, 16/7.

don't believe the hype!
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