Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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Sounds like a bunch of guys who've given their time and money to Nike are upset that others are getting the same thing with way less effort.

It's a cruel world, yo.
Some people are definitely salty over this and feel the need to defend Nike when Nike couldn't care less about it.

The issue I have is these pairs getting into the resell market.   I personally don't buy unauthorized, but don't care if other people do.  What I have a problem with is someone trying to sell me unauthorized pairs and passing them off as 100% authentic and authorized by Nike.  There's a flood of these on the market and hardly anyone is listing them as unauthorized pairs as they should be. 
Ive been in and out of this thread and every time i come back its like a merry go round. A specific point is talked about for 3-4 pages, then another, and so on for about 4 topics. Then we go back to the first topic and do it all over again .. in between there someone asks questions that have already been answered.

does this thread need to stay active for posts or can it just be locked and used for reference? Im sure another would probably get started in its place though
I've been following one of the websites that some of you GM heads are buying from and saw those "authentic" true blue 3s they were selling for $120. Now the rep for them put up a video on youtube saying that the shoes they sent out to everyone were not authentic and were "perfect" fakes lol. :rofl: "25 dollar off next purchase" is what theyre compensating buyers with. :rofl:

talk about getting scammed :lol:

  The fact of the matter is if it's not authorized by Nike, it isn't authentic.  If we kept that definition simple, I think we would all be better off.
*puts face into palm*

Please read through the thread before posting things like this...we would all be better off.
Nobody has yet to prove these come from the same factory other then speculation. Until that has been proven I think we can stop posting in here altogether. It's 70 pages of pure opinions and neither side wether you say fake or real has proven your case
Nobody has yet to prove these come from the same factory other then speculation. Until that has been proven I think we can stop posting in here altogether. It's 70 pages of pure opinions and neither side wether you say fake or real has proven your case

Can't agree. There is plenty of info in here that is more than just opinion.
Nobody has yet to prove these come from the same factory other then speculation. Until that has been proven I think we can stop posting in here altogether. It's 70 pages of pure opinions and neither side wether you say fake or real has proven your case

incorrect. they are coming from same factory, same materials, same tags, same everything just some as sloppy as hell or they are from the very first run of production.
Can't agree. There is plenty of info in here that is more than just opinion.

I've yet to see any factual information posted that shows where these shoes were or were not made

What kind of factual information would you like. People are posting detailed info about the process based off of insider info. Would you like screenshots of the workers actually smuggling pairs from the factory or what?

It's been known since forever that GM or early release pairs come from the same place. It's really bad in Chinese factories as they aren't as secure. Taiwan was more locked down.

Prime example- foamposites weren't available early when they were made in Taiwan. Once they hit china, they were available in the masses months before release. Heck we could barely get a pic of the shoes before production got moved to china.
I've yet to see any factual information posted that shows where these shoes were or were not made
Nobody has yet to prove these come from the same factory other then speculation. Until that has been proven I think we can stop posting in here altogether. It's 70 pages of pure opinions and neither side wether you say fake or real has proven your case

What do you want Nike to do? Release a statement saying that it do exist and it will cost too much money to stop it altogether, so they just go for the fakes and not the unauthorized pairs? That will not happen. As I mentioned in the first few pages, ESPN even did a story on the unauthorized products and how they make it overseas. I didn't feel like searching through YouTube for the 20 minute story, but you can. The write up from the website says "counterfeit" but trust me, it is unauthorized items being taken from the factory knowing and unknowingly. Read the section where it talks about the "counterfeit" kaepernick jerseys. How is that possible? Because Nike pit in the order to make it, but the workers got it to to grey market before Nike got its hands on them. Do your research, listen to people who know what they are talking about. The actually outside the line segment spoke on unauthorized products, but I see the write up says "counterfeit." The probably used that word to make people think they were fake. If you was a business owner and you knew you could get a jersey for $20 instead of $300 and it was the same thing, wouldn't you want a reporter to say 'counterfeit" instead of unauthorized. That way some people will stay buy you 1000% mark up item.
And sorry for the typos. Autocorrect changes things on this website on my tablet for odd reasons.
Can't agree. There is plenty of info in here that is more than just opinion.

I didn't even read any replies after this one.....maybe I said that wrong......actually I did and didn't but my main issue is who has the actual GMs and who has the Perfect replicas......nobody knows who that's my biggest issue I think people are getting grey markets and perfect replicas mixed all the way up.....

