Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I went to a Lupe Fiasco concert two weeks ago (first concert in 2 years), I was a little uncomfortable at first (it wasn’t very crowded) but had a few drinks and let my guard down lol. I had a great time and am happy to say two weeks later I didn’t catch covid from it.

Going to a show the day after thanksgiving def felt risky though.
I forgot to mention that the venue did actually check for vaccine status, I’ve heard a lot of concerts haven’t actually checked.

That reminds me, I took the fam to universal studios last weekend for Grinchmas and was impressed with the level of compliance there and in LA in general. Los Angeles requires indoor and outdoor masking, along with proof of vaccine or test at many places. I was surprised with how many people actually wore good quality masks and very few defying the rules completely. I expected a small crowd, but it’s obvious that people are embracing the rules and actually WANT to go places where they feel protected. No wonder LA has done so great after last winter’s devastating surge. Night and day compared to my county where we’ve endured a perpetual surge due to lack of public compliance.
Moms test came back positive today.
3/5 positive in my household.
my wife and daughter (2 y/o) tested negative early on. But are getting retested today.
initially it was my daughter that first got sick but tested negative. Weird.
hopefully she doesn’t get it cuz she would get sick all over again. It does seem like it’s getting better in the house but Dayumb this is so annoying.
godspeed bro! were yall boosted or anything? curious....
Just read an article where a city near me has no confirmed Omarion cases but it was detected in the sewer water. We living in a simulation b!
Just read an article where a city near me has no confirmed Omarion cases but it was detected in the sewer water. We living in a simulation b!
Only a small number of positive cases in the US are sent in for genomic sequencing to determine the variant. Based on what you said, just assume Omicron is circulating in your city.
Is there any evidence that Omarion is causing a surge in hospitalizations anywhere?

I’m seeing a lot of “milder than Delta,” but not much else.
Is there any evidence that Omarion is causing a surge in hospitalizations anywhere?

I’m seeing a lot of “milder than Delta,” but not much else.

I think it’s too early to tell - hospitalisations and deaths lag a few weeks behind infections - people don’t become seriously ill overnight, they gradually get worse. We’ll know more about Christmas time.
I think it’s too early to tell - hospitalisations and deaths lag a few weeks behind infections - people don’t become seriously I’ll overnight, they gradually get worse. We’ll know more about Christmas time.
I get that, but we’re about 3 weeks in already. Usually by the time you’re symptomatic you have under a week before you turn a corner or really **** the bed.

Might be early, but I’m optimistic.
This is a really good graph from a well designed study - placebo and properly blinded (neither the subject or the tester knows who got the placebo).


Obviously it’s days along the bottom and each box on the blue line is another case in those who got the placebo and the orange line is a case in those who got 2 Pfizer vaccines. You can see that after about a week (how long the immune system takes to react) that the cases diverge significantly - there were a small number in the vaccinated group but way more in the unvaccinated. They also report few adverse reactions - about the same as other vaccines against viruses.

Full thing available here -https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577
I get that, but we’re about 3 weeks in already. Usually by the time you’re symptomatic you have under a week before you turn a corner or really **** the bed.

Might be early, but I’m optimistic.
yeah it's still early and the picture is complicated (so many people have either prior infections and/or vaccination now that it's difficult to compare omicron head-to-head with other variants).

but it's looking ok. this variant spreads rapidly but no evidence I've seen that it's making people sicker. that may just be because everybody has some immunity now. so this may just be our future for years to come.
godspeed bro! were yall boosted or anything? curious....
I just don’t trust it yet. I have the anthrax vaccines (9 total shots) after a few boosters I had a reaction where my arm was swollen for3 months n didn’t go away for 6 months. I was in the mili so I had no choice back then. So I’m-hesitant about getting inoculated with anything I’m not familiar with. My wife is still in the military and is fighting not to get it but it looks like she will be at least getting one shot before she gets out. She feels the same way I do about the vaccine.
but yeah she popped positive a day ago :lol:
so now everyone tested positive in the house except my 2 y/o who was the first one sick. Almost out of the scary hours now. It’s a big relief but still not done.
I just don’t trust it yet. I have the anthrax vaccines (9 total shots) after a few boosters I had a reaction where my arm was swollen for3 months n didn’t go away for 6 months. I was in the mili so I had no choice back then. So I’m-hesitant about getting inoculated with anything I’m not familiar with. My wife is still in the military and is fighting not to get it but it looks like she will be at least getting one shot before she gets out. She feels the same way I do about the vaccine.
but yeah she popped positive a day ago :lol:
so now everyone tested positive in the house except my 2 y/o who was the first one sick. Almost out of the scary hours now. It’s a big relief but still not done.
Hope everyone in your household gets out of this fine. srs

