Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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It's hard to tell the difference between a gm and retail, they pretty much pass as authentic from looks, use the same outer material it seems, and you'd find slight differences/defects between retail versions from time to time anyway...what I'm wondering is if they feel/hold up the same on foot tho. Haha this vids great. The only difference I can tell is when he shows the backs, the taobao pair, which I'm guessing is on the right is cut a little shorter and the jumman is fatter.
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This is un-related but I think it could be partially related. basically a beijing medical factory are holding the US boss hostage for the past 4 days over labor disputes.

Now whether or not the GM factories are american owned is a different story but we all know labor is a big deal in asian areas .. wonder what happens if something like this happens to nike factories?
It's hard to tell the difference between a gm and retail, they pretty much pass as authentic from looks, use the same outer material it seems, and you'd find slight differences/defects between retail versions from time to time anyway...what I'm wondering is if they feel/hold up the same on foot tho. Haha this vids great. The only difference I can tell is when he shows the backs, the taobao pair, which I'm guessing is on the right is cut a little shorter and the jumman is fatter.

Best review ever! 

My question in reading this thread is if GM pairs are made using the same materials as authorized pairs and made by the same people then why would there be differences between a GM pair and an authorized one?
My question in reading this thread is if GM pairs are made using the same materials as authorized pairs and made by the same people then why would there be differences between a GM pair and an authorized one?
There isnt a difference, thats the point that is being made. Some argue against it being same materials and/or fake and bring up the legality of producing/buying GM
My question in reading this thread is if GM pairs are made using the same materials as authorized pairs and made by the same people then why would there be differences between a GM pair and an authorized one?

quality control. you could get a beautiful pair. or you could get one that looks like they were put together very poorly and anything in between
quality control. you could get a beautiful pair. or you could get one that looks like they were put together very poorly and anything in between
much like most JB sneakers released over the past 3 or 4 years


2 things for you -
1. a GM pair doesn't have a warranty in case you get a "low quality" pair
2. id love for you to buy a pair of XIs with a fold in the patent leather like a pair I got after someone sold me a pair thinking I wouldn't notice.

2 things for you -
1. a GM pair doesn't have a warranty in case you get a "low quality" pair
2. id love for you to buy a pair of XIs with a fold in the patent leather like a pair I got after someone sold me a pair thinking I wouldn't notice.

Do you mean a warranty from nike? How does Nike figure out if it a GM pair? Can we start tweeting them to see if our pairs are true pairs? Is there a number (serial or the like) that differentiates between real and GM pairs?

2 things for you -
1. a GM pair doesn't have a warranty in case you get a "low quality" pair
2. id love for you to buy a pair of XIs with a fold in the patent leather like a pair I got after someone sold me a pair thinking I wouldn't notice.

I'm not sure why this was directed at me. All I was saying that quality of these mass produced shoes can vary drastically whether official or GM. I've seen people who've got shoes from FL directly and have sections of the soles not painted. But you're right, depending on where you get them from a return isn't guaranteed.
^^^ take the time to look at Nike's return policy. you can try to scam nike with GM pairs if you want.
Never really noticed but inside the sneaker box sumwhere in the inside of the lid are serial numbers. Not sure if GM have that.
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IMO the warranty is the only difference with GM and retail pairs. If you put 5 of the same retail shoe side by side your bound to find differences in at least one if them. I've never bought a GM pair but ive seen (and had in my posession) many and pretty much have known the deal with them for a few years. I've said it in other threads before. I'm pretty sure Flight Club wouldnt know the difference between the majority of GM vs. Retail pair. Especially if your bringing it to them after release day
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So bottom line is they're fake?,It's like saying it's not stealing it's taking without permission,Conclusion they are fake?
Has anyone had their GM pair checked by Flight Club?

I had a pair of Royals that were possible GM. Took it to RIF LA and they said they were 100% legit. I'll try to take it to Flight Club and get a legit check this weekend.


means nothing, whether either say they are legit.

they dont know jack, the shoes are LEGIT the only way they will tell you they arent legit is if they look like crap. they dont know anything more than any of us here.
And it’s crazy cuz it isn’t just black and white anymore like it used to be. People used to get clowned for wearing fakes cuz it was obvious. They were wearing an inferior product. Cheaply made and cheaper in price. As well as being terrible looking 90% of the time. You used to could make the joke that those fakes were going to fall apart on the persons feet, cuz back then they more than likely would. Now just because a shoe didn’t come from a retail store doesn’t necessarily make it inferior to the retail product. In most cases, it's the same shoe and not to mention people are paying more for them than the retail ones.
More than likely the workers at these factories don't know that the shoes they're making are any different from the ones that they make for Nike, as far as distribution goes. They probably just get the order to work just like they usually do. So they wouldn't treat GM shoes any different from retail.
Are kicks sold from, and all grey market? Is it a coincidence that are all in Texas ?
Yes and since texas has it own port, these shoes can come directly off the boat...with the same shipment of the authentic pairs going straight to the gm seller.  The main difference is nike's shipments are transported via truck to their quality control centers and then to their distribution hub they use in memphis. Grey markets are not so advanced... but who's to say they wont get that way?  All the guys above sell grey markets.. and do so on craigslist, ebay, facebook, & instagram.  I can guarantee Nike has all kinds of stipulations in their contract, but how can they enforce them in another country?

The next level of this are the potential factories that have no nike contracts at all who produce grey markets blowing up (there already are some now).  They obtain blueprints and molds by what ever means... now the grey market suppliers don't even go have through a factory that has a nike contract, they have access to the same materials and even workers.  This would be Nike's worst nightmare, because now you would have factories with the potential to produce the same amount Nike is producing or more with no rules.  The only problem would be finding enough retail outlets in the US to move the product.  Since Nike is here in the US and keeps a very close eye on their authorized dealers only mom and pop's and online venues could get by for a long time without being detected.

Right now this is the only hump for the grey market to get over.  If they can get in the same bed with the retailers nike uses to push their product and undercut nike's own wholesale prices....GAME OVER.  You would then have nike account holders ordering less product, but still having access to all the retros everyone wants...without having to spend thousands on nike and jb crap that ends up in outelts.....from the grey market....thus cutting into Nike's profit and keeping it for themselves (and some are doing this now).  Nike may turn a blind eye to them... but I bet they are watching.... and I bet you some of those retailers who were slated to lose their nike accounts in june lost them... and then drifted to the (grey) darkside.....
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