Has Derrick Rose lost YOUR respect? SRS

It's beating a dead horse at this point.

Even if he does return ou expect him to effective against the Heat?

Come on. At this point he's done.
OTL on this topic was a mess today. They two homers from Chicago and John Jurkovic who was giving good points as to why he's not on the floor and basically called him out on being scared to which he is as well as Bulls mgmt blowing it altogether.
Posted by BishopStrongBow in the Bulls thread ..
"The truth in the matter is this. Derrick Rose wants to play. He wanted to play at the end of March. He had March on his calendar. Here is where the problem lies. Reggie Rose wanted and still wants his brother to sit out the season. Both BJ Armstrong and Reggie Rose have told Derrick that if he sits out the season it will lower his chance for re injury. Derrick Rose as always has heeded the advice of his brother. Here is where it gets sticky. Derrick Rose has not accepted that he will sit out the season. He still believes he will come back this season as his brother also told him that if the time is right he can return. The problem is that nobody knows when the time will be right. The Bulls management has gone directly to Derrick Rose numerous times, most recently before the playoffs began and talked about shutting him down. Rose turned down that idea because he wants to play. He feels he can play but is being advised not to play. Sources state that if Reinsdorf had told BJ and Reggie that Derrick should play this season if he could then he would be playing but Reinsdorf gave BJ and Reggie full control. He has also told Paxson and Foreman that he do not have control over the matter. This is where it becomes very frustrating for management and where the disconnect is with the fans."."

Latest rumor

Sounds about right to me, Reggie has his hands all over this, I wish Derrick cut him loose from an advisor/manager standpoint :smh:
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^So the "rumor" is Rose himself wants to play....but "the problem is" his advisor/manager/brother said he needs to sit out the season?  Thats not a problem.  If Rose wants to play, he would play.  Period, end of story.  Not buying this "rumor" for one second.
^So the "rumor" is Rose himself wants to play....but "the problem is" his advisor/manager/brother said he needs to sit out the season?  Thats not a problem.  If Rose wants to play, he would play.  Period, end of story.  Not buying this "rumor" for one second.

He's the best thing we've had since MJ, they're gonna baby him regardless of what he says or wants too do. Not saying the whole rumor is true, but there are definitely some parts in the article that are believable.
lies lol rose is prolly sad of backlash so they flipping the blame on someone else.

the muscle memory excuse was the absolute worse. lol ol boy is terrified he gonna get hurt again
And whats wrong if he is terrified?

Let's not forget he was overcoming an already existing injury last year and then he tore his ACL.

Not saying thats what caused him to get hurt, but I'm sure that affected him psychologically. It's been handled poorly by him and the Bulls but all the personal attacks on the kid is unfair IMO.
The criticism isn't unfair. All he had to do was say I'm not playing. Instead he becomes a hermit and has his idiot of a brother speak for him in addition to Thibs continuing to say there's a chance he could play.
CHICAGO -- Michael Jordan responded Monday to Chicago Bulls chairman Jerry Reinsdorf comparing Derrick Rose's injury situation to the one Jordan experienced with the Bulls in 1985.

Jordan admitted his viewpoint has changed from the time he was a player to his current role as owner of the Charlotte Bobcats.

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"I have a unique perspective," Jordan told ESPNChicago.com. "I've been a player, I've been in that scenario, and I would definitely consult with the player and I would never take his opinion, desire or feelings for granted.

"You have to factor that in."

Speaking Saturday on ESPN 1000's "Talkin' Baseball," Reinsdorf was asked about Rose, who had surgery May 12 to repair a torn ACL in his left knee and is expected to take eight to 12 months to recover.

"I'm not going to let him back until the doctors tell me that it's absolutely safe for him to come back," Reinsdorf said. "I made that mistake with Michael Jordan years ago where I think we let him come back too soon. It worked out OK, but it might not have.

"This time I'm not going to make that mistake. Until the doctors say he's 100 percent and they put their reputations on the line, he's not coming back."

Jordan's injury, a broken left foot, was less serious than a torn ACL. Sustained in the third game of the 1985-86 season, he ended up missing 64 games before coming back for the Bulls' final 15 regular-season contests. He led the Bulls in scoring in their final eight games and helped them reach the playoffs, where they lost to Boston in the first round in three straight. Jordan's 63 points in a double-overtime loss in Boston on April 20, 1986 remains an NBA record for most points in a playoff game.

Reinsdorf told ESPNChicago.com in 2011 that his motivation to keep Jordan sidelined was fear the injury could ultimately end his career.

"I was scared to death he was going to be hurt again, and that would be the last we would ever see of Michael Jordan," Reinsdorf said.

Jordan remembers it well and said he was annoyed with Reinsdorf and then-general manager Jerry Krause for not allowing him back as soon as he wanted, then limiting his participation.