Lets just say this is all true

How big of a problem is it and who has actual GM pairs.....I've yet to see any site other then air Randy's sole up that has GM pairs....I honestly don't think GM pairs are on that large of a scale....I think a lot of you are being fooled by good replicas.....
What do you want Nike to do? Release a statement saying that it do exist and it will cost too much money to stop it altogether, so they just go for the fakes and not the unauthorized pairs? That will not happen. As I mentioned in the first few pages, ESPN even did a story on the unauthorized products and how they make it overseas. I didn't feel like searching through YouTube for the 20 minute story, but you can. The write up from the website says "counterfeit" but trust me, it is unauthorized items being taken from the factory knowing and unknowingly. Read the section where it talks about the "counterfeit" kaepernick jerseys. How is that possible? Because Nike pit in the order to make it, but the workers got it to to grey market before Nike got its hands on them. Do your research, listen to people who know what they are talking about. The actually outside the line segment spoke on unauthorized products, but I see the write up says "counterfeit." The probably used that word to make people think they were fake. If you was a business owner and you knew you could get a jersey for $20 instead of $300 and it was the same thing, wouldn't you want a reporter to say 'counterfeit" instead of unauthorized. That way some people will stay buy you 1000% mark up item.

I'm not asking nike or any person to do anything. What I'm asking is for people to stop passing hearsay off as fact until they can come with something to back their stories other then repeating the same story that has been said on the first page or quit posting links to articles we have already read.

Anybody in here work for nike that has actual knowledge I'd be glad to entertain this but it's always "sources" say this and that. A lot of stuff can be interpreted however the person receiving the info wants to take it. All I'm saying is wether fake real unauthorized or whatever don't speak on it unless its fact and not quoted from another person on here.
And you think a current employer from Nike will get in here to say that? Ex employees and the people that are in the know have confirmed. Nor saying what you are asking for will never happen.......but the chances are next to none....especially with the associated risks if that person is still working for an major company.
Can someone message me, that has ordered some... who has the "unauthorized" pairs on taobao?
you can never tell for sure. you see the same images used for $200 pairs and $20 pairs. try using google translate on the sellers feedback.

even then it is a risk for international buyers. what is good enough for agents may not be good enough for us. you are completely unprotected when it comes to taobao.

so don't pull the trigger unless you are ready to cop an L.
Can't agree. There is plenty of info in here that is more than just opinion.
....I've yet to see any site other then air Randy's sole up that has GM pairs....I honestly don't think GM pairs are on that large of a scale....I think a lot of you are being fooled by good replicas.....

sounds like you gotta do some homework b, grey markets are being sold at number of sites now, besides taobao, for wholesale's lack of control and da pure hype and prices have broke da dam on independent factories...they pumpin em out

like cars on a convey belt at general motors.

dude, NTers with their own sites are selling Grey Markets. 80% of these cartel sites are selling them as well.
also your very own Penny23 sells or at least in the past SOLD them.

anyone who has the testicular fortitude and remembers that can admit it but seems like everyone is mum about it since hes a solid member i guess... seems like im the only one who remembers :smh:

dude, NTers with their own sites are selling Grey Markets. 80% of these cartel sites are selling them as well.
thats what i keep trying to tell people every damn time they come in a thread of an upcoming release .. somebody will post "have anyone ordered from before they got a pre-order for $xxx"

every time i give the same answer its joe blow running his own site hoping he can get pairs to fulfill al those that jumped in and took the bait, more than likely they getting GM pairs cuz aint no way they gonna be able to come away with (for example) 50 retail pairs to fulfill 50 pre-orders
I'd say damn near every site that has pre orders is selling grey market kicks.   If a mom and pop store that has a Nike account got caught selling early they would lose their Nike account with the quickness.   Plus Nike doesn't ship the shoes out until a couple of weeks before release date.  They never ship shoes out months in advance.      That should be a dead giveaway if you come across a site that has a full size run of a shoe that isn't gonna be releasing for another 3 months or so.

The funny thing about all of this is that Nike  doesn't really care about the grey market.   They are a multi-billion dollar company.  They could very easily create their own factories over seas and make sure no grey market kicks are being produced but they don't.   They make more under paying independent factories to make their product for them so they don't get in trouble for poor labor practices.  

So these workers who are being under paid get their side hustle on.  I can't blame them.  I'd do the same.  
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Ok so answer this. Grey market is basically the same thing in y'all's opinions right??? So why are they limited to sizes 8-13. Hell if its the same shoes where are the sizes that go 14 and up?? I've yet to see one site that goes past a 13 but then again I'm nt really looking but point being if their from the same place where ate the larger szs
I guess they either think it wouldn't be worth making all them big shoes, they don't have the molds to those sizes, or maybe you just gotta ask.
Ok so answer this. Grey market is basically the same thing in y'all's opinions right??? So why are they limited to sizes 8-13. Hell if its the same shoes where are the sizes that go 14 and up?? I've yet to see one site that goes past a 13 but then again I'm nt really looking but point being if their from the same place where ate the larger szs
I think since those sizes aren't that common they don't even bother making them. 
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