Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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no ones asking you to do this
we are just asking you to stop saying dumb **** like it's just the flu and my friend is a nurse and she went to europe so its no big deal
I don't understand this. My dad is a doctor. He's on vacation overseas now and I'm still worried for him :lol:. Medical and Healthcare professionals can still catch and spread the disease... In fact that's how the spread started in ny, cuz of a doctor at a conference
Comparing it to the flu was such a big mistake. That needs to stop now. Some people took that to mean it’s basically the flu and no big deal ignoring how fast it spreads and how certain people are very vulnerable to it.
Almost entire Call Center in SKorea got infected...over 50 people...they suspect from Elevator, Venting ducts,
I work at a hospital and we had just moved from a 25 yr old building to a new-ish building last month to get our hospital up to new standards.

Anyway, at a meeting the other day, we were told that if during the admitting of a patient if we suspect coronavirus we have to bring said patient to the old building and wait for ambulance there because they suspect that the virus would spread too easily through our vents at the new hospital :lol:


Also if anyone was curious, our hospital isn't meant for airborne or droplet precaution like that we don't have the space, so they'd have to be treated somewhere else
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But you do realize how high 3 percent is right?

Flu has a mortality rate of less than one percent and I believe it averages between 25-60k deaths a year or more

The Spanish flu that killed tens of millions had a mortality rate of 2 percent I believe because of how much it had spread

3 to 4 is too high. Accurate number is likely lower, just not enough ppl being tested to get an accurate number
We don't know the mortality rate or infection count. So few people have been tested, and also self quarantined without going into a hospital.

We can't guess either way, NYT even reported that government is discouraging testing.

It has likely been out for months, with infections in the millions globally.
I have no source but judging by the reaction theres more to covid 19 than were being told about.. my job has just freaked out and cancelled everything outside the office until further notice :smh:
Was going to Charlotte next week just for a quick get away .... now idk about flying anywhere .

no cases confirmed there but still
We don't know the mortality rate or infection count. So few people have been tested, and also self quarantined without going into a hospital.

We can't guess either way, NYT even reported that government is discouraging testing.

It has likely been out for months, with infections in the millions globally.
Yea I think I read that nyt article too. If infection is in the millions then that 3-4 percent mortality rate is inaccurate.
In person classes are cancelled at my school because of the Corona Virus, starting tomorrow through the 17th.
my hospital is about to go on lockdown
every non medical person is getting screened before entering hospital
anyone who has traveled recently is being sent home as precaution

my hospital is one of the designated pediatric isolation units in the country for these types of outbreaks
our whole top floor has been built to support these special cases but we damn sure don't have enough beds for whats about to come
All my business trips have been cancelled. My am going to cancel my vacation in May but Jetblue still tryna make pay that cancellation fee. They gonna have to eat that L sooner than later.

They’re only waiving the fee for travel through 4/30. That may get extended.
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It’s overconfident people like you that makes these things spread more than it would. If everyone just treated this as something to be concerned about and did their best to avoid this becoming a pandemic (already is) , we wouldn’t be here today.

Seasonal flu mortality rate: 0.1%
Covid-19 mortality rate: 3.4%

do you know how big of a difference that number is when applied to the world population? Before you suggest it’s only the elderly who are at risk, remember they’re people too, and one day you’ll be a member of the elderly.
Young people assume they have a strong immune system. There’s plenty of prediabetic or anemic young people out there who don’t know it.
The world ain’t all positive, stop trying to bend the facts in your favor so you can sleep better at night.

Im not bending facts, im choosing with one to dictate my mental health. :lol:
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