HBO: The Last of Us (Season 2 is a go)...Sundays @ 9PM EST...Pedro Pascal&Bella Ramsey=Joel&Ellie...NO SPOILERS IF YOU'VE PLAYED THE GAMES

@5:23...see this is what I'm talking about. Why does Joel fall off his right side of the horse in the tv show and the left side of the horse in the video game? I just can't keep watching this if they keep changing every little detail. I mean they clearly don't care about the accuracy of the tv show. They are disrespecting and laughing at everybody that played the game.

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The complaining about Bella makes no sense. Besides looks what has she done not to be Ellie from the game? Y’all just saying something to just say it.
And don't forget the fact that Mazin and Druckmann told her to not watch any videos or play the games so that she doesn't try to copy Ashley Johnson's Ellie. Bella's literally working from scratch with this portrayal of Ellie (and killing it).

Recasting her for Part 2 :lol:

Of course us gamers are gonna gripe. I ain’t got too many complaints tho. It’s just that compared to the game, it’s hard to emotionally care about these characters. Can’t blame anyone tho. Would pretty much need the entire campaign length of the game, and probably a little more, to make time to build everything in a show. 10 episodes is rushing. And from a person who thinks the games are one of the goats (like most of us probably) I actually hope they keep changing sh**. It’s like a reboot that way lol. But yeah if y’all like the show, game is a must. Story in the game is heavy on the bond between Joel and Ellie. So far, the show has been more about surviving to get to where they need to. Which the game is obviously about. But a lot more character development. They did Henry and his bro really well tho in the show.

Also, despite the show being more of a drama, the show is missing the melancholy of the game. There’s a sadness to Joel. Ellie too. Not much here. Which I understand why. And I’m ok with it.
just watched EP5 last night and oh boy..... This reminded me of how great TWD used to be and the overall looming doom of the infected can overhaul the survival/drama between humans.
Question from the latest episode.

Not sure why it had to be either Joel or Tommy, why couldn't they both go to find the fireflies?

I didn't understand why Joel didn't plan to go either

Maybe the game explained it better but the series just showed Joel getting older and less able

He was still more than capable of holding his own and providing additional protection and resourcefulness
I didn't understand why Joel didn't plan to go either

Maybe the game explained it better but the series just showed Joel getting older and less able

He was still more than capable of holding his own and providing additional protection and resourcefulness

Game version. Joel and Ellie’s bond is a lot stronger, Joel feels he doesn’t want to let another person get that close to him ala Tess / his daughter and more so he fears loving and losing. The line where he says “you’re right you’re not my daughter” is deeper j. the game because you can actually see how much be has started to become a parent to Ellie up to that point. Which is why in the show it doesn’t make much sense.
He pretty much says the same thing in the show. He literally tells Tommy he is afraid of failing her that’s what his nightmares are about. They explain in the after show and it’s really not until the university that he starts opening up more and more in the game
Yeah I got all that. None of that explained why Joel wouldn't be going along with Tommy

From "you guys go without me" to "I'll just do it myself" without a good explanation for why he couldn't join Tommy in the first place

I get what they were aiming for but it didn't quite land
Some of you must be watching a different show or just purposely ignoring scenes in episodes.
Like cmon, man! If you want line by line, just play the game over and over again and don't even watch the show at this point. I'm surprised you guys haven't complained about them not being able to sneak up on the Clickers to kill them with a shiv just like you can in the game.

Game purists already have their mind made up that this isn’t good enough. It’s wild to see. :lol:

I couldn’t imagine looking at things like that tbh. Yes, I love the games and have played them numerous times (currently running thru TLOU2 again). And yes, it’s inevitable that you’ll compare the show to the game if you’ve played it. But the show is fine the way it is, and the reviews and overall sentiment about it prove that. Both can coexist and be different and be good. Just sit back and enjoy the art the way the show runners intended it to be, instead of nitpicking every damn detail that isn’t just like the game. **** is wild annoying.
Cap. It’s always run and throw with him. The city/building/infected lair with the clickers was much more difficult.

Clickers and bloaters, you get used to. I'll never get used to the "RK."

I remember seeing the trail of blood it left after I turned on the power in the hospital in my first run through.

Had me in my living room like...


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Clickers and bloaters, you get used to. I'll never get used to the "RK."

I remember seeing the trail of blood it left after I turned on the power in the hospital in my first run through.

Had me in my living room like...


The hotel… Oh my Gawd… Worst part of the game. Starting those generators and YOU KNEW what was coming 😞
I just need more violence
I agree. I was expecting a lot more interaction with the infected and raiders. But, I like the approach they take with this post-apocalyptic show. IMO its refreshing.
Clickers and bloaters, you get used to. I'll never get used to the "RK."

I remember seeing the trail of blood it left after I turned on the power in the hospital in my first run through.

Had me in my living room like...




Big facts. I’ve been straight up dreading this battle ever since I started the latest replay lol. There’s no way to not be on edge even if you’ve done it before. Somehow it’s equally stressful, scary and fun at the same damn time.
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