Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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You can compare it to Spanish flu, you can distance it from the seasonal flu, whatever your heart desires.

Back to reality:
96-97% recovery rate.
Are you being obtuse on purpose?

Spanish Flu = Pandemic

Covid-19 = Pandemic

Pandemic = Pandemic

Seasonal Flu =/= Pandemic

I don't know how to break it down simpler for you
This thing is growing at exponential rates.

The numbers today dont mean ****.

I would suggest not holding on so tightly to any preconceived notions you my have had.
Are you being obtuse on purpose?

Spanish Flu = Pandemic

Covid-19 = Pandemic

Pandemic = Pandemic

Seasonal Flu =/= Pandemic

I don't know how to break it down simpler for you

Youve been trying to give me an answer to a question I didnt really even ask about. That wasnt even the point I was trying to make.
Is it cause of a lack of reporting and testing?

AFRICA is the most important component to Communist China's ONE BELT ONE ROAD Initiative.
CCP China controls W.H.O. and Tedros (Ethiopia).
Already lots of Anti-China sentiment brewing in Africa.
8 Million Chinese nationals travel and/or live in Africa for this ONE BELT ONE ROAD project
CCP already took control (and ownership) of major Ports in Africa due to Debt Defaults by African Countries.

Overlay ONE BELT ONE ROAD project and COVID -19 Map...100% perfect match.

ITALY is EU's #1 proponent for ONE BELT ONE ROAD
You asked why I'm comparing it to the Spanish Flu but not the Seasonal Flu.

That's the answer.

I actually didnt. Maybe its the way I talk/type/ but no I wasnt asking cause that wasnt the point I was trying to make in the first place.

3-4% mortality rate
96-97% recovery rate.
Today, the US numbers are similar to where Italy was ~10 days ago. Do your families a favor and prepare for social distancing/isolation, if you haven’t already. Several weeks ago when it became clear where this thing was headed, I thought about who would take care of my family if I (or my wife) got sick and needed to be placed in isolation (or worse) and that was enough to convince me to plan ahead. Hoping most of you have done the same.
I actually didnt. Maybe its the way I talk/type/ but no I wasnt asking cause that wasnt the point I was trying to make in the first place.

3-4% mortality rate
96-97% recovery rate.
If you ever start panicking I’ll know we are all F’d so keep being you.
That being said, when the mortality rate exceeds that of the Spanish Flu with no end in sight, you just can’t help but compare the two. I know I have.
Today, the US numbers are similar to where Italy was ~10 days ago. Do your families a favor and prepare for social distancing/isolation, if you haven’t already. Several weeks ago when it became clear where this thing was headed, I thought about who would take care of my family if I (or my wife) got sick and needed to be placed in isolation (or worse) and that was enough to convince me to plan ahead. Hoping most of you have done the same.


We can argue all day back and forth but this thing is gonna do what its gonna do.

Regardless of the skepticism.

And the Spanish Flu had the SAME 3% mortality rate! With exponential growth that alone should be a huge cause of concern.
If you ever start panicking I’ll know we are all F’d so keep being you.
That being said, when the mortality rate exceeds that of the Spanish Flu with no end in sight, you just can’t help but compare the two. I know I have.

Stay prepared, have a plan, social distance, etc.

Not even gonna mention the mortality rate anymore. People are scared to get it (with good reason) but that 96-97% recovery rate sounds pretty good to me.
crazy how everyone in my office is acting like the virus does not exist

We can argue all day back and forth but this thing is gonna do what its gonna do.

Regardless of the skepticism.

And the Spanish Flu had the SAME 3% mortality rate! With exponential growth that alone should be a huge cause of concern.

Oh so it had the SAME 97% recovery rate too? Wow.
while recoveries are high, and mortality rates are low, to me what makes this thing so dangerous and even make those two other stats somewhat, i wouldnt say irrelevant, but less important, is how contagious this virus is. its already had massive effects on the routines and economies of areas that are affected. and if this goes on longer, who knows what will happen. also, i dont know the numbers but how many of the recoveries were admitted to hospitals? are there actual cases that got better by just staying at home?
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