Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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So where are these $250 legit royals at?

who did you help? Maybe he will wanna share with us so we can get such a great price too...
he wouldn't, last in his size.. maybe after its completely processed or it arrives.. i would not jeopardize it for him

heres a different one I helped a few people out a few months back when they had free shipping, sold out now of course
mods please don't flag the link... it doesnt count, its not a live link
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Is it safe to buy from a agent that doesn't use PayPal

Why bother when there are a million agents that take Paypal...

Just use one that takes Paypal.

I'm saying though. Don't make life harder on yourself. If there are clearly agents that take PayPal, why would you use one that doesn't? The first thing you'll do is complain in this thread if you get swindled :lol:
Is there any grey market gucci 1's trying to avoid getting a grey market pair if posible. thnx

Dude call the Nike outlets and have them stock locate. Then you know your getting a legit pair, or just buy consignment because they are fairly inexpensive.

Honestly, I don't think they make GM LV's because the resale on them is so low, near retail. It def wouldn't be a concern of mine.
Dude call the Nike outlets and have them stock locate. Then you know your getting a legit pair, or just buy consignment because they are fairly inexpensive.

Honestly, I don't think they make GM LV's because the resale on them is so low, near retail. It def wouldn't be a concern of mine.
good looking out ill do that tomorrow ,That's what i was thinking dont think ive seen them gm gucci 1's just saw them on one of those big cartel sites .
Wow, this thread has gotten much longer since I last checked it out.  My opinion is pretty much the same as it always was when it comes to the legitimacy of GM pairs, but my thoughts on potentially purchasing them has changed.  Unauthorized by Nike means the quality control won't be there, but when I see the stuff that passes through QC at Nike, does it really matter all that much?  We end up buying shoes blind anyways pretty often and if you camped for hours to get a pair, you probably aren't going to return them because a pair has some flaws on it anyways.  

I'm finding myself kind of leaning towards being ok with buying GM pairs while I was dead set against it before.  Most of the reasoning behind that is on the resell market, I am constantly sorting out fakes and GM pairs anyways, so why am I paying a resell price for something with no guarantee of it being an authorized pair?  When I see how good the quality is on GM pairs and even some fakes, it's inevitable that the flood gates will open and they will go onto the resell market sold as authentic and authorized pairs.  I do not want to be sorting through that mess when the time comes.  Things are annoying enough as is at the moment.

I'm still on the fence though, because I have built up my collection of all legit pairs over the years and to start buying GM pairs taints that in a way.  Honestly, if I didn't have so many pairs, I probably wouldn't care and jump right in and buy them.  This thread puts into perspective what actual value of shoes should be though.  They're just shoes at the end of the day and hoarding them as a collector really doesn't make much sense.  I'm going to start downsizing my collection regardless of whether I decide to buy GM pairs or not.  

It's inevitable that the flood gates will open and they will go onto the resell market sold as authentic and authorized pairs.  I do not want to be sorting through that mess when the time comes.  Things are annoying enough as is at the moment.
Mods should implement a few rules about not disclosing where to get them and not to post pictures of GM pairs with watermarks that would lead users to the site.

This thread is informative in the wrong way because I bet my balls that a number of people have learned about GM pairs here and are now selling them off as authentic pairs.
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just wondering, what is the production date tag in GM space jam? is it still the same as the authentic one?(i suppose the prod date should be somewhere in 09). 

The GM space jam must be made somewhere in 2012-2013. but of course, maybe they will put the prod date the same as authentic (2009). 
Mods should implement a few rules about not disclosing where to get them and not to post pictures of GM pairs with watermarks that would lead users to the site.

This thread is informative in the wrong way because I bet my balls that a number of people have learned about GM pairs here and are now selling them off as authentic pairs.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where to get GM shoes.

Most people don't post sellers or places to get them.

And the most photos are for comparison so people know what to look out for, or just for general knowledge of the issue. GM kicks are a part of the game now, as upsetting and bothersome as that might seem to some people.

It's a buyers personal responsibility to educate themselves on GM shoes so they know what they are purchasing and they know how to avoid buying something they don't want. A good place to do that, is in this thread.

Thanks for your opinion Broshe, but a restriction or censorship of information doesn't benefit anyone.

You can cop Yeezy FB's off TB incase you missed out... lol
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Bred 11's are completely indistinguishable.

How can people say those are fake? They are clearly the exact same shoe...
Bred 11's are completely indistinguishable.

How can people say those are fake? They are clearly the exact same shoe...

Aghh god do i have to go through the gm xi differences AGAIN?

ask ninjahood, who finally had to eat his crow and admit the xi were the only ones we could tell
For all the doubters out there! Specially you DEEZ!! please point out the differences in MY GM BRED 11's below from what your idea of a "RELEASE DAY" pair looks like.

please, cus I think my pair is indistinguishable from release day pairs... Same as dudes neighbors pair posted above lol (u know their his frontin *** lol)

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Have at em...

I loaded two of the same photos so I edited.
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I'm interested to see the differences as well. I personally can't see anything wrong with those Breds that you wouldn't also see on authorized pairs. I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on some cool grey 11's or space jams.
My GM pair of Breds looked BETTER than my crappy restock NDC pairs, so I returned them and got my $400 back (2 pairs). :rofl:
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