Gun control vol. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan

Looks like Caesar Obama is going to use "Executive Order" for broad gun control. Awesome.

This is going to get quite interesting. Stay tuned...
Looks like Caesar Obama is going to use "Executive Order" for broad gun control. Awesome.

This is going to get quite interesting. Stay tuned...
once i got fluent enough in politics to understand that da far left is AS BAD as da far right, i knew obama re-election would be a problem
Guns were made to kill with lethal intent, that ******** "guns don't kill people, people kill people" is stupid as ****. 2nd amendment is outdated with respect to our society, and in fact i believe its doing more harm than good.

Can't possible be this ignorant, educate yourself.
Sorry, the NRA doesn't represent all gun owners, they represent a small portion of gun owners. Much like the U.S. government, only about 30% of the people actually vote, so you can't really say that they represent "the people". Also, Wayne LaPierre is an idiot. We all know what happens when you have armed "guards" on a school campus.

View media item 209019
Looks like Caesar Obama is going to use "Executive Order" for broad gun control. Awesome.

This is going to get quite interesting. Stay tuned...

once i got fluent enough in politics to understand that da far left is AS BAD as da far right, i knew obama re-election would be a problem

:smh: not fluent enough...

Are you saying that being a gun owner or an "authority" on guns puts you in a better position to decide whether guns needs to be off our streets or not? Clearly being extensively trained with firearms does nothing to justify responsibility with these weapons, we hear about law enforcement and even soldiers overseas greatly abuse their power and kill via excessive force, cops moreso than troops (i was really referring to the shooting at a texas base, and that army dude that went on a rampage in afghanistan killing women and kids for no reason).
Background checks only do so much. it really doesn't curb the problem. Just because the guns were legally purchased (which im guessing the buyer passed the background checks) doesn't mean the wrong person with malice intent couldn't get their hands on said gun, whether it be family or friend.
Furthermore, I think its a tired excuse to use the 2nd amendment as justification to carry weapons that serve no purpose but to do massive amount of harm. Guns were made to kill with lethal intent, that ******** "guns don't kill people, people kill people" is stupid as ****. 2nd amendment is outdated with respect to our society, and in fact i believe its doing more harm than good.

Tell me what makes this

View media item 171354
deadlier than this.

View media item 171353
They only want to ban one of them, yet they both have been used in war. In fact one of them is very accurate out to nearly 900yds. One is powerful enough to take down bears while the other in some states you can't even use it to hunt deer because the round it fires isn't large enough.

How about these two.

View media item 174062
View media item 208794
One of these is in current use by our armed forces and the other is only used only by civilians.

What will penetrate fewer layers of drywall. An AR15 or a shotgun loaded with buckshot?

Looks can be deceiving and that's why I feel the way I do.

"By calling attention to 'a well regulated militia,' 'the security of the nation,' and the right of each citizen 'to keep and bear arms,' our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy... The Second Amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic civilian-military relationships in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason I believe the Second Amendment will always be important."

A president you probably like said this.

yea i like obama, but i stand by my beliefs and disagree, that **** is outdated and his argument i think is wrong.. personally, all guns can kill people so i take it as that and see no diff. you can rapidly do a mass killing with an assault rifle vs a small six shooter or some bolt action rifle. but at the end of the day you can kill with either or...obama sounds like he's trying to argue gun control but not lose a certain base that are pro gun. idk...
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id believe stories from the onion before anything from infowars..

if anyone came up to you in person talking this nonsense you'd tell him to fudge off..

dudes like this and that believe this kind of rhetoric are nucking futs..
you can kill with a fork or steak knife guess we gotta ban those too right?

what happens when some psycho makes a bomb outta pancake mix we gonna take bisquick outta stores too?

banning guns only hurts people who legally obtain them criminals aint gonna hand over they mac-10 because it's banned

and crazy people will still find ways to kill people
People who apply for gun permits should be checked for mental ******ation, however I guess that'd disqualify 90% of them. 
In debating a lot of people on this subject they always use their point for banning of semi automatic rifles like the ones used in the school shootings is that they hold a large number of rounds in the magazine and they are also opposed to extended clips for handguns with the thinking that the fewer rounds that the killer can get off the chance fewer people will be killed or injured.
Funny how Piers Morgan ignores the violent crime rate of Great Britain vs the US.

Hes on a crusade against guns but ignores many of the facts about violent crime and if you watch the video with him debating Pratt he does the same thing as Alex did calling Pratt incredibly stupid and an idiot

Pratt conveys his point much better in a more mannered tone and it is Morgan he looks like the irrational person in that interview
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that "Jones" character speaks some truth but his delivery is straight a-hole and you cant scream at people and threaten them to take you serious. facts and analytical reasoning may do that but as a whole i do agree with Jones stand.
The bottom line is the following:

Gun ownership is identified as one of the holy grail's of White conservatives/repub/ libertarians. This is a way of sticking it to what many see as old school White people. 

As the country's White population decreases and along with it the White conservative/repub/libertarian population, there's going to be a push to "punish" these people. 

It's like when new management comes in. They always go after the old guard in order to establish their way of doing things. The old guard is seen as an impediment to their goals. 

The same thing is happening here. As America transforms from a relatively conservative White dominated society to one where Whites aren't going to be out and out the dominant ethinicity, the old guard (White conservatives) will be squeezed. 

Is this good or bad? Depends on who you are. 

This isn't about safety or anything of the sort. It doesn't even make sense as a  policy regarding public safety. Banning guns and telling people they'll be more safe is akin to telling people that  rape rates would be higher if rape wasn't illegal.  Laws  (which are ever changing) do not alter the human psyche at the extreme ends. Laws may prevent someone from impulsively punching someone in the face but it won't prevent the same person from murdering someone. 
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Is it true that after Jones was gone Morgan's next guest was joking about shooting Alex?
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