Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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I really wasn't trying to cause trouble, It was a legit question.
I do want to know why there is a link t the bottom of the page for them? What is the difference?

You were trying to cause trouble with the posts I deleted. Your question about sneakerape and the posts I deleted are two separate things. If you cause any problems in this thread you will be banned from the thread.
Nike Talk does not condone illegal activity, But there is a link to this web site at the bottom of the page. I want some answers?
There are no dead giveaways because grey markets ARE a type of authentic sneaker. Even retail bought pairs will occasionally have tiny flaws. Its comical to see guys on here freaking out because the Nike letters on their tongue tag are .0001 millimeters off from someone else's. When sewing is involved, there WILL be inconsistencies.

Based on your pictures, the pairs are legit. Though not sure why the price tag is missing on the box label. 
To be clear, boxes missing the msrp tag dont constitute fake. Very common for international pairs to be that way. The printing on the tag is more of a giveaway if there is a problem.
Nike Talk does not condone illegal activity, But there is a link to this web site at the bottom of the page. I want some answers?

It's sad that NT is allowing them to sponsor the site. It's even worse that a mod has not brought this to the attention of the admins...
It's sad that NT is allowing them to sponsor the site. It's even worse that a mod has not brought this to the attention of the admins...

As long as its making SOMEONE money tight?

Like when i called out mods ALLOWING gm pairs to be sold in the NT buy/sell, it was glossed over.

N those werent even royals. Blue sole space jams.

When i mention theyre fake, a mod sees u posts and allows it, and does nothing, thats allowing it.
Nike Talk does not condone illegal activity, But there is a link to this web site at the bottom of the page. I want some answers?

It's sad that NT is allowing them to sponsor the site. It's even worse that a mod has not brought this to the attention of the admins...

pretty sure multiple users have spoken on the subject but of course with no "proof" i guess we cant do anything

even though there is no proof against these other taobao sellers we arent allowed to post but there is no "proof" they are fake.

just NT doesnt want items not "authorized" yet Sneakerape is selling the exact items.... 110%
So I just seen a pair of Jordan 4 black and cement from a GM site. It comes with everything from the Black Friday pair(box,tag), but instead of suede its like dura buck or something. The shoe overall looks good but different than the Black Friday pair and CDP pair. Pretty weird.
It's sad that NT is allowing them to sponsor the site. It's even worse that a mod has not brought this to the attention of the admins...

What do you mean by "a mod has not brought this to the attention of the admins"

I just wanna make sure I'm understanding you right because it appears that you assume the admins or aren't aware of the standing or site reputation of "sneakerape"

I'm positive they know...

Niketalk is FREE because advertising and donations allow it to be a FREE site.

Until you guys wanna pay for a membership, you probably shouldn't complain about the sponsors.

is it below members morals or something?

And dude is demanding answers why Niketalk is sponsored by a GM seller, gonna message Meth, lol.

Meanwhile 2-3 pages back he's telling everyone GM shoes are 100% REAL and LEGIT and anybody that doesn't think so must have not read every page of this thread.

If they are legit then why demand answers?
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As knight pointed out it's blatantly obvious that these are GM. Proof really shouldn't be necessary on this one. Look at those size run and prices on some of the most hyped releases of this year. That's enough proof.

It's funny that a mod is deleting someone's post with links for GM sites but when directly asked about another GM site that sponsors NT the response is "talk to meth." :lol:

If someone has seen meth's response on the subject please post here.

Joey- I'm assuming admins don't know since sneakerape is still a sponsor. I'd like to think that if they did know about this they wouldn't continue the sponsorship. As far as
It being below member morals I wouldn't say it's that. NT has prided itself on not supporting fakes and educating members on the subject. Yet it seems someone didn't do their due diligence for this sponsorship or they overlooked it because of the money. I'm almost 100% it's not the latter. NT founders have never been about the money.
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As knight pointed out it's blatantly obvious that these are GM. Proof really shouldn't be necessary on this one. Look at those size run and prices on some of the most hyped releases of this year. That's enough proof.

It's funny that a mod is deleting someone's post with links for GM sites but when directly asked about another GM site that sponsors NT the response is "talk to meth." :lol:

If someone has seen meth's response on the subject please post here.

Knight didn't point that out, I did. it was in a reply post to him asking if sneakerape is a GM site.

The first half of his post was copy and pasted from a post I wrote that was deleted by the mod.

"Yes, sneakerape is a GM site. It's blatantly obvious considering they have FSR's of well known GM shoes with GM sizes 7-13."

Literally copy and pasted.

And I'm pretty sure that everyone else here is already completely aware that it's a GM site. I'm pretty sure everyone on Niketalk is, because they have a FSR of royals for $240 and people would be going ape **** over that price of they thought they were authentic.
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As knight pointed out it's blatantly obvious that these are GM. Proof really shouldn't be necessary on this one. Look at those size run and prices on some of the most hyped releases of this year. That's enough proof.

It's funny that a mod is deleting someone's post with links for GM sites but when directly asked about another GM site that sponsors NT the response is "talk to meth." :lol:

If someone has seen meth's response on the subject please post here.

Joey- I'm assuming admins don't know since sneakerape is still a sponsor. I'd like to think that if they did know about this they wouldn't continue the sponsorship. As far as
It being below member morals I wouldn't say it's that. NT has prided itself on not supporting fakes and educating members on the subject. Yet it seems someone didn't do their due diligence for this sponsorship or they overlooked it because of the money. I'm almost 100% it's not the latter. NT founders have never been about the money.

Sounds like turning a blind eye, because they are footing part of the bill to run NT...

I have no problem with GM pairs, but will not buy them from SneakerApe or any other site trying to pass them as retail pairs. That's just stupidity, when I can get them at least 20% cheaper myself direct from China.
Apologies for not attributing it to you. I agree with all your points. Everyone knows its a GM except for the admins. A bit odd.
well for one, NT will never require a membership fee

two, NT gets enough money from other sponsors to run the site and can easily find more. So removing Sneakerape def wont hurt the site.

im sure Meth will actually look into this now with all of us complaining.
Apologies for not attributing it to you. I agree with all your points. Everyone knows its a GM except for the admins. A bit odd.

Wasn't about needing the credit, didn't mean to come off like that. It was about more than that.

Believe me dude, they know. I'm sure they had a thorough discussion about it before allowing the sponsorship.

Like I said these sites don't pay for themselves, and they money has to come from somewhere.

And lastly, you would be surprised how money affects people's "morals" and "personal beliefs". C'mon bro, look at every politician on earth and your gonna tell me money doesn't effect people over looking things...
well for one, NT will never require a membership fee

two, NT gets enough money from other sponsors to run the site and can easily find more. So removing Sneakerape def wont hurt the site.

im sure Meth will actually look into this now with all of us complaining.

I don't think people are complaining per se...

More of questioning why the thread rules say we can't post any GM sellers or links, when a site sponsor is clearly selling GM too.

Its just hypocritical, ***Lewi1913 shrug***
I'm not complaining tho...

Money is money, ***** all green my dude lol

It's the same with all these YouTube reviewers and early release sites.

SNEAKERCON'S main sponsor is OSNEAKER. A well known GM and early seller from CHINA, lol.

GM and Early shoes are just part of the game today.

Everyone ******* about how hard shoes are to get. Imagine if GM shoes weren't available for purchase or early release... Do you understand how much more limited JB shoes would be?

9-10 normal people wouldn't even be able to tell the difference, and they wouldn't even care... Hell, 9-10 normal people wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between AAA replicas and authentic shoes.

GM shoes are just part of the game now. And they are becoming more "acceptable" everyday.
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