Have you guys ever had a Aloe Vera drink?

Koreans go hard with this 

More refreshing than beer when cold
mustbefire wrote:
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

BobScrudells23 wrote:
You cut the leaf open and take it out with a spoon. You can find the leaves at your local produce markets for $1/leaf. Make sure you get Elephant aloe vera though.

people pay for aloe vera leaves.??!? these grow in my yard
My dad just started growing some.  Cut one of these bad boys open and use the gel on your skin every night after a shower and you'll see a big difference within a week's time.

Growing them is a lot cheaper but if you don't already have one it takes awhile for it to get big enough to use. Plus you have make sure it's Elephant aloe because not aloe is edible. But yea its great for your skin too. Better than any acne wash on the market.
mustbefire wrote:
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

BobScrudells23 wrote:
You cut the leaf open and take it out with a spoon. You can find the leaves at your local produce markets for $1/leaf. Make sure you get Elephant aloe vera though.

people pay for aloe vera leaves.??!? these grow in my yard
My dad just started growing some.  Cut one of these bad boys open and use the gel on your skin every night after a shower and you'll see a big difference within a week's time.

Growing them is a lot cheaper but if you don't already have one it takes awhile for it to get big enough to use. Plus you have make sure it's Elephant aloe because not aloe is edible. But yea its great for your skin too. Better than any acne wash on the market.
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