Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I actually didnt. Maybe its the way I talk/type/ but no I wasnt asking cause that wasnt the point I was trying to make in the first place.

3-4% mortality rate
96-97% recovery rate.
Lipsitch predicts that within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19

So let's use the LOW estimate of 40%

The worlds population is 7.8 billion

40% of 7.8 billion is 3,120,000,000 infected

Let's use the LOW estimated mortality rate of Covid-19 of 3%

If 3% of 3,120,000,000 = 93,600,000 dying
while recoveries are high, and mortality rates are low, to me what makes this thing so dangerous and even make those two other stats somewhat, i wouldnt say irrelevant, but less important, is how contagious this virus is. its already had massive effects on the routines and economies of areas that are affected. and if this goes on longer, who knows what will happen. also, i dont know the numbers but how many of the recoveries were admitted to hospitals? are there actual cases that got better by just staying at home?


Its growing exponentially and on a massive scale 3-4% is a staggering # of deaths.

And that's if it stays at that %.

So let's use the LOW estimate of 40%

The worlds population is 7.8 billion

40% of 7.8 billion is 3,120,000,000 infected

Let's use the LOW estimated mortality rate of Covid-19 of 3%

If 3% of 3,120,000,000 = 93,600,000 dying

So let me jump over to your side and stress myself out crazy.

One Belt One Road


On another note.

Friend came back from Paris/London, asked to chill. Yeah..I aint seeing him for a while.

Another friend went toa “daybreak” party, basically a club that starts at 7am here in NYC. First of all, who the hell is waking up to go party at 7am, second of all why the helllll would you even think of partying in NYC with all this happening.
On another note.

Friend came back from Paris/London, asked to chill. Yeah..I aint seeing him for a while.

Another friend went toa “daybreak” party, basically a club that starts at 7am here in NYC. First of all, who the hell is waking up to go party at 7am, second of all why the helllll would you even think of partying in NYC with all this happening.
Why not? You have a 96% chance of survival.
me and my whole squad, about 30 of us got bottles set up at club here in Chi for St Patty's. Fairly stupid, but living in a highly populated city, not sure what we can really do, can't stay home for a whole year smh
I actually didnt. Maybe its the way I talk/type/ but no I wasnt asking cause that wasnt the point I was trying to make in the first place.

3-4% mortality rate
96-97% recovery rate.
But you do realize how high 3 percent is right?

Flu has a mortality rate of less than one percent and I believe it averages between 25-60k deaths a year or more

The Spanish flu that killed tens of millions had a mortality rate of 2 percent I believe because of how much it had spread

3 to 4 is too high. Accurate number is likely lower, just not enough ppl being tested to get an accurate number
I am in a call center, and regardless of the number of emails sent out, signs every 10 feet, asking people to stay home if they are sick, people are still showing up to work coughing everywhere. There is probably a pretty high chance that someone in this building is already infected and spreading it. Corporate won't close and can't force people to go home and use sick time/pto. My aim now is to create as much panic and hysteria around it in hopes of shutting down for a couple weeks.
The nurses in my department are having way too much fun with this.

Also, I couldn't get all the details, but an MD I work with was describing the scene in Seattle where colleagues of theirs are seeing young, strong pts come down with heart problems once they get passed the pneumonia.

Gaia has had enough!

You can compare it to Spanish flu, you can distance it from the seasonal flu, whatever your heart desires.

Back to reality:
96-97% recovery rate.
It’s overconfident people like you that makes these things spread more than it would. If everyone just treated this as something to be concerned about and did their best to avoid this becoming a pandemic (already is) , we wouldn’t be here today.

Seasonal flu mortality rate: 0.1%
Covid-19 mortality rate: 3.4%

do you know how big of a difference that number is when applied to the world population? Before you suggest it’s only the elderly who are at risk, remember they’re people too, and one day you’ll be a member of the elderly.
Young people assume they have a strong immune system. There’s plenty of prediabetic or anemic young people out there who don’t know it.
The world ain’t all positive, stop trying to bend the facts in your favor so you can sleep better at night.
I am in a call center, and regardless of the number of emails sent out, signs every 10 feet, asking people to stay home if they are sick, people are still showing up to work coughing everywhere. There is probably a pretty high chance that someone in this building is already infected and spreading it. Corporate won't close and can't force people to go home and use sick time/pto. My aim now is to create as much panic and hysteria around it in hopes of shutting down for a couple weeks.

Almost entire Call Center in SKorea got infected...over 50 people...they suspect from Elevator, Venting ducts,
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