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"The thing was, at the time, we were going through a rebuilding process, and I was practicing two hours a day and that was the thing that bothered me more than anything," Jordan said. "If I can go through two-hour practices, as intense as I practice, then when the game came, they gave me a seven-minute window (in each half) to play.

"That's when I felt more frustrated than anything. I felt more than anything they were positioning themselves for the draft and I didn't feel good being part of that. I felt I was an all-out player who didn't half-*** anything, and they wanted to move up (in the draft). I was a player, I wanted to play."

The Bulls' team physician at the time, James Hefferon, cleared Jordan to play but he said two other doctors who examined Jordan at the behest of the team advised the player take it more conservatively.

"(Reinsdorf) obviously had a different perspective of things," Jordan said. "Being where I am now (as owner of the Bobcats), I understand it a little bit differently, but if a player wants to play and is doing all the necessary things ... It wasn't just me saying I was good enough to play. I went through the process. And Doc Hefferon, who I had the highest regard for, said I was OK."

In the end, Reinsdorf acquiesced in time for the playoffs. But for Jordan, even some 27 years later, it will never be soon enough.

"Granted, I know the business and you have to be somewhat conservative for the long-term, but you still have to take into consideration the player, how he responds to pain, what kind of guy he is," Jordan said. "That's the difference between Jerry and myself. I've been there, done that, experienced that. And if I know a player well enough, I'm going to understand where he's coming from."


That 1st quote about him saying yeah it worked out ok but what if it didn't & the scared to death he might get hurt again... those are the ones that makes believe this is still JR call. Yeah this was written back in August but you can read the man 2nd guessing himself about a decision that went right damn near 30yrs ago all in his words... Would surprise me one bit if he's doing that NOW.
^So the "rumor" is Rose himself wants to play....but "the problem is" his advisor/manager/brother said he needs to sit out the season?  Thats not a problem.  If Rose wants to play, he would play.  Period, end of story.  Not buying this "rumor" for one second.
Yeah, seriously. They work for him so the final decision is ultimately up to him. He says he wants to be 100% when he returns but he could help his team out tremendously if he came back. Rubio and Shump came back to get back in playing form and shake off the rust. Rose was supposed to come back after the allstar game right?
I wouldn't doubt it if Adidas has played a large role in holding him out. In one year they lost basically their 3 biggest stars to big time injuries (RG3, Rose, Dwight).
97 percent of you bulls fans would be ripping this guy if he wasnt on your team. what hes doing is ridiculous. noah out there on one leg and this ***** talking about muscle memory lol any excuse not to be out there. its been over a year. this guy need to grow some balls

i guarandamntee if this was kobe or lebron they would be out there or should i say been out there in january.

this boy hella scurrred

what will be the excuse for you bulls fans next year IF he says hes not ready for the season opener?

that boy need mental therapy
Still saying the dumbest **** known to man in S&T, at least your consistent.
^So the "rumor" is Rose himself wants to play....but "the problem is" his advisor/manager/brother said he needs to sit out the season?  Thats not a problem.  If Rose wants to play, he would play.  Period, end of story.  Not buying this "rumor" for one second.
You are the biggest Rose hater on this board
. Seriously why is anyone who's not a Bulls fan talking about this? He's not on your team and him playing doesn't affect you in anyway. Some of you guys take sports way too serious.
^So the "rumor" is Rose himself wants to play....but "the problem is" his advisor/manager/brother said he needs to sit out the season?  Thats not a problem.  If Rose wants to play, he would play.  Period, end of story.  Not buying this "rumor" for one second.
Yeah, seriously. They work for him so the final decision is ultimately up to him. He says he wants to be 100% when he returns but he could help his team out tremendously if he came back. Rubio and Shump came back to get back in playing form and shake off the rust. Rose was supposed to come back after the allstar game right?

shump is JUST getting back to right & no where near rose's level ....if this was teague who was injured he mightve been back BEFORE the all star break but its the face of the franshise

no clue about rubio because i only see him every now & then but im assuming even with the time back hes still no quite right

rose doesnt want to come back & be another guy out there...cuz hes not
^So the "rumor" is Rose himself wants to play....but "the problem is" his advisor/manager/brother said he needs to sit out the season?  Thats not a problem.  If Rose wants to play, he would play.  Period, end of story.  Not buying this "rumor" for one second.
Yeah, seriously. They work for him so the final decision is ultimately up to him. He says he wants to be 100% when he returns but he could help his team out tremendously if he came back. Rubio and Shump came back to get back in playing form and shake off the rust. Rose was supposed to come back after the allstar game right?

shump is JUST getting back to right & no where near rose's level ....if this was teague who was injured he mightve been back BEFORE the all star break but its the face of the franshise

no clue about rubio because i only see him every now & then but im assuming even with the time back hes still no quite right

rose doesnt want to come back & be another guy out there...cuz hes not

They'll never understand that part, they think he's on par with Rubio and Shump :rofl: :rofl: ...
I feel like everyone stay fixated on drose situation but they forgettin that the bulls have learned to play some damn inspired ball without him esp noah

Not sayin they dont need him but with my lakers bounced im rootin for the bulls vs miami lol
Honestly, I feel 95% of what Derrick Rose is doin'. It's your body and no one may tell you what to do in life but your parents and yourself.

