Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Daughter was born with VSD (small hole in her heart) hearing the myocarditis side effects has me staying as far away as possible from getting her vaxxed. Shes 5.

I am double vaxxed and so is the wife. I hate this sh.

I listened to the Dr. Mcullough Joe Rogan podcast. That was a trip. Honestly i have no idea who to trust/listen to/ or do.

Do share.
Daughter was born with VSD (small hole in her heart) hearing the myocarditis side effects has me staying as far away as possible from getting her vaxxed. Shes 5.

I am double vaxxed and so is the wife. I hate this sh.

I listened to the Dr. Mcullough Joe Rogan podcast. That was a trip. Honestly i have no idea who to trust/listen to/ or do.
Absolutely. For some reason it’s hard for people to properly assess risk of vaccine side effects against complications caused by disease itself. Placebo is the infection, not a sugar pill.
My job having me tell people they have to get vaccinated. not really worried about anybody except for 2 people I def know are in the maga crowd. :lol: Should be a fun convo
People flout science everyday b, look at obesity rates and how many people smoke everyday. Im just saying I'm not surprised at how little the science of the vaccine plays into peoples decision about it.
I listened to the Dr. Mcullough Joe Rogan podcast. That was a trip. Honestly i have no idea who to trust/listen to/ or do.

Probably a good rule of thumb to listen to the opposite of what's promoted on the Joe Rogan podcast




Press briefing in Denmark.


Director of the Danish Agency for Patient Safety:
-Nursing homes and other special care residences now allow covid-positives to work.
-But from a health professional perspective, it is obviously not an acceptable solution.

Director of Danish CDC:
-Omicron infection rate can't be flattened.
-Most people can expect to get infected with Omicron this winter.
My mom told me half her school is at home due to Covid. Teachers were sick and now need to quarantine along with their class. Worst part is the principal was hesitant to report the cases to the main office.
My mom told me half her school is at home due to Covid. Teachers were sick and now need to quarantine along with their class. Worst part is the principal was hesitant to report the cases to the main office.
I’m worried a lot of schools are letting down their guard right before the holidays, holding indoor plays/performances, allowing class parties, etc. Same goes for offices having potlucks and parties as well. This will just get the ball rolling for ideal conditions for COVID spread when families gather for Christmas next week.
I’m worried a lot of schools are letting down their guard right before the holidays, holding indoor plays/performances, allowing class parties, etc. Same goes for offices having potlucks and parties as well. This will just get the ball rolling for ideal conditions for COVID spread when families gather for Christmas next week.

My school site has the worst protocols, no testing after exposure/close contact. We haven't gotten a single notification for any positive cases since before Thanksgiving which is obviously a bunch of BS because we didn't just cure Covid here.
For those relying on at home tests for the holidays and other meet ups, please try to test as close to gathering as possible and demand the same from your guests. If you look close, you can see the bottom line is faint but present on test #3 as the viral load was low enough to register but continued increasing by test #4.

ANY sign of a line is indication of a positive test, even if it is barely visible.
We're still repeating the same mistakes hoping for better results each time...

Better late than never...

To be fair, I haven't seen any evidence that J&J recipients are dying in droves so the T cell immunity has to be legit.
Can someone give me the cliffs, like are we to expect other types of strands of this, and is there a possibility for strands to be more serious than the Delta.
Can someone give me the cliffs, like are we to expect other types of strands of this, and is there a possibility for strands to be more serious than the Delta.
Cliffs: Yes

Seriously though, that Atlantic article I posted above gives you a good idea of where we've been, where we are, and where we're headed. It's not a pretty picture.
Cliffs: Yes
It’s just so much to keep up with, and I’m not trying to let my guard down, I work with people who flat out refuse to get vaxxed to lessen the severity of it. Hell, one of them still thinks that it’s a hoax. Even after she got it. Plus my wife is a teacher and I legit be concerned because not of the pupils, but their parents.
It’s just so much to keep up with, and I’m not trying to let my guard down, I work with people who flat out refuse to get vaxxed to lessen the severity of it. Hell, one of them still thinks that it’s a hoax. Even after she got it. Plus my wife is a teacher and I legit be concerned because not of the pupils, but their parents.

Vaccinate, boost, stay away from crowded indoor places, wear the best masks you can buy, think twice about any indoor/unmasked gatherings with people regardless of vaccination status. Every activity should include a risk assessment that includes whether it's worth getting infected. For me, the answer is almost always no.
mutations and variants are a means of survival. kill off the weak strains, the resistant ones move on the become the dominant strain. as time goes on mutations are an inevitability of gene replication/reproduction, and then it just keeps branching off from there. gotta stop it in its tracks hard at one time to eradicate it.

everytime humanity thinks we're getting close to getting close to progress, COVID is like


hold my beer. survival of the fittest.

edit: added explanation
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