Halo 4 Thread| The Pit Returns Aug.20

Hate playing with cats that suck. I get usually hold my own (sometimes I'm just in a funk for a game or two) but its all wasted with an L. I just wanna play with cats thats as serious about winning as I am.

Hate playing with cats that suck. I get usually hold my own (sometimes I'm just in a funk for a game or two) but its all wasted with an L. I just wanna play with cats thats as serious about winning as I am.

I think that will improve once the ranked playlists are released. Dudes are playing around in these social ranks right now.
Game is trash compared to BO2. Maps are horrible and there is only like 5. I will dl all map packs tho. I loved halo 3. Multiplayer and all was "perfect"
This! I actually even prefer Reach to this. No rankings, loadouts, and maps that are uninspired. I feel like I play the same 2 maps whenever I try to play slayer in H4.

Not even touching it again until ranking system comes out. Kinda disappoint :frown:
I like the game, but also you cant compare it to halo 3 and reach because imo theyre completely different. Halo 3 was slower, but felt the most halo-y. It also had the best maps. reach was faster paced with the inclusion of sprint and other armor abilities. And 4 just seems like all you really need its a br or dmr

Out of the 3, I like reach the most because it was fast paced without becomng frantic, and beatdowns and grenades werent completely obsolete
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Game is trash compared to BO2. Maps are horrible and there is only like 5. I will dl all map packs tho. I loved halo 3. Multiplayer and all was "perfect"
This! I actually even prefer Reach to this. No rankings, loadouts, and maps that are uninspired. I feel like I play the same 2 maps whenever I try to play slayer in H4.

Not even touching it again until ranking system comes out. Kinda disappoint :frown:
Blasphemy, Reach is the worst. I agree with you on the two maps thing, people veto for the same maps all day long, its really a testement to how bad the maps are overall.
I like the game, but also you cant compare it to halo 3 and reach because imo theyre completely different. Halo 3 was slower, but felt the most halo-y. It also had the best maps. reach was faster paced with the inclusion of sprint and other armor abilities. And 4 just seems like all you really need its a br or dmr

Out of the 3, I like reach the most because it was fast paced without becomng frantic, and beatdowns and grenades werent completely obsolete
If I had to rank them it would be 3 by a longshot, 4, then Reach. Reach just had too many things wrong with it. The nades were too powerful, never should 1 frag kill a fully shielded player, thats too much, and the base non AA assist movement was slow and jump height was so low that you couldnt even avoid nades and you couldnt throw them far and they didnt bounce. Halo 3s nades were perfection. You could cross map a nade on every mid size map and when you bounced them off walls and the ground they still went far. Beatdowns were cool cause they had no bleedthrough which is what H3 should have done cause AR beatdown was ridiculous. Beating people down should always be your secondary option, not the first.

I had too many issues with Reach ranging from the AAs being too powerful, the maps being bad( maps being based off campaign levels should have never been considered), I've never been a fan of the inclusion of sprint in Halo but its obviously going nowhere so I'm just accepting it at this point. I could sit here and complain about Reach all day it really was that bad.
The game is a disappointment to me. I made a killing on games for Black Friday so Halo will collect dust on my shelf. I made the mistake of pre paying for the map packs so I won't sell it just yet. It's funny because I was on craigslist the other day searching for a copy of black ops 2 but I mostly saw people trying unload their copies of Halo 4. Definitely a bad sign for the online population.
Blasphemy, Reach is the worst. I agree with you on the two maps thing, people veto for the same maps all day long, its really a testement to how bad the maps are overall.
If I had to rank them it would be 3 by a longshot, 4, then Reach. Reach just had too many things wrong with it. The nades were too powerful, never should 1 frag kill a fully shielded player, thats too much, and the base non AA assist movement was slow and jump height was so low that you couldnt even avoid nades and you couldnt throw them far and they didnt bounce. Halo 3s nades were perfection. You could cross map a nade on every mid size map and when you bounced them off walls and the ground they still went far. Beatdowns were cool cause they had no bleedthrough which is what H3 should have done cause AR beatdown was ridiculous. Beating people down should always be your secondary option, not the first.

I had too many issues with Reach ranging from the AAs being too powerful, the maps being bad( maps being based off campaign levels should have never been considered), I've never been a fan of the inclusion of sprint in Halo but its obviously going nowhere so I'm just accepting it at this point. I could sit here and complain about Reach all day it really was that bad.

see, the only thing Ill agree with is that the maps on reach sucked. I think sprint is essential. Halo 3 was too slow for me.

Sniping was way too easy in 3. It got to the point where I could get a headshot from across the map ( with a clear view) without really trying.

