Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Seeing crowded areas all over the Bay Area this weekend. Dolores Park, beaches, etc were all crowded. I'm getting nervous because people seem to just be fed up or are "easing" up. A lot of people I know are starting to go back to "normal." I'm the paranoid one, but I don't mind being that with this on our hands. Drink, BBQ, chill in the sun at your house is my state of mind but I guess people think differently.

I have never been happier to live in the more suburban parts of the Bay. Absolutely zero issues out here with anything other than one or two randoms that don’t wear masks. Living in an area with tons of immigrants who take this seriously is really paying off now; literally the only time I’ve seen this entitled behavior is when I’ve driven through the transplant heavy parts of the city (have to go to my office to pick up some mail once in a while)

I’m glad these tech bros want to get sick and die; hopefully that clears up enough affordable housing for real Bay Area folk who’ve been priced out.

A new 7-degree transmission: “a transmission chain w/ 7 stages of infections reported, raising concerns over more outbreaks. the cases spread thru several restaurants, a karaoke facility and a school, were linked to a 25-year-old (who first lied to police) - Yonhap

Half wit.
Still making up nonsensical guidelines.
Karens may Karen, but well know that we’ve met Gretchen type middle aged white ladies that love to tell you what to do.

Try and deny that.


So if I’m shopping say Walmart and want to buy a plant, bug spray or a can of paint to work at home, store can’t sell those items to me. How does that make sense? Read she finally said today baby items now on essential list.
Since stuck at home, want to leave and stay for weekend at cabin, fishing she says No. How does that make sense?
Since stuck at home, can’t visit next door neighbor to drink a beer and shoot the stuff on porch, visit parents to see if okay, babysit kids so family can go work, she says No. How does that make sense?

Might want to check and see if you’re not breaking “the law” in some way. Just saying.
Half wit.
Still making up nonsensical guidelines.
Karens may Karen, but well know that we’ve met Gretchen type middle aged white ladies that love to tell you what to do.

Try and deny that.

they opened the lakes though. whats wrong with what Gretchen's husband did? people just mad she has a boat? Lol.
they opened the lakes though. whats wrong with what Gretchen's husband did? people just mad she has a boat? Lol.

She’s told people not living in Northern Michigan to stay away from vacation spots there during the holiday weekend. The family permanently resides in Lansing, over 150 miles away. And pulling the “I’m the husband to the Governor” card really not cool. Read the news story.

Restrictions are ok if makes sense. Her previous guidelines history don’t. Gretchen doesn’t get a pass.
Now imagine her as all the other middle aged white ladies that like to tell you what to do. Makes sense.

She’s told people not living in Northern Michigan to stay away from vacation spots there during the holiday weekend. The family permanently resides in Lansing, over 150 miles away. And pulling the “I’m the husband to the Governor” card really not cool. Read the news story.

Restrictions are ok if makes sense. Her previous guidelines history don’t. Gretchen doesn’t get a pass.
Now imagine her as all the other middle aged white ladies that like to tell you what to do. Makes sense.

Right...but he said 'I'm the husband to the governor'....he tried to toss his weight around....not her. And they were cool about it when they were told no. I agree with her restrictions. They've clearly been working. Looks people are done caring about the virus around these parts though.
Right...but he said 'I'm the husband to the governor'....he tried to toss his weight around....not her. And they were cool about it when they were told no. I agree with her restrictions. They've clearly been working. Looks people are done caring about the virus around these parts though.

Sure wasn’t going to be just he, himself and him on the water.

Back in March:
“Nearly a third of all of the state's positive coronavirus cases are in Detroit, according to the report, even though the Detroit has less than 10 percent of the state’s population. Detroit’s coronavirus rate is 83 cases per 100,000 residents, nearly five times the statewide rate and more than double Oakland County's, which has the state's next highest rate. Nationwide, Wayne County's rate is the 13th highest.”

Different parts of state don’t fit same guidelines.
Telling people what they can buy at store and some previous restrictions don’t make sense:


So if I’m shopping say Walmart and want to buy a plant, bug spray or a can of paint to work at home, store can’t sell those items to me. How does that make sense? Read she finally said today baby items now on essential list.
Since stuck at home, want to leave and stay for weekend at cabin, fishing she says No. How does that make sense?
Since stuck at home, can’t visit next door neighbor to drink a beer and shoot the stuff on porch, visit parents to see if okay, babysit kids so family can go work, she says No. How does that make sense?

