Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Yeah I feel like these arguments only devolve into pettiness after one side's views get challenged to the point where the person can't provide reasonable explanation or justification of their position. That's when feelings start to get hurt.

The problem is this should never be about feelings. This is science. This is public health. You have a dissenting opinion? Fine, just don't cry foul when others disagree with you. If you find that you can't back up your position with compelling evidence, it might be time to change your position or, at the very least, start seriously reconsidering.
Or they can just bow out, say good convo and keep it moving then, but the ego must win.
I see that problem all the time on reddit. kids or dumb adults get into arguments with me but don't know how to argue or reason. I point out they're dumb and they react by stalking my account and reading my posts from 2 years ago. They call me a bad person for calling camgirls and adult actresses hot on subreddits made for that kinda stuff.
Same. Now I don't feel so bad about dragging my feet. :lol:

Y'all see Cornell getting lit up right now? Really hope that's not the bellwether for Omarion.

It's clear that vaccines will have little effect on Omicron transmission. It's all about preventing severe disease by getting your booster at this point.
Booster booked for next week. Moderna double and now have to get Pfizer...only avaialble. Hopefully cross contamination is cool
Moderna shot one gave me dead arm that was it...shot two had me messed up for 3 days. Felt like i had a terrible flu it was legit miserable.
Taking my daughter to get her vaccine today. Hoping vaccine approval for 3 year olds get approved next year. Want Fozz jr. protected too.

Dose 1?
Got my kids scheduled for dose 2 next Monday, 6 weeks after their first dose. Really praying to lord santa they can stay safe until then. In all their infinite wisdom, the school has been keeping students inside their stuffy classrooms (doors closed, of course) to eat lunch since it's been cold and rainy even though they've got covered areas with benches. Told my kids to put their masks up between bites, but I'm sure they "forget" what dumb dad says as soon as I'm out of sight.
Booster booked for next week. Moderna double and now have to get Pfizer...only avaialble. Hopefully cross contamination is cool
Moderna shot one gave me dead arm that was it...shot two had me messed up for 3 days. Felt like i had a terrible flu it was legit miserable.

Wow, 3 days! Expect to feel less side effects from Pfizer based on everything I've heard. Even my Moderna boost didn't have me feeling near as bad after the 8 month gap.
Dose 1?
Got my kids scheduled for dose 2 next Monday, 6 weeks after their first dose. Really praying to lord santa they can stay safe until then. In all their infinite wisdom, the school has been keeping students inside their stuffy classrooms (doors closed, of course) to eat lunch since it's been cold and rainy even though they've got covered areas with benches. Told my kids to put their masks up between bites, but I'm sure they "forget" what dumb dad says as soon as I'm out of sight.
Yup, dose 1! Now my wife and I are trying to get my son to wear a mask. He still thinks we're just playing games lol.
These MAGA deplorables are something else, man. Since NY state reinstated mask mandates in indoor spaces, a bunch of people are harassing small businesses on social media and trying to stage boycotts of the businesses that comply with the mandate.

Destroy small, local businesses over something they have no control over to own the libs. Moronic and pathetic.
Would y'all uninvite family members from an XMas gathering if they had no intentions of getting boostered? They are double vaxxed, can get boostered, but just don't feel like it.

Is the answer the same if there is someone attending that is immunocompromised?
Would y'all uninvite family members from an XMas gathering if they had no intentions of getting boostered? They are double vaxxed, can get boostered, but just don't feel like it.

Is the answer the same if there is someone attending that is immunocompromised?
IMHO, spending time indoors unmasked with anyone outside of your household regardless of vaccine status is asking for trouble, unless everyone takes a rapid test immediately beforehand. We’ll have a brief (~1hr) visit with my parents and grandparents to open gifts and everyone will be masked. No meal, drinks, nothing. I’ve spent plenty of holidays with them and I see them often enough that it’s no big deal to me. The rest of the fam will gather, but I won’t be surprised if some end up sick. Last Christmas my brother and his whole family tested positive right after they all gathered for Christmas and everyone else was freaking out quarantining and testing. Not me…
Would y'all uninvite family members from an XMas gathering if they had no intentions of getting boostered? They are double vaxxed, can get boostered, but just don't feel like it.

Is the answer the same if there is someone attending that is immunocompromised?
I think it comes down to your comfort level. I'm sure there are plenty of family members on my wife's side who are on the same boat. My wife and I decided we would have a quick stop, be masked up, and get on our way. Do not want to risk any of us getting sick.
Good news Moderna gang, we still winning!

Sorry J&J’ers…

I knew I wanted Moderna - it’s now what we’re nearly exclusively using for boosters around here - I’m fairly sure because you only get a half dose so it’s a lot more cost-effective - but it’s great to know that it works too.
Just scheduled a test for the 23rd, so we can make sure we’re good to see my father in law, sister-in-law & her husband on Xmas day. They are all getting tested too on the same day, and then isolating until then. Just trying to be as cautious as possible with my wife. Everyone is boosted too.

Had to tell my mom again that we won’t be able to see her for Xmas, due to my younger brother & his family not being vaccinated, in addition to some kids of my sisters too. Just too risky for someone who is immunosuppressed.
Gonna get boosted on Friday. It was actually harder to get an appointment than I thought CVS website been f’in up the last two weeks and showing no available appointments in a 25 mile radius. Walgreen’s didn’t have anything for 2 weeks out. Costco held me down tho.

Dunno why folks ain’t tryna get the booster.
Daughter was born with VSD (small hole in her heart) hearing the myocarditis side effects has me staying as far away as possible from getting her vaxxed. Shes 5.

I am double vaxxed and so is the wife. I hate this sh.

I listened to the Dr. Mcullough Joe Rogan podcast. That was a trip. Honestly i have no idea who to trust/listen to/ or do.
Daughter was born with VSD (small hole in her heart) hearing the myocarditis side effects has me staying as far away as possible from getting her vaxxed. Shes 5.

I am double vaxxed and so is the wife. I hate this sh.

I listened to the Dr. Mcullough Joe Rogan podcast. That was a trip. Honestly i have no idea who to trust/listen to/ or do.
Have you spoken with her pediatrician and/or specialist (if applicable) about it? I haven’t heard of a single case of vaccine induced myocarditis in the 5-11 age group, FWIW.
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Just found out I got covid again. Started feeling flu like symptoms Monday, got tested that afternoon, and the rapid/pcr tests were negative. Started feeling better yesterday and got another test to make sure I didn't go too early. Yesterday's rapid was negative, but the per showed positive. Overall mild symptoms, no loss of taste/smell.

Had it around this same time last year, mild symptoms. Got double vaxxed in march/april. Been wanting to take the booster but guess I gotta wait now.
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