HBO'S "Insecure" [ Created by Issa Rae ► Season III: 2020 ]

am i the only one who think
ol boy lying about having an open marriage to get the yambs

I don't, she gone every time they meet up. She either left him or she's out F'n.

I would F Molly. I love a ***** with a big *** mouth. She ain't bad or ugly to me though.
Oh...and regarding Daniel...he's already caught feelings. In season one. They're still there...
He DID pop up at her job last season :lol: He's pretty much playing himself at this point, if he's re-catching feelings for a chick that already played him out.

These are so true and I hate it for him. He thought he had a second chance at Great White Buffalo

I almost reported you

Hit the button b

I don't, she gone every time they meet up. She either left him or she's out F'n.

I would F Molly. I love a ***** with a big *** mouth. She ain't bad or ugly to me though.

The places she been gone to sound so suspect though. Oh she's at a camp retreat, oh now she's at a bachelorette party, never something simple like she's back home.
Issa is the only ugly black chick on the show imo. Molly isn't drop dead sexy, but she passes as a chick you wouldn't have to sneak in & out of your dorm room so your boys don't clown you.
Issa not ugly either tho. Kelly is the closest to "ugly" but she still decent.
Nobody on that show is a dime piece but all can catch the PVC
Nah, kelli is bottom of the bunch solid 6, Issa is cute and I like her personality a bit so strong 7 or barely an 8, Molly is the prettiest but her personality is her downfall so she ties with Issa
Man all three of them broads can get it...

Head in too.Kelli, Issa and Molly...

I hate talking about women with some of you NTers. Until y'all start posting your supposed superior hotation of dimes...your opinion on women is a moot discussion.
That _ said I'm built like a pastor :lol:

This _ Lawrence gets handed W's and he's like "nah I don't want it". Blew it with Tasha's fine ***. Now he sitting at home looking pics of his ex and her current dude, torturing himself.
Kelly is THICK & BUTE [FTFY]
I don't think that is a flattering picture of Kelli tho

Tiffany, Regina from the mini show, Tasha, Molly, Issa, Frieda, & Kelli in that order.
Just the circumstance.

Their job is to get kids to do these after school programs. She sees it as a problem that only black kids are partaking after they asked for the principal's help. To me she looked for an issue to say the Latinos are being purposely ignored.

This is a common case with a person with fantasy like ideals that is use to losing. They actually win and find a problem with it.

Now I'd agree the Trump like principal isn't any help and is not a good look but that's not a reflection on the job they're suppose to do.

Their job was never to have equal representation of the student body in their program.

No, but the school is 83% latino IIRC. At the end of the day it's not right. The proportions of that after school program should somewhat reflect the study body. In the beginning when they were trying to get a push I could agree with; 'They actually win and find a problem with it.' But they are established now. This should have been addressed by now IMO.

Molly is Trash B come on now
:lol: I almost reported you.

But then I remembered you can't report ppl for having **** opinions.

I think most of the thread is willing to look the other way on this one.

In other news: How TF do you post a pic now?
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I don't think that is a flattering picture of Kelli tho

Tiffany, Regina from the mini show, Tasha, Molly, Issa, Frieda, & Kelli in that order.

No, but the school is 83% latino IIRC. At the end of the day it's not right. The proportions of that after school program should somewhat reflect the study body. In the beginning when they were trying to get a push I could agree with; 'They actually win and find a problem with it.' But they are established now. This should have been addressed by now IMO.
Think about that. 83% of the school is Latino and NONE of them are willing to check it out on their own.

Black kids had to be directed and pushed there.

Its not right as far as the overall state of things but as far as doing her job Issa is doing nothing wrong.

In other news: How TF do you post a pic now?
Just click the mountain with the moon in the background icon. Its betweenf the film icon and smiley icon.
No, but the school is 83% latino IIRC. At the end of the day it's not right. The proportions of that after school program should somewhat reflect the study body. In the beginning when they were trying to get a push I could agree with; 'They actually win and find a problem with it.' But they are established now. This should have been addressed by now IMO.

Think about that. 83% of the school is Latino and NONE of them are willing to check it out on their own.

Black kids had to be directed and pushed there.

Its not right as far as the overall state of things but as far as doing her job Issa is doing nothing wrong.

She may not be doing anything wrong but she's also not putting forth any effort to at the very least address the problem. Is it a win that they have kids? Of course, but if you notice that the overwhelming majority of the school has little to no presence in your organization that isn't purposely directed at a specific race you should be willing to try to do something about it. Whether it be subtly tell the kids to let EVERYBODY/ALL THEIR FRIENDS know about what they are doing or outreaching to some of those latino kids directly and seeing if they will attend.

If they have been offered and still refuse, you tried.
She may not be doing anything wrong but she's also not putting forth any effort to at the very least address the problem. Is it a win that they have kids? Of course, but if you notice that the overwhelming majority of the school has little to no presence in your organization that isn't purposely directed at a specific race you should be willing to try to do something about it. Whether it be subtly tell the kids to let EVERYBODY/ALL THEIR FRIENDS know about what they are doing or outreaching to some of those latino kids directly and seeing if they will attend.

If they have been offered and still refuse, you tried.

Basically this. As you said Master Zik Master Zik the black kids needed to be pushed to even attend. If the latino kids are getting a semblance of the same push, then my argument is invalid. I just don't think they are.

Clicked the mountain and added the URL and got the cannot display image jpeg x box. Dah well.
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