Might want to check and see if you’re not breaking “the law” in some way. Just saying.

freeze freeze

As said before, you still on that bossy middle aged white lady fantasy.

Sure wasn’t going to be just he, himself and him on the water.

Back in March:
“Nearly a third of all of the state's positive coronavirus cases are in Detroit, according to the report, even though the Detroit has less than 10 percent of the state’s population. Detroit’s coronavirus rate is 83 cases per 100,000 residents, nearly five times the statewide rate and more than double Oakland County's, which has the state's next highest rate. Nationwide, Wayne County's rate is the 13th highest.”

Different parts of state don’t fit same guidelines.
Telling people what they can buy at store and some previous restrictions don’t make sense:

freeze freeze

As said before, you still on that bossy middle aged white lady fantasy.

what part are you living in? they've never limited what we could buy in store in oakland county. they didnt have cases up north. we had them down here. or do you think thats a conspiracy? There were a lot of cases in detroit. Less in outlying areas. Different restrictions. I'm not defending her personally, but people seem to find fault in whatever she does that makes them uncomfortable.
what part are you living in? they've never limited what we could buy in store in oakland county. they didnt have cases up north. we had them down here. or do you think thats a conspiracy? There were a lot of cases in detroit. Less in outlying areas. Different restrictions. I'm not defending her personally, but people seem to find fault in whatever she does that makes them uncomfortable.

I live in the West Coast again now but used to live in the Midwest.
Thread likes to rain down on states that ease up, but those that clamp down shouldn’t get a pass.
Governors with high density, high unemployment, high poverty rate cites have to do better. Most vulnerable citizens are there. That’s a public health disgrace. Better outreach, more testing needed.
Fyi: all those examples I wrote before were actual statewide restrictions cited in local news.
I live in the West Coast again now but used to live in the Midwest.
Thread likes to rain down on states that ease up, but those that clamp down shouldn’t get a pass.
Governors with high density, high unemployment, high poverty rate cites have to do better. Most vulnerable citizens are there. That’s a public health disgrace. Better outreach, more testing needed.
Fyi: all those examples I wrote before were actual statewide restrictions cited in local news.

I agree with most of that for sure.

what the hell is this with liquor in nyc ?
who cares about all the damn bars
if it was up to me all the bars would be shut down and by the way my father was an alcoholic so i'm not to keen on liquor

why cant marijuana just become legal in nyc and that will help with taxes and open up so called small business and take care of all the money the state has been losing way before coronavirus
Virus or nothingburger.
I don’t want this lockdown to end. Ever.
People are cretin’s.

Agreed, other than my all of a sudden anxiety that I never really experienced before this, things have been great with the lockdown lol. We are supposed to be opening our lobbies up next month but they have been paying us to work one week on and one week off. I will have had 6 weeks paid off that I didn’t have to use any PTO for if we open up when they are shooting for.
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This is good data. Shows that there are not a ton of asymptomatic people. There's a lot of presymptomatic people, but less than half are truly asymptomatic.

One thing I'm trying to figure though -- what percent of people are susceptible to infection? Like if you took 100 people and sprayed them with coronavirus, how many would get an infection?

I can't find data on that. Based on some case reports of outbreaks like the Diamond Princess, the % infected ranges from 20-40%, but it's hard to say what % were exposed, so these are merely lower bounds.

edit: The reason I'm trying to figure that out is let's say hypothetically only 20% of people can get infected by Covid-19. Maybe the other 80% have genetic differences or something else that makes them somehow immune. Then that could explain the pandemic falling off after ~20% of people get infected. But it seems like this isn't true. In this case study, nearly 90% of people got infected. It's worth noting though that this was an older group:

"Among 61 persons who attended a March 10 choir practice at which one person was known to be symptomatic, 53 cases were identified, including 33 confirmed and 20 probable cases (secondary attack rates of 53.3% among confirmed cases and 86.7% among all cases)."

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