But I would be lying if I wasn't reading this post like...
Hope everyone in your household gets out of this fine. srs

But I would be lying if I wasn't reading this post like...
It’s not that I’m a anti vaxer, it’s just that the whole immun hasn’t had enough case studies for me. If there was more clinical trials n study’s I would be on board. I’m a big believer in the yearly flu shot.
I worked in medical and gave over thousands of immunizations from small pox to yellow fever to everything under the sun. But this is rushed and reminds me of the anthrax situation after 9/11.

Preciate all the well wishes Rudy and Koala 🙏🏼
It’s not that I’m a anti vaxer, it’s just that the whole immun hasn’t had enough case studies for me. If there was more clinical trials n study’s I would be on board. I’m a big believer in the yearly flu shot.
I worked in medical and gave over thousands of immunizations from small pox to yellow fever to everything under the sun. But this is rushed and reminds me of the anthrax situation after 9/11.

Preciate all the well wishes Rudy and Koala 🙏🏼
Dude, the speed at which the vaccines came to market has been explained a bunch of times.

Also, you are saying you need more clinical trials to trust its safety,?Really? At best have tens of thousands of participants in those trials

In comparison, over 4 billion people have gotten a Covid vaccine worldwide. Over 200 million in the United States

That is way bigger than any clinical trial would have

You are free to believe what you want, and do what you want in regards to vaccines

I am not calling you an anti-vaxxer.

Your reasoning behind your views comes off as flawed IMO. It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

But all that said, again, most important thing is you and your family are healthy. So I wish you all the best and hope your can your mind in the future.
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Dude, the speed at which the vaccines came to market has been explained a bunch of times.

Also, you are saying you need more clinical trials to trust its safety,?Really? At best have tens of thousands of participants in those trials

In comparison, over 4 billion people have gotten a Covid vaccine worldwide. Over 200 million in the United States

That is way bigger than any clinical trial would have

You are free to believe what you want, and do what you want in regards to vaccines

I am not calling you an anti-vaxxer.

Your reasoning behind your views comes off as flawed IMO. It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

But all that said, again, most important thing is you and your family are healthy. So I wish you all the best and hope your can your mind in the future.
All those numbers don’t mean anything if there’s no history of people with immunization past a yr or so. How can u deny that?
people swear there is medicine and a pill for everything under the sun. It sounds nice that we can create a cure in less than 6 months for this virus but I just won’t trust it until a little later. It sounds pessimistic but I just need more proof than millions of people getting the shot.
All those numbers don’t mean anything if there’s no history of people with immunization past a yr or so. How can u deny that?
people swear there is medicine and a pill for everything under the sun. It sounds nice that we can create a cure in less than 6 months for this virus but I just won’t trust it until a little later. It sounds pessimistic but I just need more proof than millions of people getting the shot.
-Phase 1 trials for Moderna started in March of 2020. Pfizer in April

So there has been nearly 19 to 20 months since the first people have gotten the vaccine

Phase 3 trials started that summer. So we are approaching a year and a half for that group

We have been immunizing people for just over a year now. That is the history

I am not denying that. I am just not putting the same amount of negative weight on that information as you are.

-I have no idea what the point of " is medicine and a pill for everything under the sun. It sounds nice that we can create a cure in less than 6 months for this virus" is even supposed to mean beyond a flippant strawman of vaccine advocates.

Most of the world-leading minds in the field worked on these vaccines. And they are not claiming vaccines are the cure to covid.

So you are either being disingenuous there (mispresenting what vaccine advocates are arguing), or you don't understand how these vaccines were created (especially what made the timeline possible), and how vaccines actually work.

Billions of people have gotten covid vaccines, hundreds of millions in America. It is not a few million, it is way more

If you need more evidence than that, personally, ok that is your right to think what you think.

With all due respect, honestly, but your argument just comes off as a bit irrational.

I just hope time makes you change your mind.
If Covid gets weaker will you guys continue to get vaccines?

like say 3 years from now it’s not putting stress on the hospitals like it is now I’ll probably pass tbh.
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