Have you ever bought a girl a designer bag?

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So because a man doesn't want to buy his woman expensive/shallow/materialistic items, that means he doesn't DESERVE her in his life? I mean for one, I personally don't even want to be romantically associated with a woman that would even WANT me to spend $200+ on a purse for her. I don't like women like that.

I appreciate low maintenance females, that don't require or EXPECT to be wined and dined JUST BECAUSE she is my woman. Her being my woman doesn't entitle her to unlimited gifts.

But we have different attitudes on this subject.

I would never do it.

gifts and whatever is expected or required...but i do expect to be wined and dined because i am your woman...i don't expect to be treated like every other females...
speak only when spoken to, stay in the basement unless you are invited out.

no simpin in my house
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

gifts and whatever is expected or required...but i do expect to be wined and dined because i am your woman...i don't expect to be treated like every other females...
I don't blame you for feeling that way. I am sure many dudes that have come at you or spent time with you have wined and dined you. Idon't feel anyone deserves to be wined and dined though.

Everything is about pace and picking your spots. Constant wining and dining gives the woman a reason to EXPECT those things and ALWAYS EXPECT those things. Ifyou give her something her and there and not at EXPECTED moments, then you will keep her on her toes.

Doing it OFTEN, she will be put in a position to feel ENTITLED to these things and the minute a dude's income isn't going as he is hoping, then therewill be problems. That is why I say NEVER get into the habit of spending on anyone.


i bought a girl a phone once. if that's pricey enough. sad thing is she don't even pick up my calls.
Originally Posted by FREQUENTFLYER

i bought a girl a phone once. if that's pricey enough. sad thing is she don't even pick up my calls.


that's effed up tho--real rap, I'd never do that.

If you give her something her and there and not at EXPECTED moments, then you will keep her on her toes.
well that makes sense....and that does really fall in line what you were saying previously.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It all goes back to the idea that some dudes have been conditioned (by society and other women (maybe their mothers)); that women DESERVE things for the sake of being women. Dudes need to understand that women need to EARN special things. Those things include time, attention, and GIFTS. Until they show that they are worthy of these things, they shouldn't get ANYTHING
"earn" special things?????

I'm gonna take a wild $+% guess and assume that you are single. Seems like you are on the path of having some sort of 3rd grade sticker chart for "rewards" when you do get in a relationship...
Yes people EARN things. In ALL walks of life, people have to EARN their stay, keep, rewards. Why should a relationship be treated any differently?WHen I say EARN things, I am referring to SPECIAL things. The EXTRA things (gifts).

At work, people EARN bonuses
In school, students EARN good grades.

None of those things are entitled based on POSITION. Just because a woman is YOUR woman doesn't give her a RIGHT to gifts. SHe has to EARN them.

I really don't disclose any personal info on NT, so you can speculate about my status if you please.
If you're happy in a relationship, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with spending money on your girl. There are dudes who go overboard and overextend their generosity too soon, but if you've been with someone for a long time, what's the problem of splurging every once in a while on the person you care about? Some of you guys are so +#* backwards and have all these rules which are prohibiting you from maybe meeting someone who may be good for you...
I never said there was a problem with doing it EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE. I was referring to the person that said a man should WINE AND DINE hiswoman. WHich means it isn't a EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE thing.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It all goes back to the idea that some dudes have been conditioned (by society and other women (maybe their mothers)); that women DESERVE things for the sake of being women. Dudes need to understand that women need to EARN special things. Those things include time, attention, and GIFTS. Until they show that they are worthy of these things, they shouldn't get ANYTHING
"earn" special things?????

I'm gonna take a wild $+% guess and assume that you are single. Seems like you are on the path of having some sort of 3rd grade sticker chart for "rewards" when you do get in a relationship...
Yes people EARN things. In ALL walks of life, people have to EARN their stay, keep, rewards. Why should a relationship be treated any differently? WHen I say EARN things, I am referring to SPECIAL things. The EXTRA things (gifts).

At work, people EARN bonuses
In school, students EARN good grades.

None of those things are entitled based on POSITION. Just because a woman is YOUR woman doesn't give her a RIGHT to gifts. SHe has to EARN them.

I really don't disclose any personal info on NT, so you can speculate about my status if you please.
You can't compare the work/school dynamic to a relationship as far as how you "earn" things. I'm sorry, but I think your"logic" is flawed.

I'm curious though...in YOUR opinion, how does a woman "earn" gifts?
Originally Posted by FREQUENTFLYER

i bought a girl a phone once. if that's pricey enough. sad thing is she don't even pick up my calls.

See situations like this. Why are you buying her a PHONE? Did she not have money? Did she ask and you just decided to do it? Was this YOUR woman?

I am not a woman's father, I wouldn't buy a woman a PHONE. Things like that are off limits for relationships in my opinion.
My girl isn't going to want half if we divorce.
and won't ask for a malicious amount of child support if we have children then split.

you guys feed these chicks $ and get upset when they think they need it.
sorry you don't have a personality or substance and can only meet attractive looking sheep.
fine leather, fast cars, and shiny gems don't make you, her, or your relationship any more valuable.

y'all need Buddha in your life!