And I dont think beatdowns shoud be a second option. One of my favorite ways to play was to whittle down some1's shields then finish them off with a beatdown. But thats just my preference. I like strong grenades, sprinting and beatdowns. Which is why I dont like 4 as much. Its all about medium to long range
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Blasphemy, Reach is the worst. I agree with you on the two maps thing, people veto for the same maps all day long, its really a testement to how bad the maps are overall.
If I had to rank them it would be 3 by a longshot, 4, then Reach. Reach just had too many things wrong with it. The nades were too powerful, never should 1 frag kill a fully shielded player, thats too much, and the base non AA assist movement was slow and jump height was so low that you couldnt even avoid nades and you couldnt throw them far and they didnt bounce. Halo 3s nades were perfection. You could cross map a nade on every mid size map and when you bounced them off walls and the ground they still went far. Beatdowns were cool cause they had no bleedthrough which is what H3 should have done cause AR beatdown was ridiculous. Beating people down should always be your secondary option, not the first.

I had too many issues with Reach ranging from the AAs being too powerful, the maps being bad( maps being based off campaign levels should have never been considered), I've never been a fan of the inclusion of sprint in Halo but its obviously going nowhere so I'm just accepting it at this point. I could sit here and complain about Reach all day it really was that bad.
see, the only thing Ill agree with is that the maps on reach sucked. I think sprint is essential. Halo 3 was too slow for me.

Sniping was way too easy in 3. It got to the point where I could get a headshot from across the map ( with a clear view) without really trying.

And I dont think beatdowns shoud be a second option. One of my favorite ways to play was to whittle down some1's shields then finish them off with a beatdown. But thats just my preference. I like strong grenades, sprinting and beatdowns. Which is why I dont like 4 as much. Its all about medium to long range
You think? I wholeheartedly disagree with this. Halo 3 was the hardest game to snipe in IMO. I'll preface this by saying that I'm a terrible sniper, in games that matter I would hardly grab it unless it was The Pit, I have that little faith in my sniper. Reach on the other hand was the easiest game to snipe in, the headshot hitbox was so big that anyone could use it, and my Headshot percentage with the sniper went up from the low 40s in H3 to around the 50% mark in Reach. If they actually kept record of this stat in H4 I assume it would be similar its ridiculously easy to snipe in this game too.

We can agree to disagree on the last part because I much prefer the mid to long range gameplay, I never bothered with AR and other close range guns unless I had no choice.
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I played team snipers in halo 3, halo reach, and halo 4 in october and now november. It takes more skill to snipe in halo 3.

I do find sniping easier in halo 4 even with the flinch but that is probably due to more trash players playing. Halo 3 snipers in ranks 40+ is serious if you go play right now. When I start getting close to level 46 I get raped easily.
I played team snipers in halo 3, halo reach, and halo 4 in october and now november. It takes more skill to snipe in halo 3.
I do find sniping easier in halo 4 even with the flinch but that is probably due to more trash players playing. Halo 3 snipers in ranks 40+ is serious if you go play right now. When I start getting close to level 46 I get raped easily.

When I say easy, I mean I could on the fly, grab a sniper zoom twice and let off a clean shot super easy and hit my mark. In reach and 4, it takes me a little bit longer to do the process. So I guess its not that it was easy, just once you got really good at it, it was nothing to pick people off. I dont even try and use the sniper in 4
And I dont think beatdowns shoud be a second option. One of my favorite ways to play was to whittle down some1's shields then finish them off with a beatdown. But thats just my preference. I like strong grenades, sprinting and beatdowns. Which is why I dont like 4 as much. Its all about medium to long range

Which is why it pays off to become proficient with the rifles.

I think Reach had the easiest sniping. I'd say H3 and H4 are about even as far as the sniping difficulty goes.

So we get Abandon 2.0 Complex 2.0 and Vortex 2.0? What a joke...

They need to just bite the bullet and give us a collection of the best maps from H2/H3.

It shouldn't be that difficult of a choice considering it's what EVERY Halo fan wants.
"Harvest" is a supposed to be a small-medium sized map and "Wreckage" is supposed to be a medium sized map.. I hope its just the camera angles that make the maps look huge or something, maybe 343 doesn't know the meaning of small maps.

jordan23dotcom - i would definitely buy that if that came out lol
They are so ******g stupid. this game is not an 8 v 8 game. its core is in 4 v 4. ughhhh

look at this video www.youtube.com/watch?v=baJvIjFgKQM

not saying its wasn't hard work for the creator but look how someone not getting paid can make a ******g symmetrical medium sized map.

