Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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i was going to have my first non-home cooked meal today (In-N-Out) but then came in here and now I'm unsure


Honestly, I think this thread, while helpful, will just drive you insane if you let it. I've never stopped eating out througout this entire time and if anything, the food stores staying open have been doing a great job of practicing safety. You really think as much as places are struggling, they wanna be on the news for being a "source" of people getting sick and being shut down?

If you're in this thread, clearly you're aware of how to practice good social distancing by now. So go enjoy a double double, already. Just use a fork to eat those animal fries and you'll be good.
We are still avg about 1k deaths per day and at 114k total with 2M confirmed cases. We haven't even got off the first wave and people want to get back to normal
I have friends who have asked to come over for dinner with the kids and immediately reply with 'nope, too soon.'
is anyone especially in nyc using the citizen app tracking feature for covid-19

i can get it working on one phone but its not working on another

W.H.O., don’t help the conspiracy peddlers

Every time an important institution stumbles, it lends credibility to dangerous conspiracy theories.

That’s what I thought about the communications flub this week by the World Health Organization, which was forced to retract a comment from an official who initially said transmission of the coronavirus by people without symptoms was “very rare.”

A day later, the organization said it didn’t mean what it had said. Multiple scientific studies have found that roughly one-third or more of all coronavirus infections were transmitted by people before they ever felt symptoms. That’s why virtually all scientists and governments are recommending that everyone wear face coverings; it’s hard to tell who might be infectious.

This wasn’t the first time that public health organizations sent the wrong message. Remember the W.H.O., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others initially said that the general public didn’t benefit from face coverings, and then their guidelines changed.

The initial discouragement about masks was so definitive that the U.S. Surgeon General scolded people for buying them — even while there were questions from the beginning about whether this guidance was correct.

Public officials can’t fail like this when they communicate to the public about the coronavirus.

When people lose faith in what public officials say, it plays into the hands of people who fan misinformation and conspiracy theories online. A key tactic of baseless online conspiracies like those in the “Plandemic” video is to prey on people’s concerns that government organizations or public institutions are hiding the truth from us.

Charlie Warzel, an Opinion writer for The Times, has written before that health experts should communicate clearly what they know and be up front about what they don’t know. That is the essential way to build trust with the public.

What we’ve learned from the coronavirus is that we still don’t know very much about this new disease. Bad communication or overconfident proclamations from our leaders is exactly what we don’t need.

So today is my first day back to work after being home for 2 weeks. Because of where i work i am mandated to get tested twice a week which sucks but after my first test i tested positive so immediately had to go home. Thankfully i was fortunate enough to not have any symptoms at all. So i had to retest last week and was cleared to come back to work. Low key wished i could of stayed home for the rest of the week LOL
So today is my first day back to work after being home for 2 weeks. Because of where i work i am mandated to get tested twice a week which sucks but after my first test i tested positive so immediately had to go home. Thankfully i was fortunate enough to not have any symptoms at all. So i had to retest last week and was cleared to come back to work. Low key wished i could of stayed home for the rest of the week LOL

our family has been eating a ton of take out through this whole thing. our local businesses have been taking a huge hit so we've been supporting our favorites. i've felt more comfortable zipping into a restaurant to grab food than when i'm walking around costco or whole foods anyway. we probably wouldn't be doing the same if we lived in an area with plenty of covid cases though.

That slow steady increase is exactly what's happening in my county as well. I don't understand how city, state, and county health officials are allowing everything to open if infections were already rising consistently during the shutdown. Things can only get worse as more people interact with one another. My county even went so far as to eliminate the mandatory mask policy in favor of making it a suggestion instead. SMH.

this is Orange County, CA? If so then good, they deserve this. Bunch of idiots and entitled Karens in there complaining and whining over guidelines that would SAVE THEIR LIVES. The county health director quit because she got death threats over her mask orders.

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