Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Covid-19 can live in the air for several hours and on some surfaces for as long as two to three days, tests by U.S. government and other scientists have found - ABC

now that the virus is in USA, scientists are collecting samples and analyzing. it seems USA is caught in the middle of the outbreak. On the west is Asia and on The East is Europe and Africa. It is not looking good for north america :smh
I don't *have coronavirus, I'm just sick of corona's.
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Not seeing anything about a lockdown in Denmark. Most recent news I could find was from a few hours ago; it said Denmark was changing their strategy to mitigating the damage as attempts to keep it out have failed.
The polar difference between how Asian countries reacted and how Western countries reacted is super interesting.

Basically everyone in Asia are masked-out and super cautious, while Western countries have taking nonchalant attitudes towards it. Definitely see both sides but it should really be studied which approach results in least damage. I'm always on the side of long-term thinking > short term pleasure but hey, who am I to take away people's choices
I’ve heard that those masks are ineffective because they can trap the germs from virus.
This is no longer about preventing the virus from coming to Denmark, now it's about slowing the virus down, so the health system can keep up with the demand.

Government is shutting down public services, so financial resources can be allocated to prevent private sector from collapsing.

Danes are being asked to change their habits and behavior to associate less with each other.

-Denmark has a tenfold increase in infected.
-Denmark implements drastic measure to prevent health system collapse.
-Is going to implement new legislation to allow authorities to enforce restrictions.
-School pupils, students and public servants in non-essential positions are to stay home next 14 days.
-No gatherings above 100 people, night clubs are recommended to stay closed next 14 days.
-Moving forward, Denmark is not going to test based on suspicion, but based on severity of symptoms.

where are you seeing this?
Live on Danish TV

This is no longer about preventing the virus from coming to Denmark, now it's about slowing the virus down, so the health system can keep up with the demand.

This is the big picture, folks. It's not about you and your personal wants/needs.
I’ve heard that those masks are ineffective because they can trap the germs from virus.
I feel like this is only being pushed because there is a shortage here in the u.s. in both what the amount sold to the public and also the amount sold to hospitals.

it doesn't make sense to me otherwise.

so the masks are ineffective and only good for ppl that are already sick but hospital workers should wear them because..? either they work or they don't work. which is it?

but but but the public doesn't know how to use them anyway!

so educate the public..??

those mask are ineffective if u aren't taking proper percussions, all n' all they're a comfort item. if u are maintaining sanitary then what's the point?
I've been coughed on like two or three times within a short period of time despite doing everything asked of me by the govt (washing hands for 20+ seconds, not touching face, etc.)

washing your hands for 20 seconds does nothing to prevent you from breathing in whatever somebody else sneezes/coughs out into the air if you're within breathing distance.
Here's another reason why we're doomed if there are no government mandated restrictions implemented:
Got someone at work who lives in the county where a cluster developed, bunch of people testing positive there and this person willingly commutes from there to work on public transportation even though people are being allowed to work from home. When asked why they are still coming in and risking it, this person had no answer. They will continue to come in because the company is not enforcing a company wide telecommuting policy.
The time of long public commutes is allowing this to spread. The world is easily accessible because of the duration with travel is cut down now. let's hope people are slowly bringing their unnecessary travel to minimum

Do we think they're talking about how to develop a cure or how financial institutions should be prepared to deal with customers who are unable to pay their mortgages and credit card bills and what kind of assistance the Fed is prepared to provide to banks in order to ensure they don't fail?
washing your hands for 20 seconds does nothing to prevent you from breathing in whatever somebody else sneezes/coughs out into the air if you're within breathing distance.

Exactly. Which is why the hand sanitizer hoarding is a waste of time.

By all means, stay clean. While it appears the virus can live for a couple days on hard surfaces most of the passing of this virus is gonna be from simply breathing it in, unfortunately.
Do we think they're talking about how to develop a cure or how financial institutions should be prepared to deal with customers who are unable to pay their mortgages and credit card bills and what kind of assistance the Fed is prepared to provide to banks in order to ensure they don't fail?



I've got a certified weapon grade anxiety disorder, so for me it's an easy call.

But the primary concern shouldn't be about getting the bug, the concern should be about getting stuck. This is developing and transportation is going to be severely affected. You don't want to be stuck on the road or in an airport with thousands of other people.

Yea but I’m driving down there to avoid all the craziness with flights but I stillhave it in the back of my head is it really worth it?
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