Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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This is no longer about preventing the virus from coming to Denmark, now it's about slowing the virus down, so the health system can keep up with the demand.

Government is shutting down public services, so financial resources can be allocated to prevent private sector from collapsing.

Danes are being asked to change their habits and behavior to associate less with each other.

-Denmark has a tenfold increase in infected.
-Denmark implements drastic measure to prevent health system collapse.
-Is going to implement new legislation to allow authorities to enforce restrictions.
-School pupils, students and public servants in non-essential positions are to stay home next 14 days.
-No gatherings above 100 people, night clubs are recommended to stay closed next 14 days.
-Moving forward, Denmark is not going to test based on suspicion, but based on severity of symptoms.

Live on Danish TV

Man those are strong statements.
Is that what Italy did too? I thought Lockdown meant no travel within the country and everyone quarantines for a certain amount of time.
NCAA President Emmert: Only essential staff, limited family attendance at championships including basketball tournaments.



There is no doubt that this crisis will end eventually, and while it is most important (to me) that humanity survives as unscathed as possible, it is also important that we emerge out of it into a reasonably healthy economy that allows us to continue with our daily lives. While it is frustrating to feel that the economy is even placed in high regard when there is so much human suffering, there is no doubt it is an important piece of the big picture.
Yea but I’m driving down there to avoid all the craziness with flights but I stillhave it in the back of my head is it really worth it?

There's a really high chance that you'll be fine, but there's also a small chance you won't. Only you can decide if it's worth it. <-capt. obvious
Man those are strong statements.
Is that what Italy did too? I thought Lockdown meant no travel within the country and everyone quarantines for a certain amount of time.

I think, it would be unfair to called it benefiting from Italy's failures, because Italy was hit first. It's probably a lot easier to react so decisively, because Italy became the canary in the coal mine. Danish PM said, they are heeding hard earned lessons from Italy, which are: Slow the spread down as much as possible.

Bottom line: "We have to stand united, by staying divided."

China's Belt & Road makes headway at Liege Airport in Belgium
Belt & Road News
April 19, 2019

Liege Airport in Southern Belgium is the latest City to benefit from the China proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), as the launch of New Direct Flights and Freight Rail Connections to China is driving growth and opening up new doors in relations between both countries.
With an ever growing number of Chinese tourists and entrepreneurs benefiting from new transport routes to make their way to the Belgian city, Liege is fast turning into a vibrant commercial hub thanks to its flourishing e-commerce and Digital Hub (eHub) platform.
As things stand, Liege Airport is Belgium’s largest cargo airport and one of the most important air cargo hubs in continental Europe. Luc Partoune, CEO of Liege Airport, believes that Liege, because of the central location in Europe, “has developed a strategy regarding full cargo freighters that is the seventh largest cargo airport in Europe and ranked in the top 30 in the world”.
The mortality rate of COVID-19 might be 3% but it's mostly the older generation. If you have a compromised respiratory system you are at a much higher risk.
See this is what scares me. I have asthma so when I get sick(cold/flu) it’s a lot worse. Then, I read that coronavirus is really bad for people with respiratory problems and it makes me feel more sketched out.
Young people are gonna be the reason this won't end anytime soon regardless of what quarantine rules are put in place. Colleges are closing and the students first reaction is "Time to party!!"Parties where people share shot glasses, hook up with random strangers, and are packed up against each other.

If you think 100% of the population is gonna stay locked in their home to prevent spread, you're delusional. So stop trying to convince people to take it more seriously because if they aren't already, nothing you say will change that.
All I need now is for the NBA to cancel fan attendance and I'll come out of this vacation cancellation with nothing out of pocket, as it should be.

NCAAs and the Warriors are the first dominos to fall....I have no doubt in the coming weeks all sporting leagues will have to follow suit.
See this is what scares me. I have asthma so when I get sick(cold/flu) it’s a lot worse. Then, I read that coronavirus is really bad for people with respiratory problems and it makes me feel more sketched out.
I would be too, tbh.
I'll admit, went ahead and got a little care-package I've been pilling up. I'm fortunate my employer stocks the stuff. Tbh, ima be real, we be jugging that $#@&.
If you think 100% of the population is gonna stay locked in their home to prevent spread, you're delusional. So stop trying to convince people to take it more seriously because if they aren't already, nothing you say will change that.

I don't think most young Americans will take it seriously until it affects their loved ones, their favorite celebrities, and influencers.
I would be too, tbh.
I'll admit, went ahead and got a little care-package I've been pilling up. I'm fortunate my employer stocks the stuff. Tbh, ima be real, we be jugging that $#@&.


Same. Lets just say there is a large quantity of N95 masks there and I'm going back for seconds very soon....

And no I don't feel bad b/c it isn't a healthcare facility and nobody ever uses them anyways.
One of the residents passed in the ICU with complications related to covid few days ago. One of my coworkers got infected and tested positive a few days back, wearing PAPR and all.
first of all i'm sorry to hear that.
I had a question, though? do you think your coworker could have gotten infected from when they took the suit off? like don't you guys have some sort of spray or something before taking the suit off? or maybe they got it from someone other than the patient while they were out in public? i'm just trying to understand how someone could still get it even wearing everything needed to prevent infection.

(because its alarming tbh)
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