:x becoming very disappointed.... this game can easily be salvaged if they give the players the reigns.

i can almost guarantee nobody would play their garbage maps if forge maps like these were made readily available in matchmaking.

the whole point of ordinance drops was to discourage camping for weapons. now thats all it is, just camp get a few kills roll the dice and hopefully you get a good power weapon.

game needs:

more health. (you can not beat someone who has the first shot unless they are awful)
flinching is ******ed
not zooming out is ******ed
weapons disappear if you don't run to them 5 seconds after you kill your enemy
respawn times
better maps
weapon drops. (do you remember you couldn't camp because if you did someone would get the new rocket launcher and shove it up your *** . or a time when you had a reason for close quarter combat. there is literally no reason to fight up close just dmr all day)
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Son is that 3 BTB maps?
I cant. I dont even want to discuss the core gameplay issues anymore, this right here is inexcusable, this is looking like an easy pass and I always buy the 1st map pack to see if I want the rest.

I wonder if theyre even listening to the player feedback at this point, January is going to be something else I tell you.
this guy making some nice remakes on forge

video description/instructions in spoiler
I've collected the best Forge remake maps I could find and put them up on my file share for easy access. These have been play tested by myself and Redditors from /r/Halo. Feel free to contact the map creators for any issues you run into.

Maps, their creators gamertag / their website:

-MLG Sanctuary (2 / Reach) by TymeLapse

-Lockout (Halo 2/3) by Natsu nii

-The Cage (Reach) by GrandDaddyDoom

-Guardian TS (Halo 3) by FamousFaps

-The Pit (Halo 3) by JAM

-Warlord (Warlock Remake from Halo 2) by RegardlessDolan http://www.forgehub.com/forum/members/RegardlessDolan .html

-Facing Worlds w/ CTF-UT Game Type (Unreal Tournament) by Wizardof0zwald http://www.reddit.com/user/RedBearon

-Ascension and Foundation by MX 956 http://www.reddit.com/user/mx956

-Atrocity (Narrows remake halo 3) by Fame28

To download these maps easily:

On the title screen press start to get into a menu.

Go down to files and settings.

Then go right to "File Browser"

Select "Map Variants"

Then "File Share Search"

From here type in "Jed05" (with the 0 being a zero, not an o)

Press "Y" on the maps you'd like to download.

For the Unreal Tournament CTF-UT Game Type select Gametype instead of Map Variant.
i still need to d/l em

This is the map frostythepoptart posted above called Station looks real nice...



more pics in spoiler..




The same guy that made station also remade Lockout





To Download Station and Lockout: Start-- FileBrowser--Map Variants---Fileshare Search --- Big Papa SaLoT

Forge in halo 4 looks so much nicer than 3 and Reach :smokin
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Did any of you guys get an e-mail with a code for this game. I don't play this game anymore, just wondering what it was.
Did any of you guys get an e-mail with a code for this game. I don't play this game anymore, just wondering what it was.
To unlock the specializations.

All the remakes I've seen look nice, I would even play that Lockout remake and I hate Lockout.
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this guy making some nice remakes on forge

video description/instructions in spoiler
I've collected the best Forge remake maps I could find and put them up on my file share for easy access. These have been play tested by myself and Redditors from /r/Halo. Feel free to contact the map creators for any issues you run into.
Maps, their creators gamertag / their website:
-MLG Sanctuary (2 / Reach) by TymeLapse
-Lockout (Halo 2/3) by Natsu nii
-The Cage (Reach) by GrandDaddyDoom
-Guardian TS (Halo 3) by FamousFaps
-The Pit (Halo 3) by JAM
-Warlord (Warlock Remake from Halo 2) by RegardlessDolan http://www.forgehub.com/forum/members/RegardlessDolan .html
-Facing Worlds w/ CTF-UT Game Type (Unreal Tournament) by Wizardof0zwald http://www.reddit.com/user/RedBearon
-Ascension and Foundation by MX 956 http://www.reddit.com/user/mx956
-Atrocity (Narrows remake halo 3) by Fame28
To download these maps easily:
On the title screen press start to get into a menu.
Go down to files and settings.
Then go right to "File Browser"
Select "Map Variants"
Then "File Share Search"
From here type in "Jed05" (with the 0 being a zero, not an o)
Press "Y" on the maps you'd like to download.
For the Unreal Tournament CTF-UT Game Type select Gametype instead of Map Variant.
i still need to d/l em
This is the map frostythepoptart posted above called Station looks real nice...


more pics in spoiler..




The same guy that made station also remade Lockout




To Download Station and Lockout: Start-- FileBrowser--Map Variants---Fileshare Search --- Big Papa SaLoT
Forge in halo 4 looks so much nicer than 3 and Reach :smokin

That two worlds map reminds me of that one Unreal Tournament 2003 map in space
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