A professional communicator is not easy for the people I will def mention, that's a great skill. I'm just saying, the guy is the most revered writer since God.
I'm just saying, the guy is the most revered writer since God.
In the western hemisphere.

Its different in Asia and a few other places. You ain't gonna hear much about Chikamatsu or Xianzu.

Quite frankly thats what writers should do now. Start copying/homaging/modernizing great writers from different places.

But I am still in favor of new ideas.
Im still trying to wrap my head around shiv’s decision. Her issues with her brother seemed to be solved at the beach side and thier moms crib. What was her angle ?

The game changed when Tom told her that it was going to be him. She would rather the CEO be her husband and the father of her child than her brother. It was a personal business decision if that makes sense.
There's probably 14 people in walking distance from all you that can talk about power and corruption, but this guy Bill that died in 1616 has cornered the market. That's fine.

Guaranteed those 14 people probably studied and were inspired by Shakespeare in school.
correct me if i'm wrong but, Logan didnt want to get 100% out.....he wanted to sell mainly to get out from the issues with parks/cruises thanks to Mo....but he was going to keep ATN.......those types just dont retire and go to an island.

Yeah, I think he wanted to go revolutionize ATN hence that big speech gave when he went to the offices. However, after he died, Mattson changed the terms of the deal and wanted ATN too.

Isn't that top picture from when he was doing Meth with those random junkies during Connor's retreat in desert and he was trying to fly under the radar (presumably trying to avoid another wedding situation :lol: )
Good memory… I thought it was from Toms bachelor party when he was trying to sign that chick. It would’ve been more fitting for the comparison :lol:
Good memory… I thought it was from Toms bachelor party when he was trying to sign that chick. It would’ve been more fitting for the comparison :lol:

Thank you but I can't give my memory full credit. I think in my re-watch (I made it like 1.5 seasons or so) before S4 I saw that episode so I remembered that. It wasn't from my first go round :lol:

I actually forgot about that part from Tom's bachelor party!! I really have to give them props for ending it now when they did. I appreciate a good binge but watching this live, week-to-week was enjoyable for some reason.
The reality of the situation is that each Roy kid was going to get a boatload of money with the Waystar deal going through. I know money wasn’t their main motivation since they were already rich but with their billions with the Gojo deal they could’ve done the new thing they were pitching in the first episode (they technically still could but the relationships are done). Waystar is in a dying industry with a bad reputation. They didn’t touch on it but being privy to destroying democracy was going to hurt their company with their stock price already tanking even before they destroyed democracy. If I recall the new President told them as much when they were trying to play “kingmaker” when he told them that they their brand of media was dying and that he really didn’t need them.

The sad reality is that all the back room deals were their way of trying to get Logan’s approval even in death. I truly believe that part of Logan’s motivation for selling the company was to get the three out of the crib and to force them to start sleeping in their own beds. They were going to get more than $10 billion in the revised offer so imagine what they could do with a new company in a new industry.
truly believe that part of Logan’s motivation for selling the company was to get the three out of the crib and to force them to start sleeping in their own beds. They were going to get more than $10 billion in the revised offer so imagine what they could do with a new company in a new industry.

The funny thing about that is Shiv did try to make her own pile by doing her campaign work, but Logan manipulated her out of that so he could dangle CEO in front of her and keep her under his thumb.

At the end of the day, I think that’s what he really wanted. Keep the kids he cares about close (the one he didn’t care about, Connor, was free to do whatever he wanted) and give them scraps while keeping control for himself. Remember in episode 2 of this season he tried the same **** with Roman by telling he needed him at ATN. He was just gonna repeat the same cycle again.
The funny thing about that is Shiv did try to make her own pile by doing her campaign work, but Logan manipulated her out of that so he could dangle CEO in front of her and keep her under his thumb.

At the end of the day, I think that’s what he really wanted. Keep the kids he cares about close (the one he didn’t care about, Connor, was free to do whatever he wanted) and give them scraps while keeping control for himself. Remember in episode 2 of this season he tried the same **** with Roman by telling he needed him at ATN. He was just gonna repeat the same cycle again.
I agree with this assessment. From Logan’s perspective he probably was going to continue the manipulation since the kids’ new business venture seemed to directly compete with Waystar (see episode 1 of this season where they were both trying to get the same assets) in the media space. That would explain why in the original deal structure Waystar media was excluded and would be spun off into a new public company. Logan was going to keep the train running with a leaner Waystar and compete with his kids and probably ultimately get the assets they wanted to get through manipulation.
I agree with this assessment. From Logan’s perspective he probably was going to continue the manipulation since the kids’ new business venture seemed to directly compete with Waystar (see episode 1 of this season where they were both trying to get the same assets) in the media space. That would explain why in the original deal structure Waystar media was excluded and would be spun off into a new public company. Logan was going to keep the train running with a leaner Waystar and compete with his kids and probably ultimately get the assets they wanted to get through manipulation.
Everytime I think of their company from this season I just laugh

Kendall saying this with a straight face :lol:
Thinking about the timeline of the show, the showrunner had the entire final season take place in a very tight timeline. I believe they went from Connor's wedding rehearsal in episode 2 to Connor's wedding/Logan's death to the election to Logan's funeral in the course of a week.

Thinking about it this way, Kendall and Roman we're only CEO for basically a couple of days at the maximum, right?
Thinking about the timeline of the show, the showrunner had the entire final season take place in a very tight timeline. I believe they went from Carter's bachelor party in episode 2 to Connor's wedding/Logan's death to the election to Logan's funeral in the course of a week.

Thinking about it this way, Kendall and Roman we're only CEO for basically a couple of weeks at the maximum, right?
This is a great question. Do we know how much time elapsed between the beginning and the end? Part of why I laughed at Greg is because if this show was over multiple years he could’ve went night school to up his credentials.
But Tom can? :lol:

Don't overrate CEOs in this world
Tom can’t either but he is just a puppet. I base this off of interacting with CEOs in my actual life. CEOs come in all varieties but the good ones know their business, are either brilliant in their own right or hire great people and they are good business developers
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