Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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LONG BEACH, Calif. (KRON) –- The Big West Conference announced this week’s men’s and women’s basketball tournament will be played without spectators in response to the coronavirus outbreak

Other poster made the topic about how he never gets sick.

On a change of pace real quick, hows yall immunte systems?

I was stating I usually see it as people who get sick often, though it never gets that bad and people who get sick once in a blue but hits them hard. Im. Part of the former, and I prefer that than being bedridden for a week.
Y'all still hitting the gym amidst all this ****?

I haven't been in 3 weeks as it's probably the most dirtiest places you can be. But also feel like lack of exercise will hurt my immune system. Catch 22

I haven't been for 2 weeks (mainly because I was sick) but I went this past Saturday. Not for long though. I'll probably adjust my schedule to go in the middle of the night 2-3 times a week.
Trump probably is tested twice a day and 3 times on Sunday. There’s no way his people are letting a 75 year old overweight man not get tested when he’s been in contact with people self quarantining. Don’t believe that idiot.
I'm thinking of where I'd hypothetically go if I get the coronavirus (but well enough not to be hospitalized)

I can't stay home. Too many other people are there.. but idk where I'd be able to stay.
Gonna switch gym schedule to
I'm thinking of where I'd hypothetically go if I get the coronavirus (but well enough not to be hospitalized)

I can't stay home. Too many other people are there.. but idk where I'd be able to stay.
This is my dilemma - not for me as I live alone but my fams. Where the f do they go if my brother who lives with them gets it?

Switching my gym schedule to 4:30am. Gotta get my Jocko Willink on
100 Burpees/day + Run outside.....Natural UV Kills COVID-19

has UV exposure been documented? I heard Dr John Campbell saying this morning that the virus could (surprisingly) survive in 98 degree temps according to a recent study, but no mention of UV
I'm thinking of where I'd hypothetically go if I get the coronavirus (but well enough not to be hospitalized)

I can't stay home. Too many other people are there.. but idk where I'd be able to stay.

If you live at home, I mean I can only think of wearing a mask so you dont get anyone infected and disinfecting everything and anything you touch. Disinfect the bathroom, the kitchen and stay in your room mostly. Realistically, what else can you do?
I'm thinking of where I'd hypothetically go if I get the coronavirus (but well enough not to be hospitalized)

I can't stay home. Too many other people are there.. but idk where I'd be able to stay.

Ideally, separate bed/bathroom, door closed, mask on for minimal airborne exposure to others. Only open the door for a second when food/drink is left for you.
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