I better not see the same names going off in the Kelis child support thread
You can't compare the work/school dynamic to a relationship as far as how you "earn" things. I'm sorry, but I think your "logic" is flawed.

I'm curious though...in YOUR opinion, how does a woman "earn" gifts?
Actually a relationship can be compared to a job and/or school. It is a JOB. You PUT IN what you get out. There is a working agreement for bothparties to get the most they can get out of the situation. (Student/teacher - Boss/subordinate).

Special items that a woman can potentially earn is anything that is a luxury item. Buying her clothes, purses, etc. All of those things that NT dudes say theybuy their woman. I was never for that though. I have never been a relationship with a woman that is NEEDY and would even WANT me to spend MY $ on herrecreational items. Call me lucky.

I WOULD maybe buy an article of clothing here and there, but as for the topic at hand, I would NEVER buy a woman a designer purse.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

you guys feed these chicks $ and get upset when they think they need it.
sorry you don't have a personality or substance and can only meet attractive looking sheep.
fine leather, fast cars, and shiny gems don't make you, her, or your relationship any more valuable.

y'all need Buddha in your life!
Yea that is where I was getting at. Once you get in that habit of constant spending, a woman will EXPECT those things. And as a result, she knows,"I can do as I please. He is STILL going to continue to do (insert random chore for woman). Keeping her on her toes, don't spend $ on her in thebeginning stages because she is probably USED to dudes spending $ on her when SHE KNOWS she doesn't even deserve it. THAT is what will make you a specialcase type dude.MAKE her work for EVERYTHING.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

i wouldnt use the word NEVER.

Not even your wife? Would you buy your wife a car?
I think that's where it all changes for me.
but its important to create boundaries until then, and of course I'm only speaking on what I believe in, the rest of y'all can keep buying your girlbrand name leather without knowing what those brand names do with their money.
No I wouldn't buy my wife a car. I would buy my FAMILY a car that my wife and I would BOTH use.

I don't believe in designer purses. So I know I wouldn't even buy a woman a designer purse. Waste of money item that's sole purpose is to displaysocial status. I am against those type of things and I really don't associate myself with women that hold value to things like that.
^^ Co-sign... When I'm married for a few years, I'll think about it.

'Til then, you a sucker if you buyin yo girl nick nacks cause she taken the D from a young hoodlum on the side..

Simps lose. Then they pop up in NT with their Simp Stories and want advice on how to get their lives back on track...

Damn, learn from Nasir.. LEARN.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No I wouldn't buy my wife a car. I would buy my FAMILY a car that my wife and I would BOTH use.

I don't believe in designer purses. So I know I wouldn't even buy a woman a designer purse. Waste of money item that's sole purpose is to display social status. I am against those type of things and I really don't associate myself with women that hold value to things like that.
i have no problem with you or your basic beliefs

but you're making a huge generalization

purses with gaudy logos and stuff, sure, they probably arr just status symbols

but others you wouldn't know they cost $X unless you were familiar with the brand/style.

they're often more of a fashion thing than a status symbol.

and you could say the same for a car or any number of other things.

let's not act like we have absolutely no materialistic tendencies of our own.
Well of course it would be a family car but one that she would use daily that you only use once in a while. Unless you plan on having just one vehicle.

Buyin your girl things for her bday christmas etc is NOT simping. Or maybe you just believe in drawing her pictures or making her a bird house or other craftsbut that would also cause youto spend money on the materials.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Well of course it would be a family car but one that she would use daily that you only use once in a while. Unless you plan on having just one vehicle.

Buyin your girl things for her bday christmas etc is NOT simping.
I don't think ANYONE in this post said it was Vol.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Well of course it would be a family car but one that she would use daily that you only use once in a while. Unless you plan on having just one vehicle.

Buyin your girl things for her bday christmas etc is NOT simping.
I don't think ANYONE in this post said it was Vol.
So what do you buy your girl for those special occasions?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No I wouldn't buy my wife a car. I would buy my FAMILY a car that my wife and I would BOTH use.

I don't believe in designer purses. So I know I wouldn't even buy a woman a designer purse. Waste of money item that's sole purpose is to display social status. I am against those type of things and I really don't associate myself with women that hold value to things like that.
i have no problem with you or your basic beliefs

but you're making a huge generalization

purses with gaudy logos and stuff, sure, they probably arr just status symbols

but others you wouldn't know they cost $X unless you were familiar with the brand/style.

they're often more of a fashion thing than a status symbol.

and you could say the same for a car or any number of other things.

let's not act like we have absolutely no materialistic tendencies of our own.
I get where you're coming from
but this is NT
where eveyone swears they are a celebrity with a twitter to show off their LV coinpurses, purchasing used luxury cars then asking how to get them fixed withoutgoing to a certified technician

Some of you guys cry racism but aren't smart enough to see the class-ism in the American Dream you're living in.
Some of you need to stop tyring to buy acceptance let them think what they will, for all you know LV and Gucci is run by racists.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

dude is saying he won't associate/be with a chick who would spend $x on a purse.
i see he means he doesn't want a materialistic girl, but you can't look at things so black and white.
yeah, agreed, there's a small possibility she's has grown accustomed to that
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