Has Derrick Rose lost YOUR respect? SRS

Coldcity, only issues i have with that article is why did he let Cole operate on him if he didn't trust him and then why hasn't he gotten an outside opinion yet?
Coldcity, only issues i have with that article is why did he let Cole operate on him if he didn't trust him and then why hasn't he gotten an outside opinion yet?

I think he did & thats why he didnt come back on the teams timeline of mid jan

But look at this article not even a yr old yet


CHICAGO (AP) — The doctor who operated on Derrick Rose's knee insists the Chicago Bulls' star can dominate again.

It will take time, though.

Rose faces a recovery of eight months to a year.

The assessment by team physician Dr. Brian Cole on Tuesday means the point guard could return around mid-January to early February, or miss next season. The doctor added there is a chance Rose could be back sooner, but "we're not going to rush it."

The Bulls had already said Rose has a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee. Cole said there were also two tears in his meniscus cartilage.

He said Rose is "doing great," that the surgery went "extremely well" and he can still be an explosive player.

"It's impossible to predict tomorrow," Cole said during a news conference at Chicago's Rush University Medical Center. "Statistically, he should be that player and then some. That doesn't mean he's guaranteed. It's a whole lot better than we were accustomed to years ago. The ligament is one thing and the meniscus is another. Getting all the things to heal appropriately is really our goal in the early phases. Then, it's rehab, conditioning — getting his brain connected to his knee, basically."
The funny thing is you all are falling victim to the MEDIA HYPE. All of this is media hype. It is NBA hype. It is reason for people to watch must-see tv. It is all a damn gimmick. It isn't anything worth talking about. So I thank all of you for being tricked by the media,
The funny thing is you all are falling victim to the MEDIA HYPE. All of this is media hype. It is NBA hype. It is reason for people to watch must-see tv. It is all a damn gimmick. It isn't anything worth talking about. So I thank all of you for being tricked by the media,

If we have so have u


U aint emmm kno it
The funny thing is you all are falling victim to the MEDIA HYPE. All of this is media hype. It is NBA hype. It is reason for people to watch must-see tv. It is all a damn gimmick. It isn't anything worth talking about. So I thank all of you for being tricked by the media,

Sometimes that's moreso the case than others, but with this situation it's pretty easy to formulate your own opinion despite the media hype. He's practicing full speed, dunking in pregame, cleared by doctors, yet he ain't playing. It's his choice. So be it. He's made his decision, but that also means people can lose respect for someone they thought would be out there with his team when he was healthy, if they want to. It is what it is.
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Grant Hill would like to remind you doctors cleared him to play so he came back early
Kurt Helin May 9, 2013, 5:36 PM EDT
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“Derrick Rose has been cleared by the team doctors, what is his problem?”

“Derrick Rose owes it to his teammates to come back.” (That would be Steve Kerr talking on TNT during the Bulls Game 2 loss).

The pressure from the public and media on Rose to return from his ACL surgery a year ago is growing — especially in Chicago, where the once unassailable star is taking a beating. Why can’t he come back? Why is he soft? We want our athletes to play through anything — like much of the Bulls roster these playoffs. Why won’t Rose? What could go wrong?

Two words for you: Grant Hill.

Grant Hill was a max player, a 25-point a game player with the Pistons who was the next Michael Jordan at the time. He was on his way to a max deal (which he got) and… A fantastic piece at Bloomberg talking to Hill lays it all out (via Deadspin).

Toward the end of that season, Hill’s ankle started bothering him. The Pistons’ trainers treated it and Hill continued playing, but the ankle kept getting worse. After he pulled himself from a game, the team’s doctors assured him that it was merely a bone bruise. Hill sat out the last few games of the regular season, amid criticism that he was worried about jeopardizing his free-agent payday. He returned for the playoffs, but in his second game he felt a “pop” in his ankle. Hill couldn’t go on. The ankle was diagnosed as broken. He underwent surgery four days later.

The story might still have ended happily. In August 2000, three months after his ankle surgery, the Orlando Magic signed Hill to a seven-year, $93 million deal. In September, Orlando cleared him to scrimmage against his new teammates. “I’m going against guys on the Magic that six months earlier I averaged 40 points against,” Hill said. “And I’m not feeling right.”

Hill had four more surgeries and was never right again. He had a long career as a journeyman but he never was the same player again. Not close.

The Magic had made a mistake, pushing Hill back onto the court before his ankle had fully healed. But Hill had made a mistake, too, deferring to the judgment of the team’s doctors and ignoring his own instincts. He stayed in the NBA — he may retire this summer, at 40, after spending the season with the Los Angeles Clippers — but he never played with the same confidence again. “If I had sat out for a whole season, who knows what would have happened?” Hill said.

Team doctors have are hired and paid for by teams — who do you think they are looking out for? It’s why you see many players get second opinions on injuries and treatments.

While Rose may have been cleared to play the Bulls and team doctors haven’t pressured him to do so — frankly the only reason they door hasn’t been fully shut on Rose returning this season is because he will not allow it. Rose is the one who tells the press maybe.

I don’t expect him back for Game 3 despite the rumors, the reports out of the media actually at the practice is that nothing has changed.

And if he does come back at this point, I don’t think it helps the team much — he’s rusty, his minutes will be limited and the Heat will throw really good defenders such as LeBron James and Norris Cole at him. And they will be physical with him — very physical. This series is trending that way.

But those saying he needs to race back for teammates or whatever have lost sight of what really matters to the Bulls — the next decade with Rose leading the Bulls as an elite team. Not these playoffs.

Rose hasnt came back and the only one who knows his body and im guessing theres something up with him

As in a loss in explosiveness, whatever its worth as a basketball fan i want him back two months ago

But if i was someone who has a genuine intrest in whats best for him? Id tell him to sit out the year
He should not come back simply because the Bulls will lose either way. Same reason why Deng should not come back or Heinrich.

