Have you ever truly been heartbroken? How did you deal with it?

Its one of those situations that I spoke on in my we never really lose thread. People sensationalize things when they are gone kurt cobane, biggie, pa........ anyway its important to realize that you broke up for a reason something was terminally wrong. Its like you buying the ferrari of yours dreams but once you drive it you realize there's a nasty jerk when you switch gears. At first your kind of like whatever its fun and everything else is perfect but after awhile that little lag is annoying as !$@% when the cars novelty wears off and you want to cop the new model with the dual clutch box that shifts seamlessly.................( poor analogy but its an actual experience I've had) my point being I don't care how much in love you are with someone that @@!@ gets boreing. Marriage is a hoax and no two souls are supposed to be bound for eternity. We are born free and happiness is self generated. I'm happy I had the experience because I realized that only I can love me the completely right way( no meat beat) a womans life is love and a mans love is life
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I know a lot of NT isn't about that love life, but to the few that are/were, how did you deal with getting your heart broken?

TL;DR@this thread ahha

but really
I was heart broken when I found out I wasnt gonna make it to the nba.
TL;DR@this thread ahha

but really
I was heart broken when I found out I wasnt gonna make it to the nba.
Crashed at my homeboys crib for 3 days straight playing Metal Gear 3. Was out of whack for a week before I decided to see daylight. After that I just began to smash chicks.

Is it right no, but it messed me up bad so I had to do something, lol. It sticks for awhile if it was the real thing. Still messes with me though.
Crashed at my homeboys crib for 3 days straight playing Metal Gear 3. Was out of whack for a week before I decided to see daylight. After that I just began to smash chicks.

Is it right no, but it messed me up bad so I had to do something, lol. It sticks for awhile if it was the real thing. Still messes with me though.
A girl has never broken my heart but going thru my divorce was very difficult for me. I drank alot and nearly drank myself to death. It wasn't so much the fact that I wanted to be with my ex wife but more the thought that our family was never going to be together and that I would never see my kids every morning like I had been used to. I sobered up for a little while and that helped me deal with it better.

A girl has never broken my heart but going thru my divorce was very difficult for me. I drank alot and nearly drank myself to death. It wasn't so much the fact that I wanted to be with my ex wife but more the thought that our family was never going to be together and that I would never see my kids every morning like I had been used to. I sobered up for a little while and that helped me deal with it better.

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Its a beautiful thing when you look back at it with wise eyes. The good ones don't break your heart. Just take from it and learn what not to do next time.


time will make things better, just give it time and you WILL feel better, another big thing is to COMPLETELY cut off ALL forms of contact
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Its a beautiful thing when you look back at it with wise eyes. The good ones don't break your heart. Just take from it and learn what not to do next time.


time will make things better, just give it time and you WILL feel better, another big thing is to COMPLETELY cut off ALL forms of contact
I was not prepared for it at all and it completely devastated me.

Became almost obsessed and had stalker tendencies since she lived just around the corner from me.

I scared myself and had no idea what I was doing, nor could I control it.

As with everything, time heals. And looking back at it I was just so young and dumb, a kid really.

Never again have I gone through anything like that and I've been in much more serious relationships since.
I was not prepared for it at all and it completely devastated me.

Became almost obsessed and had stalker tendencies since she lived just around the corner from me.

I scared myself and had no idea what I was doing, nor could I control it.

As with everything, time heals. And looking back at it I was just so young and dumb, a kid really.

Never again have I gone through anything like that and I've been in much more serious relationships since.
For the first time I was broken up with and I'm dying inside. It was kinda outta the blue after 3 years and she insists that we just argued too much for her to deal with. Mind you, we're 23 and 24 and have lived together and %+%@ so this isn't some sophomore year of hs thing.

I've just been going to the gym every day with something to prove. I don't really hang out with friends and %+%@ cause I don't wanna stop them from having a good time but I'm not really ready to have one yet. And I can't even think about smashin other females cause I'm still infatuated with my ex

Also, I don't know if it's been mentioned but St. John's Wort works wonders for helping with mood
For the first time I was broken up with and I'm dying inside. It was kinda outta the blue after 3 years and she insists that we just argued too much for her to deal with. Mind you, we're 23 and 24 and have lived together and %+%@ so this isn't some sophomore year of hs thing.

I've just been going to the gym every day with something to prove. I don't really hang out with friends and %+%@ cause I don't wanna stop them from having a good time but I'm not really ready to have one yet. And I can't even think about smashin other females cause I'm still infatuated with my ex

Also, I don't know if it's been mentioned but St. John's Wort works wonders for helping with mood
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

For the first time I was broken up with and I'm dying inside. It was kinda outta the blue after 3 years and she insists that we just argued too much for her to deal with. Mind you, we're 23 and 24 and have lived together and %+%@ so this isn't some sophomore year of hs thing.

I've just been going to the gym every day with something to prove. I don't really hang out with friends and %+%@ cause I don't wanna stop them from having a good time but I'm not really ready to have one yet. And I can't even think about smashin other females cause I'm still infatuated with my ex

Also, I don't know if it's been mentioned but St. John's Wort works wonders for helping with mood
keep your head up bro..

dont feel pressured to deal with your emotions too soon. when the time is right you'll get over what ever hurdles you have and plus you dont know the future so remain hopeful, you and your ex might work things out in the future (seen couple break up after years and then come back together) or you might meet the one and then you'll be thnakful you went through this with your ex.

no need to turn to drugs/alcohol/otherwomen  just cause something works for other doesnt mean it will work for you..
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

For the first time I was broken up with and I'm dying inside. It was kinda outta the blue after 3 years and she insists that we just argued too much for her to deal with. Mind you, we're 23 and 24 and have lived together and %+%@ so this isn't some sophomore year of hs thing.

I've just been going to the gym every day with something to prove. I don't really hang out with friends and %+%@ cause I don't wanna stop them from having a good time but I'm not really ready to have one yet. And I can't even think about smashin other females cause I'm still infatuated with my ex

Also, I don't know if it's been mentioned but St. John's Wort works wonders for helping with mood
keep your head up bro..

dont feel pressured to deal with your emotions too soon. when the time is right you'll get over what ever hurdles you have and plus you dont know the future so remain hopeful, you and your ex might work things out in the future (seen couple break up after years and then come back together) or you might meet the one and then you'll be thnakful you went through this with your ex.

no need to turn to drugs/alcohol/otherwomen  just cause something works for other doesnt mean it will work for you..
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