have you ever c-blocked?

Regardless if I know the cat or not,if he has his eyes on it then that means fade out.If she ain't interested in the guy then that's something different!
Originally Posted by LAlife87

i have.
if you arent my homie and i see you peeping a chick i already have my eye on, im throwing a monkey wrench in your sprockets

Cats thirsty now adays and going against fellow man 
 Real talk hommie just scope another one it's not that serious 
A lot suckers being revealed in this thread. Cats saying they know their doing it, and continue to do it anyway.

Fck part of the game is that?

A lot of yall bleed between the legs bc of these actions. Disgusting.
I can't say that I have. It may take a while for it to register but once I do I suddenly have to go home and get somethin or go get somethin to eat until the deed is done. Then I come back and discuss the funny $+@* while walkin to get some wings and plain fried rice
. Damn I miss those summer days
I been blocked before...some of you sucker #*+ dudes will do anything to handcuff a girl even if yall arent exclusive
Its sad that a man would go out his way to say something negative about another man TO a female to throw salt.

Talking behind another mans back to a female is the saddest thing a man can do.
only once when it was tried on my bed while I was helping my friend out with his computer. SMH, idc but not in my bed while I'm helping you.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I block all the time.
%$!% them other %%%@!$.
Word. I do it for either the lulz, or because I just wanna be a %$*+ . I wouldn't do it to a homie, but I have no problem blocking some random dude if I wanna get at a chick. Everything in life is a game to me.
^ So let me get this straight, you go back to that chick and start talking about the dude? Or do you go tell the dude "nah that's me dog."
Only if I'm going to swoop in and steal a chick from some herb.

As far as trying to start conversations with a girl after one of my homies is talking to her or trying to come in with unnecessary dialog or just following someone around so the dude doesn't smash, no. Its one of the most female dog made things ever. Its not really hard to tell if a girl isn't vibing you anyways, just go get at another one seriously.

Then on to a whole other topic smashing one of your boys ex chicks is one of the SIMPEST things ever. It just proves that you need a mutual passage way to the vagina and you can't pull on your own. Coming from experience after almost smashing my best friends chick one night after some heavy messages from her I saw past the alcohol and deaded it quick. Sent her a text basically saying I was ashamed of her and myself. I felt bad for weeks and we didn't even hook up, just kind of felt on each other.
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