Has Derrick Rose lost YOUR respect? SRS

This is just getting ridiculous.

Derrick Rose just say you're out, say you're done. Leaving it floating in the air for interpretation is what really gets me annoyed. Thats what I don't respect.

I'm sitting back hoping he's coming back one of these playoffs games, def thought it was going to be game 3 but no. I just don't understand this dude.

Do you really think they would beat miami with him coming back from a year off a leg injury? They couldn't beat the heat when he was MVP, no serious injuries and had a deeper team.
my initial feeling after reading Grant Hill's contribution to this issue: "Good points, Grant."

I remember when he first busted into the league, and he was raw, no doubt. His style was Lebron... before Lebron. Then the injuries, and that explosiveness was... done. he became a veteran shooter who would pull a few boards and drop a few times.

but that intrepidation with Rose, looking at Grant Hill and saying "See? That could happen to Rose", we could say that any time. He could come back 2 years from now and we could say "Man, I hope this isn't another Grant Hill situation."

my takeaway from the article is to trust no one but yourself in regards to your own body. these injuries and all that will happen again with other people, but its just waving some caution at it.

:lol: That's the problem. You're doing it to yourself.

seriously. did rose himself say he might come back game 3? no? exactly.
Do you really think they would beat miami with him coming back from a year off a leg injury? They couldn't beat the heat when he was MVP, no serious injuries and had a deeper team.
No I don't think they can beat the Heat, I don't think anyone can beat the Heat. But I think the Bulls would have a better shot.

That's not the point tho. The point is that he's continuously telling the media and the fans that there's a chance he could come back. Why do that? Why leave it up there to discuss?

Just say you're out and let it be. He's not doing himself any favors (image wise) by teasing everyone. It's just weird man, the way he's handled this situation is just very odd. I don't know if its his brother or agent advising him but this has became a bed is circus for no reason.
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He keeps leaving the door open because he's physically ready to play and he knows he can still come off the court and play the game at an MVP level but its been so long since he's played he's psyching himself out. There are doubts as to whether he'll be the same player or if he would interrupt the team chemistry that has been flowing since his absence. Any one that saw the injury will remember how traumatic it was and how much pain he appeared to be in. Nobody knew it better than rose so obviously he knows that no matter how healthy he is he plays a sport that can put him back in that position again and I feel like he's trying to brace his body and his mind into accepting that again. All he needs is time. All we need is patience.
This is just getting ridiculous.

Derrick Rose just say you're out, say you're done. Leaving it floating in the air for interpretation is what really gets me annoyed. Thats what I don't respect.

I'm sitting back hoping he's coming back one of these playoffs games, def thought it was going to be game 3 but no. I just don't understand this dude.

For real, yo.

I will not lose respect for another man because he wants to perform at his highest ability and nothing else.

You're mad about his adidas commercials. Blame Adidas.

You're mad you bought tickets and he didn't play. Watch boxing or MMA. This is a team sport, you bought Bulls tickets, whether you like it or not.

I still get nervous when guys get near my knee on the ground or when I tweak it and I tore my MCL in 2002 and didn't even require surgery. This guy probably literally sees his entire career in his mind everyday, I don't know why he's not coming back... but lose my respect?

Come on, G. You guys ask some of the craziest questions.

With that being said.........
All I want to hear is if Jordan is coming back.

I mean, he keeps hinting, but never really saying anything, and it's been almost ten years. All he does is release shoes, run his team, and then speak at camps! The league needs him more than ever, and I think that he is a  punk, for not coming back and entertaining the  fans.

Did I get it right?

C'mon man, there is no way you were serious!
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man d rose just be messing with ppl emotions.. making commercials and rumors. just be a man and say you aint coming back and keep it moving am tired of media outlets putting all focus on him. also i think his brother is in his head too much making him think too much.
Best one is Dr.Cole "Are my messages getting thru to you? YOU CAN PLAY" Haha.

Whoever did that should have added a psychiatrist lol.
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