At the same time. Derrick, your team is falling one by one like nats. Your team is a championship contender with you playing significant minutes. Why waste a year with not competing for a title? You never know, Chicago may upset Miami with Derrick active.

If I was in Derrick Rose sneaks right now. I would have told the media before the All-Star break that I wouldn't be coming back. If I woke up one morning and felt great about my body, then i'd make headlines first thing in the morning and address the Bulls organization and tell them "I'm Ready!". This was poorly handled and Derrick looks like a diva to the rest of the world.

you got your nerve grumpy old man

You are the biggest Rose hater on this board . Seriously why is anyone who's not a Bulls fan talking about this? He's not on your team and him playing doesn't affect you in anyway. Some of you guys take sports way too serious.

what a joke. so now bulls fans are the only ones who can have an opinion on this?

go back to your babe ruth worship and laker hating you old grump
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They'll never understand that part, they think he's on par with Rubio and Shump
people get that. but its the fact he's medically cleared to play vs him not wanting/ready to play while his team mates are playing injured. if at the beginning of the season it was annouced he wouldnt suit up than this woulldnt be were it is now. 
^So the "rumor" is Rose himself wants to play....but "the problem is" his advisor/manager/brother said he needs to sit out the season?  Thats not a problem.  If Rose wants to play, he would play.  Period, end of story.  Not buying this "rumor" for one second.
You are the biggest Rose hater on this board
. Seriously why is anyone who's not a Bulls fan talking about this? He's not on your team and him playing doesn't affect you in anyway. Some of you guys take sports way too serious.
Why am I the biggest Rose hater on this board?  Because I think his MVP award should be held in the same regard as Steve Nash's MVPs?  I am not a Rose hater.  I actually love watching dude play.  And why cant someone who isnt a Bulls fan have an opinion on this?
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They'll never understand that part, they think he's on par with Rubio and Shump :rofl: :rofl: ...
people get that. but its the fact he's medically cleared to play vs him not wanting/ready to play while his team mates are playing injured. if at the beginning of the season it was annouced he wouldnt suit up than this woulldnt be were it is now. 

I hear you, they shouldve just came out and said that however the writing was on the wall with the 1 YEAR contracts that were signed this off-season. Nate, Marco, Nazi, VLADIMIR RADMONIVIC :x front office knew he wasn't going to play. They probably wanted to tank the season, like most of you guys were suggesting after the season, but Coach Thibs wasn't having none of that!!

The Bulls are doing fine without him, they're actually playing like a TEAM compared to the 1 vs 5 show when Rose is in the lineup. Even Boozer looks like the Utah verison :wow: .. Before he got hurt all you heard was "the Bulls are nothing without Rose, Rose is the Cleveland version of LeBron he has no help, stop Rose and you easily beat the Bulls, etc .. " .... would we love to have him back, OF COURSE, but it's not a big deal if he doesn't return this season. Like I said earlier, I'm more concerned about getting Kirk and Deng back right now!
Posted by BishopStrongBow in the Bulls thread ..
"The truth in the matter is this. Derrick Rose wants to play. He wanted to play at the end of March. He had March on his calendar. Here is where the problem lies. Reggie Rose wanted and still wants his brother to sit out the season. Both BJ Armstrong and Reggie Rose have told Derrick that if he sits out the season it will lower his chance for re injury. Derrick Rose as always has heeded the advice of his brother. Here is where it gets sticky. Derrick Rose has not accepted that he will sit out the season. He still believes he will come back this season as his brother also told him that if the time is right he can return. The problem is that nobody knows when the time will be right. The Bulls management has gone directly to Derrick Rose numerous times, most recently before the playoffs began and talked about shutting him down. Rose turned down that idea because he wants to play. He feels he can play but is being advised not to play. Sources state that if Reinsdorf had told BJ and Reggie that Derrick should play this season if he could then he would be playing but Reinsdorf gave BJ and Reggie full control. He has also told Paxson and Foreman that he do not have control over the matter. This is where it becomes very frustrating for management and where the disconnect is with the fans."."

Latest rumor

Sounds about right to me, Reggie has his hands all over this, I wish Derrick cut him loose from an advisor/manager standpoint :smh:

So, according to this rumor, someone else is telling him what to do with his body??
I wouldn't doubt it if Adidas has played a large role in holding him out. In one year they lost basically their 3 biggest stars to big time injuries (RG3, Rose, Dwight).

I can't really buy that because Adidas has a "All in for Week 1" campaign for RG3 going right now. RG3 has said (as well as Shanny) that he won't step on the field until his knee is 100%, but the Adidas ads are still up and running. Strange and stark contrast to how things are being handled with Rose.
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