This are probably the most physically demanding games players have played this year.

Although Thibs could bring him in solely to break the press :x
my initial feeling after reading Grant Hill's contribution to this issue: "Good points, Grant."

I remember when he first busted into the league, and he was raw, no doubt. His style was Lebron... before Lebron. Then the injuries, and that explosiveness was... done. he became a veteran shooter who would pull a few boards and drop a few dimes.

but that intrepidation with Rose, looking at Grant Hill and saying "See? That could happen to Rose", we could say that any time. He could come back 2 years from now and we could say "Man, I hope this isn't another Grant Hill situation."
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no, he hasn't lost my respect and if he would have, why would it matter? the "respect" we have for players change from time to time and matter much less than we would like to believe. the "respect" we have is a reflection of the recent achievements, the fact that rose was a warrior on the court from draft day, playing through numerous injurys and bulls history of managing injured players should be enough to not believe all the hype. but because everything mentioned happened a long time ago (in sportstime),  we today have oblivious people calling him a ***** and what not.

as an nba fan i want to see the atmosphere in game 3 when he checks into the game, but as a fan of rose i much rather have him sitout the remaning games and come back next year with a chip on his shoulders.

imo the only one who handeld this circus well is coach thibbs.
Nope. Hes a competitor! Top 5 pg. Dont you think he wants to come back? Even if the doctors cleared him, they can't tell him how HE feels. If an injury is still bothering him, he should sit til hes healed. He needs to be mentally AND physically ready. Blake griffin sat out for a whole season, would u argue blake made the wrong decision? This is a long term decision. s**t i wish wade wouldve sat a season or 2 in his career. his knee injury has taken him from "OMG great!" to "hes still got it sometimes" i know as sports fans we want him back. I love to watch him too...but if he got reinjured again, or started hindering your team from sucking...it wouldnt be worth it
I've realized that this series is way to physical for rose to come in at this time. Versus the defending champions/#1 seed in the NBA/#1 offense/#1 defense/the team with the 4 time MVP. It would be a lot for him. He would def have to come off the bench and find a rhythm. I feel like its honestly the only way for the bulls to beat the heat but with it being so risky and the heat clearly on a locomotive vibe having one of the best seasons ever its clear that they are the favorite and are on pace to win the championship. It's been this long, it's best for Ross to come in at the beginning of the '13/'14 season and have a level playing field. Rose knows what he's doing and people are so quick to give up on him like the bulls didnt have the number 1 seed last season off of rose's muscle and that was against a Miami heat team coming off of a FINALS lost. Last year should have easily been a bulls/thunder final but that either here nor there. Derrick Rose will be loved/hated regardless of what discussion he makes so its beneficial that he makes the best decision for himself what ever the outcome. When he comes back on the court we'll ask ourselves why we doubted him in the first place
I've realized that this series is way to physical for rose to come in at this time. Versus the defending champions/#1 seed in the NBA/#1 offense/#1 defense/the team with the 4 time MVP. It would be a lot for him. He would def have to come off the bench and find a rhythm. I feel like its honestly the only way for the bulls to beat the heat but with it being so risky and the heat clearly on a locomotive vibe having one of the best seasons ever its clear that they are the favorite and are on pace to win the championship. It's been this long, it's best for Ross to come in at the beginning of the '13/'14 season and have a level playing field. Rose knows what he's doing and people are so quick to give up on him like the bulls didnt have the number 1 seed last season off of rose's muscle and that was against a Miami heat team coming off of a FINALS lost. Last year should have easily been a bulls/thunder final but that either here nor there. Derrick Rose will be loved/hated regardless of what discussion he makes so its beneficial that he makes the best decision for himself what ever the outcome. When he comes back on the court we'll ask ourselves why we doubted him in the first place

People may call D Rose soft but he's smart and would rather him to come back at full potential than to rush back and become another injury stricken player like Brandon Roy or Penny Hardaway. When the Bulls win another title in the future, this season of him sitting out will be mostly forgotten. You also have to realize that D Rose is taking this game to slightly alter his game so that he doesnt have to rush the hole to get points. I really hope he's working on his free throws and is developing a RELIABLE outside jumper / or a three point shot
This is just getting ridiculous.

Derrick Rose just say you're out, say you're done. Leaving it floating in the air for interpretation is what really gets me annoyed. Thats what I don't respect.

I'm sitting back hoping he's coming back one of these playoffs games, def thought it was going to be game 3 but no. I just don't understand this dude.
He hasn't lost my respect. Who are other people to tell him when he's ready? If he feels he's not ready mentally and or physically then people should respect that. Who would want their star playing coming back not 100% the only thing that bothers me is the "rumors" that he'll be back game 3 or what ever round of the playoffs. if you're out just stay out don't be wishy washy. With all that said.....

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This is just getting ridiculous.

Derrick Rose just say you're out, say you're done. Leaving it floating in the air for interpretation is what really gets me annoyed. Thats what I don't respect.

I'm sitting back hoping he's coming back one of these playoffs games, def thought it was going to be game 3 but no. I just don't understand this dude.

:lol: That's the problem. You're doing it to yourself.
This is just getting ridiculous.

Derrick Rose just say you're out, say you're done. Leaving it floating in the air for interpretation is what really gets me annoyed. Thats what I don't respect.

I'm sitting back hoping he's coming back one of these playoffs games, def thought it was going to be game 3 but no. I just don't understand this dude.

What if he came back and tore the other ACL

Edit: That was cool that he took a picture with that fan. No he hasn't lost any of my respect at the end of the day its his body and he knows what he is comfortable with.
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