Help me gain weight

Apr 14, 2009
I am no longer trying to be slender can someone point me in the right direction to reach a feasible weight. I am 130 and 5'9. Thank you for understanding
Damn 130 5'9


im trying to gain weight also my best advice is to stack up on calories and proteins, micromanage your diet as good as you can

Ive read somewhere around 1 gram of protein for every pound (if you can do it), if you can supplement protein supplements it will be a lot easier
Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

what are some good gainers, and whats the best brand of whey protein?

MHP Up Your Mass
Infinite Labs Infinite Mass
AllMax Quick Mass

I use Dymatize and Myofusion for whey.

Your most important thing is gonna be to eat though, TONS of food.
I'll give you some of my weight,

I've gained mad weight over the past few years, FeelsBatman.

If you want to do it, like others said, just eat eat eat.
don't worry about having three big meals a day. spread it out to 5-7 small meals a day, these meals add up. DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST. even a banana w/ eggs takes a 1-2 min. to prepare.

eat + lift x consisteny= results. good luck bruh.
Originally Posted by boogie bwoy

don't worry about having three big meals a day. spread it out to 5-7 small meals a day, these meals add up. DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST. even a banana w/ eggs takes a 1-2 min. to prepare.

eat + lift x consisteny= results. good luck bruh.

THIS.......I take optimum nutrition pro complex weight gainer during the day....then hydrowhey after workouts and cassein whey before bed. Cop some multivitamins too....but you have too have dedication tho...good luck
Originally Posted by boogie bwoy

don't worry about having three big meals a day. spread it out to 5-7 small regular to large sized meals a day, these meals add up.

honestly this is what I did plus the alcohol when I was 16-21. Put on 50 pounds of pretty decent mass.
No one has mentioned the importance of fats yet.

Peanut butter, almonds, whole milk, ground beef, fish (salmon especially) are all going to be important if you're trying to put on weight.
Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

what are some good gainers, and whats the best brand of whey protein?

Lol if you bulk up fast, most of that will be fat.Go to vitamin shoppe and get a body fat caliper

Calculate your bodyfat

Google the katch mcardle formula to calculate your basal metabolic rate

Since you're probably sedentary, multiply your answer by 1.2 (1.375 if you're going to lift weights) to find your maintenance calories

Add 20% to that answer and that's how many calories you need to gain weight.

If you decide to lift Google "Starting Strength" for a good easy program to follow.

Oh yea since you're 130, eat 130g of protein, and then a 75/25 darn/fat split for the other calories
5 - 6 meals a day.

Eat about 300 - 400 cals per meal, and you'll gain weight FAST. You should also life too, itll help out tremendously and ull feel better about your weight gain, plus have a protein shake.
I wish it was possible to trade weight. I am 5'9 180 and trying to get down to 160-165. But OP you need to eat alot, sounds like your body type has a hard time gaining weight. Pig out every meal.
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