Greg Oden is trash thread...vol 1 man hacking machine

Thomas is in his 3rd full year, correct? After 2 years of school.

Oden is 25 games in after 1 year in school with injuries mixed in.

Yeah, they're the same.
^^^Both players were over hyped in college and have no offensive game.

Honestly what is Oden doing that Hibbert can't do? I really dont see much of a difference in their games outside of the hype and expectations. Hibbert canavg 7 and 7 and 5 fouls in 19 minutes per game.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Thomas is in his 3rd full year, correct? After 2 years of school.

Oden is 25 games in after 1 year in school with injuries mixed in.

Yeah, they're the same.
Thomas played one year of college basketball...

Point is...everyone was calling him a bust in his first season because he wasn't playing like a #4 pick...but Oden gets the benefit of a doubt and he'ssupposed to be on a whole different echelon of talent...why?
People are always overeager to crown "the next big man" and this is just another case of that.

His ceiling was never really as high as people made it out to be. At least he's not Michael Olowokandi...yet.
played, but spent 2 years in school.

i hear your point

But, Their games aren't comparable...

And he can do things Roy can't. Roy can't touch 7 rebounds in 20 minutes. He probably can't in 30 minutes. he is more skilled offensively tho.
anyway my standing with him was always if he develops post moves, he'd be great.

like Misterp said, he just hasn't.

A disappointment, yes. A fairly big one so far...but not a bust.
So what if he's mentally fragile ? All rookies are .

Picture coming from nothing , dreaming to be a professional NBA player , and then all of a sudden you're there . Playing all the dudes you LOOKED up to .

You guys know that if you were damn near fresh out of highschool , the whole world watching you , you have to D up against Michael Jordan you would crack to .

You have to give rookies the time to get used to their environment . The whole different outlook , league , players injuries , spotlight , traveling . Damn ,let the kid live . Is it hurting y'all THAT bad that he isn't living up to YOUR expectations of him ?
He hasnt even played 30 NBA games yet. Not to mention he hadn't played for like 500 days before his first NBA game in the first place because he was comingoff MF surgery. Besides his one year at Ohiost the only ball he played was in HS. Just sayin thats a tough thing to do, being a nubmer 1 pick missing yourwhole rookie season and coming back trying to get your health back and live up to expections while adjusting to the NBA style of play and the NBA lifestyle isa big task for ANYBODY, even more for a 20 year old rookie. He still averages like 8 and 8 which isn't terrible and once he learns how to play NBA defensehe'll be fine. He just needs to work on fine tuning his skills. But ive seen flashes of speed and power taht if he can build on and take advantage of hewill be one of the greats. Maybe not right now, but he will only get better.
So what if he's mentally fragile ? All rookies are .

I hate stupid posts like these.

Same way like most of ya'll was on the Yao is trash bandwagon after his 1st season.

Ya'll are too much.
let the dude learn the game.

get in shape, cause dude is in horrible shape right now.
he'll be alright.

calling people busts 25 games? really?

saying 'bust' a full season in is premature. this? this is buffoonery.
^ thank you .

&nd also stop comparing him to other rookies ... all of them haven't been in the same situation he is in .
Anybody watching the blazer game right now? Oden has had a really good first half. 14 pts 6 boards in like 14 minutes. and they are good buckets too. Goodmoves and footwork along with soft touch and hard dunks. Looking really good this half and hopefully he can get some more minutes this next half and keep itgoing. Getting better every game ftw
yall too quick to judge the dude....

lets bring this topic up Dec. 27, 2009 and then we can discuss about if hes any good..

not 20 sum odd games into his career
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

yall too quick to judge the dude....

lets bring this topic up Dec. 27, 2009 and then we can discuss about if hes any good..

not 20 sum odd games into his career
&nd also stop comparing him to other rookies ... all of them haven't been in the same situation he is in .
Same way like most of ya'll was on the Yao is trash bandwagon after his 1st season.
So what if he's mentally fragile ? All rookies are .

Picture coming from nothing , dreaming to be a professional NBA player , and then all of a sudden you're there . Playing all the dudes you LOOKED up to .

You guys know that if you were damn near fresh out of highschool , the whole world watching you , you have to D up against Michael Jordan you would crack to .

You have to give rookies the time to get used to their environment . The whole different outlook , league , players injuries , spotlight , traveling . Damn , let the kid live . Is it hurting y'all THAT bad that he isn't living up to YOUR expectations of him ?

Listen...I don't give a %!$%. Dude was being gassed more than ANYONE coming into the league not named Lebron James in the past decade. When you get thattype of pub...I expect to see to more than "project...let's give him some time" type of production.

All I hear is excuses from ya'll people. He's's 30 games into his season...blah blah blah...I don't care. If this guy is beingtagged as one of the best centers in the game before his first game...I'd expect him to at least have a smidget of a post game...but he doesn't.Meanwhile...Dwight Howard is arguably the most dominant post player since Shaq...and ya'll idiots have NO PROBLEMS coming on here and posting 349080398450times about how he has no post moves and how he's overrated...I don't understand that +#%$ at all. +#%$ just ain't far how people pick and choosewho to give the "let's give him some type" treatment to. If this is anyone but Greg Oden ya'll would be ready to throw him under thebus...but because ESPN and whoever else has ya'll brainwashed that this ugly %+# @$!%% is the next Bill Russell...ya'll wanted to hop on his +@%+ andtreat him like a !*%$**% baby and say "well give him time". I'm sorry...but that +#%$ is lame to me. I sit here and watch ya'll talk SO MUCH+#%$ everyday on here about players that actually get it on...but ya'll want to give Greg Oden a pass. For a #1 pick...why is he allowed to"progress" like Bynum, Biedreins, etc. did? As a #1 pick...aren't you expected to be the cornerstone of a franchise and be able to step in fromday 1 and be the man? Or close to it? This dude hasn't showed me +#%$ that suggests he's any better than Joel Pryzbilla right now.

+#%$ is wack...and yes I'm fried, dried, and laid to the side and I just came from the club with my @$!%% KD. If you got a problem with what I said then%!$% you.

16 & 10 ain't bad at all...
Tell him to do it every %%$#%*@ night
^ dude , you're mad for no reason . So what the media hyped him , if it does ... then that means the media is actually controlling your life ...

everyone is soft on rookies . It's expected . They're freaking ROOKIES . Damn dude . nobody is trying to treat Greg Oden like a baby but son has barelyplayed 30 games ... what can you base his talent off of ? nobody is saying they're going to excuse him forever , we're just saying that your argumentmeans nothing because of what Greg Oden has to show . The man has been injured , he's freshly back . So maybe you should chill , realize that you'rehating a man because YOU don't like the way he plays , and spend more time with "KD" .

You are supposed to let players progress . All NBA stars have progressed one time or another . If we would have looked at some NBA stars today first 30 gamesback in the day we'd have the
look on .

Realize that you're mad because Greg Oden isn't playing the way you'd like him to ... &nd you're telling people "*#$% you", beingmad , cussing , literally venting all because of one man . Questionable .
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